Why do people pretend good things about Jesus ?

by mP 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    I don't pretend to know that a man who taught to love your neighbor as yourself was good. You think he advocated violence because he allowed Peter to carry a sword? Your arguments are laughable. Jesus was very good and deserves to be followed even to this day. Are you jealous of the attention he still gets?


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    "Do guys you also believe ceasar was a myth? If jesus was a myth it is a miracle beyond comparison to any bible miracle that a mythical man can have had such a legacy."

    Archaeologists have dug up 1,000s of coins with Caesars name/face on them, name on official records, buildings, statues made to him, etc from the time he was claimed to be alive. Jesus? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No mention of his execution etc. Of course, even the gospels were written 40 years AFTER his death, by those not even there. There were 100s of such books written about popular mythical folk heroes of the time: he became the latest most successful character of all time. Btw, it's not like there have been no other stories written that we can also learn the lesson of kindness, love, perseverence; the Worlds libraries are filled with mythology telling similar lessons. The nice thing is they dont try to say you can expect to die if you don't follow them to the tee.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    "I don't pretend to know that a man who taught to love your neighbor as yourself was good. You think he advocated violence because he allowed Peter to carry a sword? Your arguments are laughable. Jesus was very good and deserves to be followed even to this day. Are you jealous of the attention he still gets?"

    Hmmmm, maybe Jesus was jealous of the attention shown to a Zoroastrian prophet?

    "love your neighbor" wasn't Jesus' idea: he was plagiarizing Zoroaster. From a quick Google search:


    The first recorded version of this was the Mithran prophet Zoroaster, many centuries before Jesus was born.

    You guys really think Jesus was the first to say this? Just how uniformed are you? YES I will post sources...any of you have the integrity to admit you where wrong:




    Do you guys EVER try to actually learn anything, or just parrot what your preachers tell you?

  • tec

    Who has said He was the first person recorded to have said this, Sol?

    I believe we have simply said that He DID say and DID teach this and DID live this.

    I see nothing in the previous posts where anyone said he was the first person to say it.



  • tec

    Sort of like a universal truth...

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    "I believe we have simply said that He DID say and DID teach this and DID live this."

    Uh, Who is this "we" you speak of? You and Jesus, you and Sab, or is that a royal we?

    Ok. So I also endorse the concept of moral reciprocity. Go worship me now, m'Kay? No? What's the problem: my lineage isn't holy enough for you? Of should I get back to you, when I get more word-of-mouth buzz created, and get a Larger following?

    Is this the same TEC, who discredits the infallibility of accounts found in the Bible? Were you walking the Earth in 30CE, in The ANE? How do you KNOW he lived and did all these things?

    Nevermind: I know your answer....

  • tec

    Yeah, my "we" was in response to YOUR:

    Do you guys EVER try to



  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Not mine: if you had read carefully, I said I found that from google search (and even separated it with asterisks to enforce that it was not my words, but from a yahoo page found via google)...

    The other "you guys" comment was someone else's words in this very thread....

    Hope you read the bible with more caution than you read posts!

  • tec

    LOL... like it matters. You wanted to know where my 'we' came from? It was in response to the 'you guys' in your cut and pastes. If you did not agree with your cut and pastes... then why link them?



  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Lol! I link to bible scripture, even though I believe it to be the word of men aka mythologists: should I not do that, either? ;)

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