An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Qcmbr

    Just admit it Tec - AG could say Jesus eats babies and you wouldn't dare disagree. :) night.

  • ShadesofGrey

    Ah, well, this discussion has helped me. I have learned from it. I don't understand some of the anymousity, but being in the middle and seeing both sides has always been a strength/failing of mine.

    Love to you ane yours!

    A fellow human, Shades

  • N.drew
  • Twitch

    For what it's worth, much respect to AKJeff, qcmbr, sizmik, Uber, OTWO, jay88, still thinking, etc for continuing with this thread. Your points and reasoning do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Kudos to you gentlemen.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm gonna have a read of this later...not in this frame of mind today...thanks aguest for replying and trying to clarify.

    Looks like more interesting comments to mull over...cheers all

  • jay88

    You are correct, Tammy my comment does not make since without a bit of an explanation,...I will get back to on that


    Why did the god of the bible allow "Cain" to kill "Abel"?

  • N.drew

    ND on a separate note your posts are gradually making more sense, I feel a little more like I'm talking / listening to someone rather than watching a random thought generator. Thanks.

    So nice of you to notice me! That is so funny! Um, your welcome! I never heard of such a thing as RTG. LOL! So of course I googled it!

    Have you ever been in a conversation where there's just way to much awkward silence? Don't you wish you can just think of a topic to talk about?Well.....Finally, after months of long nights and no sleep, I can bring you the latest, and probably most insignificant, big thing on the Internet. At the push of a button, state of the art technology brings you a random topic to discuss amongst your friends....or you can just screw around with it.

    Prepare to be Amazed!

  • tec

    Thanks for that Jay. I'll watch for it.

    As per your other question:

    Because "Cain" was a creature of free will the same as anyone else. He did try to warn him what would come if he continued to hold onto his anger and resentment - that sin would take him. "Cain" was having none of that though. The story does not say that God knew Abel was dead until Abel's blood was 'crying out' from the ground, however.



  • N.drew

    I think me and useless crap have the same genes. I'm pretty sure my dad didn't sleep around so I wonder how it happened?

  • AGuest
    How has this discussion derailed from the original questions to discourse on the proper name and pronunciation of said name when referring to the mythical Jesus or his father? WOW>

    Oh, c'mon, Jeff (peace to you!)... posts can sometimes be "living" documents of sorts... and so go off/back on topic, even evolve. Especially once the original though has run its course. And... well, we've pretty much beat the horse that is the issue of the original questions to death, IMHO(and, judging from some other comments, others' opinions, as well. Even some on your "side" - SA shakes head). Is there really anything more to be said about that, then? Really? "You" all have said... ad nauseum... that YOU don't believe it's been answered (which I find totally laughable... since even some of YOU apparently "answered" it, for yourselves).

    That you don't have the... ummmmm... honesty... to admit that what "you" REALLY mean is "not answered by believers to OUR satisfaction" is... well, another thing altogether, is it not? And telling. But really, as to those questions, this thread has turned into nothing much more than a game of "whack a mole." Not sure who's whacking... and who's the mole... but I have a bit of a headache...

    Look, "you" will not be satisfied until one of "us" concedes to YOUR way of thinking, YOUR conclusions, as set out in the three options you gave in the OP. I HAVE to ask, though: if... after almost 60 pages, close to 1,200 posts, and nearing 15,000 views... we have not changed our "answer"... what in the WORLD makes you think we WILL? What in the world makes you THINK... you will get any one of us to choose one of your options when we've told you that our position is that there are others... others which you REFUSE to acknowledge?

    I don't think it's "us" who's being irrational, illogical... and bypassing critical thinking, here, dear one. Not by any stretch. To the contrary, I think in light of all that's been said here... by all who've said it... that by still thinking our responses are going to change to one of your options... "you" are the one(s) who've gone past all reason and rationale.

    But I ain't mad at'cha!


    YOUR servant, even if you want me to cop to something I won't... CAN'T... because it ISN'T logical or TRUE... and a slave of Christ,


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