Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • designs

    Romney must be on a daily diet of Tongue Tripping- today he pronounced that 'Palestinians are not interested in Peace'. Really? No Palestinians want peace? No Palestinian/Israeli peace groups?

  • sir82

    Ol' Mitt would do well to just shut up and take a vacation now, I think.

    Is that a peal of thunder I hear? No, I think it's just the sound of all his campaign staffers face-palming over and over and over....

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I know a lot of people that work in law enforcement that make 50,000$ a year who are for Obama.

    I guess they feel the government owes them something for keeping the criminals off the street.

    I also know a lot of school teachers that are for Obama a lot of them.

    I know one building contractor thats for Obama and a couple that are for Romney.

    When I went to see Obama in Seminole Florida 2 weeks ago they were turning them away at the door after waiting 3 hours.

    You had to have a ticket and they were not wellfare people. 95% of them were white respectable middle class working people.

    They were not planted I knew a lot of them, neighbors and friends and people I have seen around town.

    Romney lives in some kind of white douch rich kid fantasy land. He needs to take the gold spoon out of his

    arse so he can think.

    Romneys out of touch with America. Vote for him and well go back to the Baby Bush kaos.

    Romney is really out of touch with America

  • botchtowersociety

    Some have expressed that the video utterly (totally!) destroys the Romney campaign.

    I think it is very likely that it only enrages people who are going to vote for Obama anyway.

    Here's a bit of evidence about how it has been received.

    CNBC online poll:

    Yahoo Finance online poll:

  • botchtowersociety
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The Onion said:

    Though he has not yet developed the capacity for speech, extensive cognitive testing has definitively shown that the shockingly perceptive 6-day-old fully understands and accepts that human beings cannot be trusted, that they remain far too ignorant for their opinions to be reliable, that a lack of self-awareness about their own destructive tendencies pervades the species as a whole, and that most are too ineffectual to successfully pursue even the shallow self-interested agendas that rule their lives.

    The Onion writers know dark nihilistic humor, LOL!

    Hopefully they started that 6-day old on pediatric-strength Prozac...

  • bluesaph

    BTS, about that "in context" thing, remember "You didn't build that!"??? Payback's a bitch!

    All of my three daughters' friends from college are livid. It was a large topic today, apparently. Lots of "base" voters and people who were otherwise bleh about the election can't wait to get out and vote now. I registered 3 people today with the register to vote AP on my iphone. I'll register one person per day until the election. My kids and their friends are doing the same. We made a pact. Woohoo!

    Romney's big mouth is helping Obama energize his base. And lots of indies too.

  • botchtowersociety
    Romney's big mouth is helping Obama energize his base. And lots of indies too.

    Not just Obama's base.

    Romney is out referencing the recently surfaced Obama "I actually believe in redistribution" clip posted above when asked about the Mother Jones video. "I do not believe in redistribution of wealth." The Republican base is loving this.

    BTS, about that "in context" thing, remember "You didn't build that!"??? Payback's a bitch!

    Keep it up! The full video is now available.

    The liberals may have scored an own goal with releasing the secretly recorded video (illegal in Florida).


    Oh shit....

  • james_woods

    He (Romney) actually did not say a single thing that is not the obvious & actual truth.

  • botchtowersociety
    He (Romney) actually did not say a single thing that is not the obvious & actual truth.

    Not to mention that sounds much better when he is just saying what he thinks off camera. This is the Romney that needs to show up in public.

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