Thanks Darth!
Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics
Reminds me of some of the lovely things cousin and Senator Mitch McConnell said about workers as the unemployed numbers were adding up and the economy had yet to turn the corner a couple of years ago.
Is it factually true that 47% of Americans pay no income tax?
rather be in hades
right wing radio loved vilifying the unemployed literally saying they were too lazy to get out and get lesser jobs.
rather be in hades
yes, many do not have the necessary income to do so and their liability is zeroed out. people like the elderly, low income families, etc
What is Mitt's argument for lowering corporate taxes when Continental Resources, Chevron, and Exxon paid around 2% in Federal taxes.
Is it factually true that 47% of Americans pay no income tax?
No. It is factually true that 47% of American income tax filers do not. The true number is actually greater, since many people do not file (these people also do not pay payroll taxes). One in sixteen Americans, incidentally, are now on Federal disability. Over the past 4 decades, the number has increased four times faster than the increase in those paying into the system. Along with other entitlements, there comes a time when the the system reaches a tipping point.
Is it factually true that 47% of Americans pay no income tax?
If they work, they still pay payroll tax (SS and Medicare). Some who don't pay income tax are also those who have already retired and are on SS. Others that don't pay income tax are very poor and don't make enough to even be taxed. Some that don't pay income tax are millionares who have constructed their financial life so that they don't have to.
All of these people still pay sales tax, property tax, and workers pay payroll tax etc. It is a misleading statement. Romney intended for that 47% to look like freeloaders who were looking for handouts, but does not want to highlight that it includes the working poor, the elderly and the disabled. Some end up not paying due to tax credits put in place by Republicans.
Should we assume from Romney's statement that he believes we should tax the working poor, poor, and elderly more? Is this where he is going to get all that magical money that arithmetic can't account for?
It is a misleading statement.
Romney never mentioned income taxes in his comments, although the percentage lines up with the available filing statistics. However, he did talk about those feeling entitled to things being provided to them overwhelmingly supporting Obama. Here is some recently presented data:
Paying no income tax is one thing. Being “dependent on government” is another. But under a broad definition of government dependence—that is, receiving federal entitlements—more than 47 percent of us are in Romney’s category. According to the Census Bureau,49 percent of Americans live in a household that receives a government entitlement for “health care” through Medicaid or Medicare, “food” through stamps, disability, Social Security, or a “housing” assistance program....
So, Mitt Romney is right that, due to deductions and the rising burden of payroll taxes, 47 percent of Americans don’t pay income tax, and that just as many households are dependent on government transfers in some way. But what about the harder question: Is Mitt right to say that those people are more likely to support Obama?
For the most part, yes. Crunching the Tax Policy Center’s figures, you find that 82.8 percent of those who pay no income tax live in households with income under $33,542. And according to Gallup, among those with incomes under $36,000, Obama has a massive, 15-point lead.
The question of whether those who receive entitlements—Romney’s “government dependent”— are in the bank for Obama is even harder to answer. According to a 2007 Campbell Public Affairs institute survey (PDF), “Democrats are more likely to have used government programs, and much more supportive of government doing more about inequality (74.9 percent) and using government as the vehicle to take action (37.9 percent).” Given a choice between the two parties, 63 percent of welfare recipients go Democratic, 67 percent of food-stamp users, 74 percent of those on Medicaid, and 81 percent of those in public housing.
The Democratic slant extends to those receiving federal unemployment benefits. In a 2011 NPR/Kaiser Family poll (PDF), 42 percent of the long-term unemployed identified themselves as Democrats; only 16 percent went Republican.
rather be in hades