Interesting looks like Jimmy carters Grandson was involved in leaking the vid!
Reports: Jimmy Carter's grandson helped leak Romney fundraiser video
Posted by Sean Sullivan on September 18, 2012 at 7:54 am
Former president Jimmy Carter's grandson helped leak video of Mitt Romney at a private fundraiser to Mother Jones Magazine, the younger Carter told NBC News and New York Magazine's Daily Intel blog.
James Carter IV helped connect Mother Jones reporter David Corn with video of Romneyat a fundraiser saying, among other things, that it is not his "job" to win over the 47 percent of voters committed to President Obama, because they are "dependent on government" and he will "never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Carter IV, whose Twitter bio says he is an opposition researcher, told Daily Intel he first noticed online a part of the video in which Romney discusses Chinese labor when working at Bain Capital. Then, as additional footage was added, he tracked down the originating source of the footage and put that person in touch with Corn.
"Any time that you can find a clip that strengthens the narrative already established, that's what becomes a big deal," Carter told Daily Intel. "I've been trying to get paid for this but it hasn't worked out yet. This might help."
Carter told NBC News that after he sent the Mother Jones article to his grandfather, the former president responded warmly, writing: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa."
Carter also told NBC that Romney's criticism of his grandfather bothered him, providing extra motivation to release the videos.
"It gets under my skin - mostly the weakness on the foreign policy stuff," Carter said. "I just think it's ridiculous. I don't like criticism of my family."
Updated at 11:28 a.m.