Romney forgot to mention the cash cushion of the LARGEST 500 corporations in the US or the 121 Billion in corporate bonds they have issues recently.
Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics
Have you dismissed the rest of his statement, BTS? That he can't make those people want to take care of their lives? These would be the working poor and the elderly. If they are working, and not paying income tax, then is the argument that they won't take responsibility for their lives in tune in any way with what many Americans are suffering?
Yeah---they aren't rich like Romney not because they work low paying jobs, but because they can't be convinced to be responsible.
I think Romney has lost this election. We'll see what the newest clips say.
rather be in hades
it was a decent attempt to backtrack from what he said:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax.
Have you dismissed the rest of his statement, BTS? That he can't make those people want to take care of their lives?
What he said was that, as a campaign strategy for the election (which is what the quote was about), that it would be a waste of his resources to attempt to convince them to vote for him. He can't convince them to embrace nondependency in time for the election. He said his resources were better deployed towards a different group of voters, the ones in the middle. The statement was about campaign strategies. His focus was on a campaign strategy, and it is probably the correct strategy. The hardened O-bots will not be convinced. It is almost a foregone conclusion, no matter what the circumstances.
I think Romney has lost this election. We'll see what the newest clips say.
More have already been released. One is about the Israel/Palestinian problem. Romney has called for the release of the full unedited video. Then we could get the context of his statements, couldn't we?
"I am amused with their comments about obstructionism. I wish we had been able to obstruct more". Senator Mitch McConnell.
I wonder what gems would be unearthed if Obama was taped candidly talking to a select peer group? I think we all have things we say to our friends or in unguarded moments that we'd be upset about if publically taken and used as soundbites against our character. Romney's strength is his nuts and bolts attention to detail. His weakness (and that of pretty much every US politician including Obama) is his conflict of interest in fixing a system that has so handsomely rewarded him.
I've said it before - Romney is the man the US needs to have a hope of fixing the deficit politically but Obama is the man you need to be leading you. Romney is a Wellington to Obama's Napoleon, one is a brilliant organiser the other an inspirational figurehead.
The US deficit will trump whoever gets into power next and unfortunately Obama isn't acting decisively enough (because to do so would lose him the election?) So in this election year, Obama is not cutting spending enough nor is he coming up with any solid plans on how to save the US (and when you go down so will the World.) No one wants to pay for the mess and yet everyone is responsible, society is a shared situation. Benefits need cutting, subsidies need removing, churches need taxing, offshore tax havens need closing / taxing, costs of elections need squashing, consumerism needs to be dramatically reduced, self sufficiency needs to be boosted, corporations - especially financial ones - need to have the book thrown at them, fat cats need to have an emergency tax, all foreign aid needs to be re-assessed (especially military and Israels) and so on. The problems are myriad but the political system in place in the US stifles the ability to solve anything effectively.
Obama will win by a landslide because he is better than Romney at playing politics not because he is the man for the hour. Romney is the best candidate the Republicans could have (anything more moderate wouldn't have been nominated, anything further right could never get elected until there is a full blown depression - only economic chaos elects extremists.) Romney's only hope of winning is a black swan event such as an oil price spike or the looming Euro collapse. imo.
Both Romney and Ryan have admitted that cutting Federal spending to quickly will cost jobs and lead to a recession. Their plans put a balanced budget decades into the future which is really a ball tossed up in the air whomever says it because you cannot account for all variables. A slow and balanced approach with short term and longer term goals will keep us going.
Our infrastructure is an area were cites need immediate help with long term benefits. Water, Sewer and Electrical Grid upgrades get my vote.
I think we should start taxing children. Bunch of no-good lazy bums get everything handed to them - food, shelter, health care, education.... and there are millions of them in America, and they are nothing but useless 'dependents' draining their working-class parents and the government.
Put those 0-16 year olds to work! Tax those bums! Then the wealthiest people and corporations can get the tax breaks they need and deserve!
Your value as a human and to society can easily be measured purely by your income.
- Lime
lol Hint- That was my dad's approach. When I was in 6th grade he showed me a $1.00 bill and said 'see that, its the last dollar you'll ever get, now get a job!'. I made a $1.00 a week doing chores. So I worked up a lawn route and painted houses from then on through High School. Bought my own clothes and first car. Good memories.
darth frosty
HintOfLime this for you:
Newborn Loses Faith In Humanity After Record 6 Days
SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 | ISSUE 48•38 | MORE NEWS
The astounding 6-day-old child already knows the human race is abhorrent and beyond hope.
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SCHAUMBURG, IL-In a turn of events that has stunned the worldwide medical community, local infant Nathan Jameson, born just six days ago, has become the youngest person ever to permanently and irrevocably lose all faith in humanity.
"This shatters all previous records," University of Chicago psychologist Douglas McAllister said Monday. "In all of documented medical history, there is no case of a newborn taking less than four months to develop the mental faculties required to grasp the full extent of this existential nightmare we call life on earth."
"Considering he already comprehends harsh realities that many people spend their entire fleeting, shallow existences attempting to deny, Baby Nathan is quite the little miracle!" he added.
Though he has not yet developed the capacity for speech, extensive cognitive testing has definitively shown that the shockingly perceptive 6-day-old fully understands and accepts that human beings cannot be trusted, that they remain far too ignorant for their opinions to be reliable, that a lack of self-awareness about their own destructive tendencies pervades the species as a whole, and that most are too ineffectual to successfully pursue even the shallow self-interested agendas that rule their lives.
Sources said the early-blooming newborn was putting two and two together about the real nature of humanity even before leaving the hospital, where his first sensory experiences included the shouts of sick people arguing to get treatment they urgently needed, visitors staring vacantly at smartphones as they sat next to bedridden loved ones, televisions blaring the empty rhetoric and emotionally manipulative appeals of political advertisements, and dozens upon dozens of pained, desperate cries, including his own.
Local reports confirmed the baby's disillusionment was only compounded by the fact that he spent his first days in the bleak and soulless suburban conformity of Schaumburg, IL, its empty consumerist non-culture allowing him to realize in record time that all human pursuits are cold, joyless, and devoid of any substantive purpose or integrity.
"For a baby, he sure is an insightful little guy," Nathan's mother, Melanie Jameson, told reporters. "My husband and I are a loveless, narcissistic couple whose weird, freaked-out neediness and anxieties-which we sublimate under a mask of facile self-regard-would normally be introjected into our child's forming psyche over the course of years. But this talented fella just took it all in at once!"
"We're awfully proud to have such a precocious son," she added, her face displaying no genuine emotion.
According to household sources, Baby Nathan has already noticed that his father, Michael Jameson, resents the infant's 3 a.m. crying, feels more trapped than ever in his sham-marriage now that he's a father, and is inwardly building an ever-growing wall against the reality of his own life one mid-afternoon cocktail at a time.
"The kid's not even a week old, and he has the thousand-yard stare of a middle-aged man," said psychologist Helen James, one of the cognitive scientists who verified that by his third day of life, Nathan had already begun to sense the overwhelming air of desperation surrounding other people. "That look that says, 'I've finally given up on the reassuring fictions that prop up humanity's delusional self-image as dignified, intelligent, or decent in any way.' He knows the truth."
"At this point, he shouldn't even be able to distinguish between himself and the rest of humanity, let alone have the capacity to lose faith in it," James continued. "Evidently, the human condition has gotten even more depressing than it already was, and we're going to need to reformulate our entire theory of childhood development."
"My God, what a depressing development," she added.