An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EntirelyPossible

    This would all be so simple of Jesus/God/Jehovah/Yahweh/Jahmischashoogena would just magically appear to all of us at the same time and clear all this up.

    He could implant the same message in our brain, take over all the internets, TV waves, appear in the sky to all mankind, someththing.

    Oh, and Allah is NOT shortened form of Hallelujah. At all. It's interesting, funny and sad when someone takes an English form of two ancient words from two different cultures, languages and alphabets and then thinks one comes from the other based on modern English forms of the words. Allah pre-dates Islam and shares a cognate with ancient Hebrew.

  • N.drew

    Maybe you haven't got a clue what's going down.

  • N.drew

    Poopsiecakes has bought her popcorn and you will disappoint her? And you have a choice, to entertain and you won't? And you call the non-god mean?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    NDrew what on earth are you talking about?

    Glad you said that. I haven't figured out a single goddammed thing he said throughout the thread. Drew talks in circles, Aguest writes books, tec seems nice but ignores the crux of every point made.

    THis entire thread is just maddening. None of the believers seem to be able or willing to address directly the very first post.

    Condensed: God ignores pain and death if he is real. Or he isn't real. Period. Which is it? And if he is real, and ignores the death of millions of innocent children every year - what possible reason would there be to worship an asshole like that?

    Inquiring minds want to know!


  • OnTheWayOut

    This one takes the cake:

    God is as Christ showed him to be. Hence, Christ is the truth. If you have seen Christ, then you have seen the Father. So if God is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.... then it is the things written in the past that are false, if they show God to be something other than what Christ showed him to be. That is the truth.

    I was going to comment on it, but it stands on it's own ridiculousness.

  • N.drew

    Hi Jeff, you know only that yourself is ignored by the god to relieve your suffering. You talk like you are every person. The reason of course, in case it isn't clear to you yet, is you lead people away from the living water, and you should drink from it?

    I'm a she. But I kind of like it being Halloween and somebody thinks I'm a he.

  • AGuest

    Well, I'm all out as to most of the "issues" that continue to be raised here (may you all have peace!)... as I believe every one has been properly, accurately, and completely responded to... by myself or another. That those to whom the responses are addressed don't GET it... well, I have no worries: I just chalk it up to being similar as, say, a JW not being able to "get" what they don't get, either... and why: they are drowning in so many "strongly entrenched things" that they just can't see land.

    How do I mean that here? I mean it in the sense that some are SO entrenched in their thinking that a "christian" really is only someone who calls themself so... who belongs to a religion that identifies itself as such (particularly if it calls ITSELF the "truth")... and who put their faith in the Bible, even calling it the "Word of God"... and the "God" of the OT... and [believe they] follow the teachings of Christ. You can explain try to them 50 ways from Sunday that NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with being a christian (i.e., chosen/anointed person)... but they won't get it. No matter WHAT you tell them... and even in spite of their proclamation to NOT believe in [a] God... they simply cannot move past the Bible, "Jehovah", "Yahweh", the OT... and more.

    So... at some point one has to realize that no matter WHAT you say... how many times you TRY to explain it... and HOW you explain it... these will not get it. Nor will they get that it is not YOUR fault that they don't get it, but their own. Which they can't see... because they don't WANT to see. Yes, yes, I know: "How can you say someone doesn't WANT to see, SA?" My response would actually be something they SHOULD be able to grasp: observation. If one SAYS one wants to know/hear/see... yet such one not only reject the things that must be done TO know/hear/see... not only disbelieve that anyone CAN know/hear/see... but deny, without reservation, the very One who grants them TO know/hear/see. "He" doesn't exist, per them. Yet, they demand a response FROM "Him." As if He is answerable to them... and not the other way around.

    Okay, then, so be it: do not believe. That God (and/or Christ) exist... or existed... or speak... or whatever it is you don't believe. That is the BEAUTY of free will: you have a CHOICE. And no one can MAKE you believe.

    There's another side of that free will, however, that such ones seem hellbent... and quite hypocritically so... on denying others: the choice TO believe. TO have faith. They, for some reason, cannot comprehend what free will truly IS. They want it for themselves, sure. Of course. But they don't see how, like those who try to MAKE others BELIEVE... they are doing the exact same thing: trying to MAKE others NOT believe. Both camps, therefore, feel that it is within THEIR power... to deny others their free will.

    Which is why I reject BOTH camps.

    Okay, enough of that. Moving on...

    Now you've quoted me in part and deliberately answered completely out of context by misrepresenting what the "it" is . . . exhaustively . . . and you damn well know it.

    I truly beg YOUR pardon, dear Size (peace to you!), but I absolutley DIDN'T "damn well know" what you were referring to. I took your comment to be within the context of the DISCUSSION... and so the question "why suffering"? I had NO idea you meant anything other than that. Even so, my response to what you DID mean would be the same as it has always been (see below).

    The "worthy" was a relative reference to what some appear to have and others don't by way of INFORMATION.

    For the gi-hundreth time, dear one: (1) there is NOTHING that I have in the way of information that YOU... or anyone else... CAN'T have; (2) I cannot answer for anyone but myself but I KNOW that I do not receive what I do because I am "worthy" - I am probably one of the most UNworthy of people; hence, it is due to MERCY and UNdeserved kindness... because I have exercised FAITH... IN the One who GIVE me such "information". And, finally, (3)... no one is worthy, dear one. NO ONE. Not a single human soul. Except One... and that is the One I listen to. It really is THAT simple.

    Now I "don't have a CLUE" and are without understanding to an astounding level, on what MERCY and UNdeserved kindness! are, and have never shown it . . .

    That you took that comment to mean you, Size, personally... given the content of this thread... is... well, interesting, dear Size. Truly.

    well thanks AGuest . . . sorry to have bugged you, but thank you for condescending to reply, with your 10 years experience and all, you are no doubt "worthy" to judge these matters.

    Oh, Lord... Seriously? I mean, really, seriously??

    It would appear I'm as hard hearted as Jeff after all.

    (Shaking head) See, again: I have never said that either you OR dear Jeff were hard-hearted. Not individually, at least. As part of Israel, however, well... Israel IS a hard-headed, hard-hearted, stiff-necked House. I know: I am Israel. Thus, I had to have MY hard-head humbled, MY hard heart softened... and MY stiff neck returned to movability.

    Allah is NOT shortened form of Hallelujah. At all.

    I have to disagree with you, dear EP (peace to you, as well!)... but do so by agreeing with points in your own comments. The phrase "Hallelujah"... is actually "Hallel u Jah" and means, "Praise you Jah!" It can be taken two ways: "Praise you, Jah", as in "We praise you, Jah"... or "Praise you Jah"... as in "You (people) praise Jah".

    It's interesting, funny and sad when someone takes an English form of two ancient words from two different cultures, languages and alphabets and then thinks one comes from the other based on modern English forms of the words.

    I disagree... and agree... dear one. The TERM "Allah", meaning "the [Highest] God"... does predate Islam; however, the NAME "Allah" was used by the sons of Ishmael and others as to false gods (including Baal). Those who USED this name, however, got it as I stated: a derivative of "Hallel u Jah". "Hallel" is an ancient Hebrew word, used today by both Jews and Muslims. Ishmael, the son of Abraham, a Hebrew, knew this term ("hallel u Jah")... and used it. As with the name "JaHVeH" among the Israelites/Jews, however, Ishmael's descendants eventually forgot the name of the True God... through lack of use as well as forming alliances with those who worshipped other gods. A large demographic of Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael. Israelites (and thus, Jews)... are the descedants of his younger brother, Isaac (who younger son, Jacob, was given the name "Israel").

    Although "Allah" was a false god (or gods)... Muhammed didn't change from using that name... because he believed that although those using it were involved in false worship, it WAS the name that Ishmael called God. It was not, though. It was the title/name that Ishmael's DESCENDANTS began calling God... when, after having moved further away from the Hebrew tongue... and their own evolved... someone derived it from a fragmented writing. Because, again, it was a TERM used to denote "the [Highest] God." Since it wasn't what "ISAAC" (meaning, his descendants) called God... with whom they had had enmity for centuries... they were happy to call Him anything BUT "JaHVeH" or "JaH."

    But... Muslims, Jews, and Christians ALL worship the same God... IF they worship the God "of Abraham." Which they all claim to do.

    Allah pre-dates Islam and shares a cognate with ancient Hebrew.

    So does "hallel u Jah," dear one.

    I hope this helps and, as always, peace to you!

    YOUR servant (of course!) and a slave of Christ,


  • sizemik
    That you took that comment to mean you, Size, personally... given the content of this thread... is... well, interesting, dear Size. Truly.

    Shelby . . . again . . . "that comment" was part of your answer addressed to me . . . how is that not personal?

    Is there nothing you can't twist to justify? . . . I think you could convince yourself the moon is made of green cheese.

    I'm done . . . this thread is an empty well now . . . I've learned all I can from it.

    By all means . . . have the last word . . .

  • AGuest
    Shelby . . . again . . . "that comment" was part of your answer addressed to me . . . how is that not personal?

    I think you and I have somehow greatly misunderstood one another, dear Size (again, peace to you!)... and so I had to go back and take a look. Here is what you asked:

    If this knowledge of God is available to all . . . then that implies that those that don't have access to it are lacking something . . . getting it wrong somehow. Has God decided already we are not worthy of it?

    Now, I took "it" (which you ask has God "decided" about)... as the knowledge OF God. And that is what I responded to... that it is about "worthiness". Because it isn't: it is about knowing His Son. For those who condescend TO know that Son... there is... wait, for it... MERCY. Which I have shared God knows how many times... even with you. Yet, you and others keep asking as to "worthiness". Not one word, though, about mercy... what it is... and why it's necessary and available. If, however, one KNOWS what mercy IS... one would know WHY it's necessary... and perhaps WHY it's available. In that case, the entire discussion of "worthiness"... would be concluded. No reason to ask as to that which you already know, yes?

    I'm not done, though. Although your QUESTION asked as to the "knowledge of God," which I responded to... you then assert that what you really were referring to was "what some have... and others don't... "by way of information." When I read THAT... I assumed you meant what certain ones HEAR, receive, see, etc. But that INFORMATION... comes from God's SON. Which takes the discussion back to how one can KNOW God: His... SON. To whom ALL have access to... if they WANT access.

    Shelby . . . again . . . "that comment" was part of your answer addressed to me . . . how is that not personal?

    It was general, dear one, truly. Just as your comments, although apparently directed at dear N.drew (peace to you, dear one!)... was also general. Rather than getting upset with you, however... I ASKED, and clarified that you COULDN'T have been addressing ME... because I didn't state what it SEEMED like you were saying I did. No offense... just gave you the benefit of the doubt. Even though... while you WERE indicating dear N.drew... you WERE directing your words to ME.

    But why should I take offense? Heck, we're all human... and this is an internet board. You know, where we communicate with written words... sans eye contact, body language, and... often... punctuation. Which leaves quite a LOT to personal speculation... and desires to jump to negative conclusions.

    Is there nothing you can't twist to justify? . . .

    Sigh. You know... I think I'm just going to have to chalk THIS discussion up to the different ways we here may think. As atheists and christians, believers and non-believers and, I think... as men and women. Because I think I'm speaking Martian (your language)... but you seem to be "hearing" something else (and I don't think it's Venetian, either). Perhaps I've learned a different "dialect"...

    Peace, dear Size, truly... and I hope you can bring yourself back to a place where you can give ME the same benefit of the doubt I try to give you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • tec

    Condensed: God ignores pain and death if he is real. Or he isn't real. Period. Which is it?

    It is neither. Which is why you think the question is being avoided. It isn't. It just isn't the answer you think is acceptable.

    I was going to comment on it, but it stands on it's own ridiculousness.

    That you would think anything OTHER than that, is as ridiculous to me as that simple truth is to you.

    Christ shows the Father. Not the Isrealites. Not the bible. Not the GB. Not the Pope. Not religion.

    Just Christ.

    Q- I think we need a thread just for that topic... but THANK YOU for taking the time to answer with what you think might work. If you could have enough patience to wait until tomorrow evening, I'll start another thread (or continue here, no matter) just for all those points. I think it could be a really good discussion.



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