Heal all child / spouse abusers. No one needs that.
Heal them how?
Introduce miracle medicine so that illness or accident can be solved rapidly and with the minimum of suffering.
Miracle medicine that man would not lord over his fellow man?
It is not the flesh that counts. In this life, sure... but in the long run, no. It is the spirit that counts.
Remove pain at childbirth.
Well, you'd have to change the flesh altogether... since the body stretches and tears and all sorts of things during childbirth, and a consequence of that is pain. We do have medicine that removes the pain (most of it). We just don't have medicine that removes the pain without anything negative for the child... yet.
But as a woman, pain at childbirth is a fleeting thing. Once its over, its over... as though it never happened.
Besides, that physical pain is nothing compared to the emotional trauma of parenting teenagers, (or the terrible two, threes, etc etc)
But again, it is the spirit that counts.
Give scientists the unifying theory that ties everything together.
I don't really understand what you mean here.
Cure all mental conditions so that everyone can actually make free will choices and enjoy a fullness of consciousness.
Got to think about this one a bit. Though mental conditions are an affliction of the flesh too, right?
Remove depression and headaches. Both useless.
How would you remove depression without removing the things that cause it? Do we know what causes it?
Headaches can be prevented a lot - eating, drinking, resting, sleeping enough. Can also be a warning sign of something that needs to be checked out.
Q - a lot of these are cures for physical ailments. Physical ailments that we would not have were we in spiritual bodies (one day, but not yet). The flesh is not promised such things. In fact, it is promised the opposite.
Remove the need for sleep since this is quite a useless trait and this would free up a lot of rooms.
I love sleep. We dream, we take a breather, we refresh... sometimes our greatest thoughts and 'eurekas' come from sleep or that point between sleep and waking. Sometimes we're more open to something during sleep (our subconsious at work), that we are too "smart" or "wise" for when awake.
Apologise for all the wasted lives, deaths and pain he's caused and also for presenting such a garbled message.
He hasn't caused any. That's the point. We have caused all of that.. be it through our need to dominate, our ignorance, our cruelty, or our apathy.
Immediately stop all earthquakes, natural disasters and extreme weather events.
How do you know that life on this planet or in this universe would be possible without those conditions?
Remove from all people's memories Star Wars 1-3
Ah... well, you might have me there.
(actually, I like them better than 4-6... now cast your stones!)