The wonders of God's creation - Example 1, the tsetse fly

by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    If you think we can control parasites you have not the slightest clue about the natural world.

    According to you I don't have the slightest idea about much. We will be able to control parasites in the future. We control everything then because we can intricately manipulate the atom. Right now ,we are just a baked potato in the oven. That's why Revelation says this:

    Revelation 3 - 11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. 13 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

    We have to guard ourselves against people who take our "crown." God doesn't hold our hands like all the atheists require for him to be real. The famous Witness verse is also evidence of God's plan for humankind in general:

    Matthew 24 - 45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?

    While we wait we just try do the best we can with the tools available. When God decides to show himself, the stewardship of the human mind and the planet will not be in question.

    2 Timothy is also interesting in regards to how God, according to Paul, would like us to be:

    2 Timothy - 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


  • sabastious
    You make parasites sound like a minor inconvenience. Educate yourself Sab.

    I know all about parasites, I have studied them deeply. They were a hot topic for me for a while. However, just because something is a huge problem for us, doesn't mean it's a huge problem across the board.

    One of the working explanations from science today about why we haven't been contacted by aliens yet is because we are nothing to them. They use the analogy that you don't offer nuclear fusion to an anthill. When you see an anthill you don't think about meeting the leader and exchanging ideas, it's just an anthill. I think a similar concept should be applied to God. If his plan is for us to solve our own problems, then that's the plan. I don't see why that doesn't make sense and is beyond reasonable logic.


  • cofty

    In your world everything ever written is just a fortune cookie that you can interpret to suit your fantasies.

    I will leave you to your prognostications.

  • sabastious

    removed, I was confused

  • sabastious
    I will leave you to your prognostications.

    Excuse me? It's not prophecy. The future is written in stone in regards to our ability to completely control our environment from the atom up. We already can move atoms around and have proved that the same atom can exist in an infinite amount of separate locations. We have already discovered invisibility and have the ability to hide from time itself. It all sounds like science fiction and it was not very long ago.


  • processor
  • thetrueone

    When people derive their rationalized sense of logic for mystical writings, with little knowledge of secular sciences such as biological evolution.

    Its like trying to feed pablum to a baby who just spits it out. Sab. reminds me of many JWs who I have talked to on various subjects and to later

    realize that the person has little knowledge of any sciences. Their consumption of information has been locked down by reading religious

    material mostly from the WTS. In their possession were numerous books by the WTS. by not a single book in their library regarding the

    numerous sciences.

    Unfortunately since the information that they read has the prevailing provocation of death or life within that information, they mentally oppose any

    contravening information that comes their way. There is no open minded rational sense of logic within the mindset of a fully indoctrinated JWS.

    The phrase " you might as well be talking to brick wall ", comes into play. tsetse fly or not

  • sabastious

    Processor, interesting pictures. I suppose for an ant this picture might be as gruesome for them:


  • Vidqun

    Cofty, have you heard of natural immunity? E.g. Europeans are naturally more resistant to HIV, whereas Africans are more prone to contract the disease. Some of those populations in endemic sleeping sickness areas, have become resistant against the parasite. So the potential is there. Through inoculation, one can "train" the immune system to recognize harmful antigens.

    Another reason why humans are superior to animals. Because of our intelligence, we have become aware of these diseases and we can do something about it. Talking of parasites, there is a good reason why the Jews avoided pork. They definitely had an advantage over the nations. In a documentary the other day, they discussed Roman toilets. How people sat next to each other, and used communal spunges to wipe their backsides. Not a pleasent thought. Again the Jews were far ahead, washing hands, etc.

  • sabastious

    When people derive their rationalized sense of logic for mystical writings, with little knowledge of secular sciences such as biological evolution.

    Its like trying to feed pablum to a baby who just spits it out. Sab. reminds me of many JWs who I have talked to on various subjects and to later

    Why do you believe I derive my logic from mystical writings? Was I a clean slate before I read the Bible or other texts? I derive my logic from the computer in my skull. I study mystical writings and use my God-given logic in an attempt to understand it and explain it. You operate on the false assumption that science is superior to spirituality when in reality they merely exist side by side.


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