An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut

    Tammy, I love your sweet innocence.

    The story from Christian believers in the Bible's "truth" as seen by a pre-teen could easily go with these:

    God created everything with a purpose. God created dinosaurs.
    God killed everything except for what was on that ark and there are no dinosaurs today. God killed the dinosaurs at the flood. Either that, or you have to believe the earth is much older than the Bible indicates that it is and that while all of the science of evolution is false, science somehow gets the general facts about dinosaurs right.

    As far as homosexuals go, when things got "wicked," the flood came. When things got "wicked" in a homosexual sense, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Therefore, God hates homosexuality, as clearly attested to in other parts of the Bible. Somehow, God's targets for the flood must have been (or at least included) homosexuals.

  • tec

    Tammy, I love your sweet innocence.

    LOL. No, you don't.

    OTWO, a twelve year old could come to those conclusions, but a twelve year old would have to have been fed those things to begin with, yes? Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed because of their wicked homose x uality is an opinion; interpretation. The bible also gives no indication whatsoever about the age of the earth. So no reason to connect Noah's flood with dinosaurs unless someone feeds you that interpretation/opinion.

    Funny that a twelve year thinking the bible is silly comes to that on her own, but one who thinks there is truth in it is being led.



  • PSacramento

    69 pages?

    Something strangely symbolic in that, LOL !!

  • ShadesofGrey

    God created everything with a purpose. God created dinosaurs.
    God killed everything except for what was on that ark and there are no dinosaurs today. God killed the dinosaurs at the flood. Either that, or you have to believe the earth is much older than the Bible indicates that it is and that while all of the science of evolution is false, science somehow gets the general facts about dinosaurs right.

    Actually, science doesn't get dinosaurs right. They are still finding things that are very surprising. Enjoy.

    This shifting perspective clicked with Schweitzer's intuitions that dinosaur remains were more than chunks of stone. Once, when she was working with a T. rex skeleton harvested from Hell Creek, she noticed that the fossil exuded a distinctly organic odor. "It smelled just like one of the cadavers we had in the lab who had been treated with chemotherapy before he died," she says. Given the conventional wisdom that such fossils were made up entirely of minerals, Schweitzer was anxious when mentioning this to Horner. "But he said, 'Oh, yeah, all Hell Creek bones smell,'" she says. To most old-line paleontologists, the smell of death didn't even register. To Schweitzer, it meant that traces of life might still cling to those bones.

    She had already seen signs of exceptional preservation in the early 1990s, while she was studying the technical aspects of adhering fossil slices to microscope slides. One day a collaborator brought a T. rex slide to a conference and showed it to a pathologist, who examined it under a microscope. "The guy looked at it and said, 'Do you realize you've got red blood cells in that bone?' " Schweitzer remembers. "My colleague brought it back and showed me, and I just got goose bumps, because everyone knows these things don't last for 65 million years."

    Schweitzer, M.H., Suo, Z., Avci, R., Asara, J.M., Allen, M.A., Arce, F.T. and Horner, J.R., Analyses of soft tissue from Tyrannosaurus rex suggest the presence of protein, Science316(5822):277–280, 2007.

  • TheUbermensch
    ROFL! Science doesn't get dinosaurs right. They are still finding things that are very surprising. Enjoy.

    But luckily, SOG does, or at least more so than people who devote their lives to the study. Oh, how he laughs at them. For HE is much more informed than they are :D

    Religious arrogance at it's finest.

  • ShadesofGrey

    I apologize for the laugh. I was responding to a post with a similar attitude. The fact remains that science has much to learn about dinosaurs. They do not have everything right. Unfortunately, my disgusting attitude clouded that message.

    I am not perfect. I am ashamed.

    lo siento,

    Shades (a woman)

  • TheUbermensch
    The fact remains that science has much to learn about dinosaurs. They do not have everything right. Unfortunately, my disgusting attitude clouded that message.

    They never claimed to have everything right about the dinosaurs. They never claim to have everything right about anything. I don't understand where people get the idea that scientists ever claim to have absolute knowledge about anything.

    P.S. Sorry about the gender misunderstanding.

  • bohm

    science has much to learn about allmost everything, but what is the point about that observation?

  • ShadesofGrey

    OntheWayOut, I should personally apologize to you. I should not let superior attitudes rub off on me.

    Ubermensch, don't you see my pretty pink bunny ears? I kinda like them, so I keep the avatar. lol

    The particular fact that science has wrong is the reason of and the timing of the extinction of dinosaurs, which was the specific dinosaur fact that was being spoken of in relation to the flood. I have not stated which hypothesis I most agree with, and won't. My point is to provide factual information, you all can decide from there.

    Of course, anytime the words everything, nothing, never and always are used, one is asking to lose a debate. I should go back and edit my post so that it appears I never used those words. No... it's okay. Everyone knows I am not perfect.

  • bohm

    ShadesOfGray: What feature about the extinction of the dinosauers is it you believe science has gotten wrong and why?

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