An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AGuest

    That rings a bell!

    Not sure how, dear Q (again, peace to you!)... as what I posted was not even in the same class as what you posted from the WTBTS. I simply responded to "why"... not what will happen "because." That is not my call. Also, the WTBTS has always insinuated, even stated, that the "danger" comes from the Most Holy One of Israel... versus our Adversary. To the contrary, His is only an attempt to save folks FROM danger. Just like Adham thought HE knew what he was dealing with... but didn't... many of us don't, either. Out of love... the Most Holy One of Israel has provided a Light... to help us see our way through the darkness. If we CHOOSE the darkness, however, then who is to blame? My quotes only showed how and why the error is our's... and not God's.

    You could have eliminated pages and pages of gibberish if you would have said this earlier:

    I posted it in the very first paragraph of my very first post on this thread, dear Startingover (peace to you, too!), which, like you, dear Jeff (peace!) apparently overlooked. So I reposted it, for his benefit. Not MY fault if you... like some others... still fall back on your WTBTS-learned (and thus, minimally educated) habits of reading and comprehension (which usually turns out to be NOT reading... or comprehending).

    You assumed correctly, I do know what I am talking about.

    Apparently not, dear EP (as always, peace to you!). There is no English word "hallel". It is a Hebrew word accepted in English. Like "Gehenna". If my Lord was given me the ENGLISH rendition, he would have said, "Praise you, Jah."

    is a transliteration, letter substitution. Just because it is pronounced similarly in modern language has NOTHING to do with how it was pronounced or spelled in ancient Hebrew.

    I am referring the word "hallel", which means "praise" in Hebrew. You know, the plural imperative of which is "hallal"? The Arabic word (which my Lord did not speak to me) is "Alhamdulillah" (or "Praise you God... wait for it... Yah").

    [But wait - are you thinking that I'm comparing "hallel" (hallal) to "halal"... from the Islamic meaning "lawful"... as in Islamic meat?? If so, then we're talking apples (me) and oranges (you).]

    At any rate, I am not the only who knows this truth. I know a few Muslims and they agree. Apparently, so do some of these folks (the ones who claim to be Muslim):

    I didn't receive it from my Lord exactly as these state it, but we're not that far apart.

    Now, Similarly, Allah is not spelled or prounounced similarly in 600 year old Arabic. Trying to compare the words in modern English with a Latin alphabet is utterly and absolutely useless for historical comparisons.

    But totally fine for, say, "Jesus", "Jehovah", "Yahweh" and the like... yes? (BTW - I only included the Latin because it was in the definition - the Hebrew "he" is sometimes silent, which was assumed here, so they just did away with it. My Lord rarely addresses the Latin. Sometimes, but rarely.

    According to Shel, God's purpose was to hide the seed (from evil spirits) here on this unimportant planet. Man disobeyed, tipping the evil spirits off to where the seed was located. God is now, only going to take a few "choice humans" that share in the same likeness of the seed. So,.... God's purpose was not to save the world of its problems {that man has created via turning their back on him,.......}, but to preserve the seed. Right Shel?

    Not quite, dear Jay (as always, peace to you!). This planet is not unimportant, to God or to us (it is of utmost importance to some us even today, yes?). Man (as a group) did not disobey - one man did. God not going to take a few "choice" humans, not as you insinuate - He is going to preserve those seed who show themselves to be HIS "children". They do this by listening to His Son, the One He appointed to CALL such children... who does call them. Although they may hear, not all HEED the call, though... and follow this Son... so as to receive an anointing (choosing) FROM him... manifest by an outpouring of holy spirit (the blood of God, which is in HIM, and which he has authority to dispense)... through they become his [blood] "brothers"... and so one with him AND God.

    Those who show themselves to be the "children" of another He will not save; they must look to THEIR "father" to save them. Unfortunately, he can't and so they will receive the same "reward" as he does.

    For those who need to "see it in writing," I am to refer you to the parable of the wheat and weeds... and what occurs with the two "seeds" in that account... particularly those that become "weeds"... to the fate of their "father", the "wicked" one and "enemy" who sowed them (Revelation 20:10)... in contrast to what happens to the "fine seed"... and the One who sowed THEM.

    I hope this helps and clarifies for you dear boyz and, as always, peace to you ALL!

    A slave of Christ,


  • N.drew
    @ so how about answering my question N.drew ? How would you feel if it was YOUR family and loved ones starving to death or swept away in a tsunami?...would that be ok, because the world needs to learn tolerance?

    The interesting thing that I have learned about "how would you feel?" is I don't know how I would feel when the problem is theory. When the problem becomes real, I many times surprise myself and feel and/or act a way I never thought I would. If I knew that a tsunami was possilble, how to recognize one, and what to do and I kept the information to myself and did not share it when I had opportunity, then I would feel guilty if anyone died in it, but especially bad if my child did. I would never forget it and I don't know if I would ever forgive myself.

  • cofty

    My Lord rarely addresses the Latin. Sometimes, but rarely.

    Please stop it! I don't know whether to feel annoyed because you are insulting us or sad because of your persistent delusion or just be happy becasue you are content in your fantasy world.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    N.drew.... I was not asking if you had the ability to warn and did not....I am asking if God allowed your family to starve to death or be killed in a tsunami...would you be ok with that you said...the world needs to learn tolerance?

    Why do you take on the responsibility of blaming YOURSELF for the destruction of people and NOT God? You completly side stepped the issue. As if you have any control over what god allows or doesn't allow.

  • AGuest
    you mean Jesus is going to have a gay marriage to all the holy dudes

    Being married in spirit is not the same as being married in the flesh, so, no... no "gayness", dear Cofty (peace to you!). It's all asexual and sort of androgynous, actually (well, NEITHER male nor female, versus hermaphrodite-ish) .

    But I have say that you surprise me (many of you do with regard to your Bible/religious understanding... or should I say, lack thereof)... in that you apparently have entirely missed the point of why there is the "BRIDE" of Christ. That Bride consists of men and women... male AND female... all of whom will be NEITHER male nor female as spirits. Rather, they will be "like" the angels; hence, no reason to be "given in [physical] marriage."

    C'mon, man... at least bone up somewhat on what it IS some of us actually believe... before you run around trying to put it all down.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • jay88

    He is going to preserve those seed who show themselves to be HIS "children".


    Will all 7 billion on earth get a chance to "show themselves"?

  • AGuest
    I don't know whether to feel annoyed because you are insulting us or sad because of your persistent delusion or just be happy becasue you are content in your fantasy world.

    Feel however you wish, dear Cofty (peace!), but do not accuse me of insulting you. If you CHOOSE to feel insulted because I shared the truth... then that's on you, dear one. I would, though, were I you, ask myself why it is that the truth "insults" me.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • NewChapter

    Shelby, that was a bit insulting. Read it over again and see how you addressed people. Just my thoughts.


  • sizemik
    If I knew that a tsunami was possilble, how to recognize one, and what to do and I kept the information to myself and did not share it when I had opportunity, then I would feel guilty if anyone died in it, but especially bad if my child did. I would never forget it and I don't know if I would ever forgive myself. . . . N.drew

    That's very honest N.drew . . .

    So . . . God knows a tsunami is possible. God knows how to recognise one. God has the information. God keeps it to himself. God does not share it. God has the opportunity. God does nothing. Lot's of people die in tsunamis. Babies die in tsunamis. Do you think God feels guilty? Do you think God will ever be able to forgive himself?

    Shelby, that was a bit insulting. Read it over again and see how you addressed people.

    Good luck with that . . .

  • N.drew
    @ Why do you take on the responsibility of blaming YOURSELF for the destruction of people and NOT God? You completly side stepped the issue. As if you have any control over what god allows or doesn't allow.

    Still thinking, your asking the wrong person about that. I have not always been so nice. I have done some bad things. I am still hoping that I will be forgiven by God. I believe in God's grace, so I know I am forgiven when I ask truthfully, but I want to be someone who won't offend The Most Holy One ever again. I am seeking that place. And, you want to know something interesting? You all are helping me. So, thanks!.

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