The wonders of God's creation - Example 1, the tsetse fly

by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP

    Firstly death and dying is not a crime, its a part of life. So the tse tse fly bites and results in the deaths of many humans. Thats the cycle of life, some are killed others do the killing. To say anything has killed any number of humans is a tragedy is very short sighted. It is simply impossible for every human to live for ever and ever. Simple commonsense will tell you eventually you run out of resources and space. I dont like tsetse flies, but they have a purpose in this crazy planet we call home.

  • ziddina
    "Aaand you've never considered the possibility that your dyslexia goes deeper than mere letters, words and road directions???..." Zid, above
    "...This is an unnecessarily coarse thing to say...." Sab, above

    Sab, 'coarse', usually indicates cursing, especially barnyard-level cursing as opposed to Shakespearean curses... Or a fabric or material with a rough, oversized texture...

    I mentioned that, as a serious possibility...

    Perhaps you cannot see the utter illogic of believing in "magickal" beings, because, in addition to being dyslexic about letters, words, travel instructions and the like, you are also dyslexic when it comes to making logical choices as opposed to swallowing mythological tales and 'confidence' games whole...

  • sabastious
    Sab, 'coarse', usually indicates cursing, especially barnyard-level cursing as opposed to Shakespearean curses... Or a fabric or material with a rough, oversized texture...

    It was an unusual comment. You just found out I am dyslexic and you are already trying to convince me that's it's compelling evidence as to why I can't get over my god delusion. Too predictable Ziddina! A for effort, but it's you who are deluded, if only in the moment, about me and what I choose to swallow whole.


  • ziddina

    And while we're at it, you still - STILL - haven't answered my question that I first asked on page 7...

    "And you are aware of the fact that the earth "didn't start out with 'land and sea'...", are you?? Well, then what DID it start out with - for the first THREE BILLION YEARS or so, while we're at it...??"


    And the answer is?

  • cofty

    I dont like tsetse flies, but they have a purpose in this crazy planet we call home. - mP

    No they don't. That is a quaint, anthrocentric way of looking at the world.

    Nothing has a "purpose" in the sense you mean. Perhaps you would enjoy reading "The Selfish Gene".

    Sab - have you learned nothing in 8 pages? You have still to suggest why your designer invented parasites.

  • Vidqun

    Hi all. Sorry, I'm somewhat late for this thread, but allow me to enter the fray on thew side of Sabs. And I am still working through the comments. My initial thoughts:

    As usual, you are trying God in absentia, just like Job's false comforters all those years ago. Hopefully, one day God will stand up and defend himself. But now the defense of imperfect men will have to do.

    Let me ask you all a question: Would the tsetse fly (or the mosquito for that matter) have any effect on, say, Superman? Well, according to the Bible that's how Adam and Eve started out? The green stuff (krypton?) = sin, was added, and now mankind is not so super anymore.

    To defend their arms industry a French general commented that French cars kill off more people than French bullets. Another person said if a motor car was discovered now, it would be banned, because it was too dangerous. So is the purpose of the motor car designer to kill or to transport people? Whose fault is the carnage on the roads?

  • cantleave
    As usual, you are trying God in absentia

    Apollo, Bacchus, Bellona, Ceres, Cupid, Diana, Faunus, Flora, Janus, Juno, Jupiter,Lares Libintia, Maia, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mithras, Neptune, Ops, Pales, Plutomona,Proserpine,Saturn,Venus,Vertumnus,Vesta,Vulcan, Aesir, Andhrimnir, Angrbodr, Astrild, Atla, Adumla, Odin, Frigg, Jesus, Yahweh, whoever it is please come down and join the debate - show yourself!!!

    Oh when I think about it we probably need to get evidence fom Holler - the Norse god of disease and destruction. Let's Holler for the god Holler.

    Would the tsetse fly (or the mosquito for that matter) have any effect on, say, Superman?

    Ehhhhhh? So you admit the Bible is in the same category as DC Comics?

    sin, was added, and now mankind is not so super anymore.

    Wasn't this "sin" just god setting a cruel test, setting man to fail? So not only does he create detestable organism he then makes it impossible for Humans not to succomb to them. I am so glad my dad wasn't like this so called "heavenly father", my childhoos would have been even more fucked up than it was.

    So is the purpose of the motor car designer to kill or to transport people? Whose fault is the carnage on the roads?

    The motor car has a very clear beneficial purpose, give me the clear beneficial purpose of a retro virus, other than to propagate genetic material?

    Well, according to the Bible that's how Adam and Eve started out?

    So the could fly, had X-Ray vision, lift buildings and juggle with cars?

  • cantleave
    Hello cantleave, what exactly do you believe I am rejecting?

    Sorry I didn't make that clear. You are rejecting the scientific method which includes the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.

  • Heaven

    Sab./Sage I found an appropriate robe for you to wear

    Hey, I'd wear that. Needs a belt though.

  • Flat_Accent
    Would the tsetse fly (or the mosquito for that matter) have any effect on, say, Superman? Well, according to the Bible that's how Adam and Eve started out? The green stuff (krypton?) = sin, was added, and now mankind is not so super anymore.

    If tsetse flies were not originally designed to kill - in fact, if NOTHING was designed to kill/injure humans, then why do these creatures even exist? In order to survive this fly must feed off blood, and in doing so infects the host with one of these crappy diseases. This would apply to other animals as much as humans. So who created the fly with the necessity to feed on a live host? And who created the diseases it transmits, when prior to the 'fall of man' they were neither required nor desired for any part in God's plan?

    Either they are intended to kill, and sent by a capricious, malevolent God - or they're a wasted exercise of creation by a God who didn't know what he was doing. You cannot keep avoiding this.

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