An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • N.drew

    It probably takes me longer to post my mini posts then it does for Shelby to posts her books! Haha!

    Let me please take this opportunity to say that it pleased es* the Lord when we share and when we get along just fine! Peace!

    *Just a stupid joke that only I think is funny. wibble or was it wipple. I forget!

  • AGuest
    when we hear it from our Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... by means of the anointing with holy spirit that HE has given us.

    Not sure if you're referring to the name, dear SOG (again, peace to you!), then I would say, yes, by all means! I would also say, though, that once you DO hear it... you won't be ABLE to use any other... without YOUR spirit feeling... ummmmm... "inadequate" is the word that comes to mind... and possibly HIS spirit "reminding" you of the error. But that's how discipline (training) works, isn't it? We move forward... not looking/going BACK.

    Other than, perhaps, to help another "lost" one, of course... in which case, we should do what we can to bring them UP... OUT of the crag, right? Not (a) leave them down in it... or (b) climb down and hang out there with them. Right?

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    You're okay in MY "book(s)", dear N.drew - LOLOLOLOL!

    Peace to you, dear one!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    How has this discussion derailed from the original questions to discourse on the proper name and pronunciation of said name when referring to the mythical Jesus or his father? WOW>

    Q - your point is well taken and a perspective that I too had not seen before this thread, that consideration of the 'problem' and application of 'false premise', or other arguments without base, creates dishonesty - though most of that is likely unintentional, or diversionary. When seeking to defend the indefensible, what other choices are there, one supposes?

    In all honesty, I can imagine this discussion taking place 1000 years in the future among those who have somehow 'uncovered' the 'writings' of Milne. They would be busy defending the pronunciation of the 'Savior' name - is it Christopher Rob-ins or Christopher Roe-bins? And was the discovery of the honey pot just a metaphor for the salvation of humankind? Did Eyor speak - was it the first miracle? And when Tigger arrived on the scene, was he the antipathy of Winnie or was he in fact the 'destroyer' sent to confuse mankind and keep them from following the 'Lord' Christopher?

    And why not? Those writings could be inspired by God couldn't they? Perhaps someday archeology will defend our belief that WtP came to point the way to eternal salvation to those humans who pay attention.

    In the meantime - back at the ranch - those same 14 million children will starve to death this year, and a billion or so Christians will pray for them not to - and God will not answer those prayers. [Of course A Guest has already explained that only those approved servants are listened to by God, and of course they must not be interested in saving those children unless it is at an alter and baptismal pool perhaps.]

    This too, Q, this willingness to sacrifice millions of innocent children in support of a doctrinal belief system is the ultimate immorality isn't it? Instead of waking, smelling the coffee, they are just 'waiting on Jehovah', just like they did as Jw's. For surely 'God is good' - how dare we accuse him of ignoring the beastly reality of famine and death - he is not ignoring - just not dealing with it. He is LOVE!

    Wow. The level of dissonance is amazing.

    Well, I for one like the idea of praying to Joe Pecsi. I get about the same percentage of result and I can put a face with the name.


  • Qcmbr

    Always good to have you admit how you really view us AG.

  • sizemik
    So, I am asking what YOU believe an answer that held water would be/look like. . . . AGuest

    To quote a famous searcher from the past "If I knew what I was looking for . . . it wouldn't be research would it" I don't believe that conundrum has been solved but like you say, I'm just ME.

    But apparently it solves it for others.

    I don't speak for others . . . nor do I go by appearances only. So I won't go there, it's too subjective.

    At what point, then, do YOU accept that... and move on? . . . AGuest

    When I find the answer, or for other reasons decide to. Are you taking exception to my participation here?

  • Qcmbr

    Agreed AK Jeff. Just hope the rising generation are less intellectually encumbered and do a better job of this world and of grappling with the real issues than we've managed so far.

  • tec

    There is no reverse, if we have millions doing bad, then it is a reflection on all those doing good.

    I have not responded, because I don't understand the point you're making, in return for the point I was making. Some elaboration would be appreciated, thank you :)

    So the fact that people are helping makes the point that those people that they ARE helping are suffering completely moot? I think that since human beings have to help each other (impossible to help everyone) that is yet another reason to see why God isn't there. He lets

    measly little humans quibble and suffer and try to support each other while he watches on.

    No. My point was more like this:

    If you cannot accept that good being in the world, means that god is good... then how can you propose that evil being in the world, means that god is evil?

    Do you credit God for all the good things man does... or do you only credit God for all the evil things man does (lack of acting is a deed, the same as acting)?



  • tec

    Absolutely. This thread distils down to one of the things I hadn't realised about god belief until I got outside of it. It makes you justify immoral positions and to call them good. We have had page after page of frankly pathetic argument attempting to justify an unsupportable position. This is why god belief can be so tragic, it so often turns good people into blithering idiots.

    And what might be the 'tragic' reason for your continued insults, or condescension, and what seems to be deliberate misunderstanding of the responses given to you?

    The simple unarguable position is that the continuance of suffering when the means to remove it exists and is achievable is an immoral position. This fact condemns individuals through to governments. As a thought exercise it also condemns people's pretend gods unless they can successfully show that their god either does not have the power or the ability to help.

    If it were an inarguable position, then this thread would not be 60 pages long. That you are on one side of the argument while others are on the other side means nothing more than that. You think one way, others think another way.

    In the face of pages of sad apology and the lack of a serious debate ( there are lots of grown up, philosophical arguments that we could have chewed over on this thread as its a fascinating topic but we allowed AG and her convert to stifle any intellect and drive straight into an emotional hippy hug whine fest about how lovely their magic man is and how horrid and close minded it is to dare blame him for anything or question anything they may have posted, it's a pattern on pretty much every thread ) ; the final fall back position to this unstimulated thinker is to mock since no metaphysical thread has a hope in hell of escaping AGs bedtime stories.

    This does not become true just because you tend to repeat it over and over again. Just proves (to me) that you do not listen to anything other than to what you want to hear. Because it has been answered. I have answered everything you have asked. You ignore those answers.

    And your fallback might be to mock, but it is not that way for everyone. Thankfully.



  • tec

    Jeff, allow me please to sum up what I think your problem is with believers.

    You are not angry with God (obviously, right, as you don't believe in him).

    You are angry/disgusted/impatient/whatever with those of us who believe in Him, and yet do not blame him for the suffering of the world.

    You are so angry/annoyed/disgusted/sad/whatever because we waste time on belief and pointless prayer that could better be put to use in actually helping.

    Is that the summation of your belief?

    If so, then I would like to point out that we do not sit back, doing nothing, praying for God to fi things. In fact, He says YOU do something. He says YOU loosen the chains of oppression. YOU feed the hungry, clothe the poor, care for you neighbor and enemy alike. YOU do it. Even Paul says that if you bless someone, and wish them well... then what good is that, if you do not also physically clothe/feed/help him?

    So if we are listening to God, and to His Son, then we are out there doing these things. If your issue is then that we also pray and believe, then what do you care? Why take issue with that, if the end goal is the same... compassion and love for our fellow man, and those in need?



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