Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • designs

    Instead of Camp David Mittens would prefer Camp Manzanar.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    do you know why there is a gap?

  • botchtowersociety

    I was pretty clear about what I thought earlier. But why don't you tell us, RBIH.

  • FlyingHighNow

    No matter how much money people make, they pay taxes of some kind. There is sales tax, property tax, city tax, state taxes, taxes on many things like gifts, alcohol, car license tags and more.

  • BizzyBee
  • botchtowersociety

    Blowing smoke ain't gonna cut it, BizzyBee.

  • designs

    One day (not to long ago) Romney says 47% of us are leeches on Obama's type of government, today Mittens says Obama won't help the poor.

    Does his Team of writers need anti-psychotic drugs or do they think Voters only have a 12 hour memory.

  • 144001

    The bottom line is, trashing almost half of our country, as Romney did in his videotaped comments, AGAIN demonstrates extremely poor judgment by Bishop Mitt. If he wore some regular old butthuggers instead of those mormon grape-snugglers, his circulation might improve along with his cognitive function, which might help the bishop who would be president to think clearer.

  • Qcmbr

    Romneys comments in the video have seriously made me pause and take him more seriously. Truthfulness is more easily displayed in unguarded moments. Most of the pap that comes out of his mouth is engineered garbage to appeal to a certain set of voters - sadly politics is about popularity and not about ability to govern - and there is a certain set of Republican voters who have forced almost all the republican candidates to speak a certain way ( the really awesome guy the Republicans passed over was Huntsman.) Obama is no different, his words are engineered for a certain audience and his are certainly closer to the current zeitgeist. Romney, for months now, has been grating me because he doesn't pander very convincingly whereas Obama does it brilliantly. What I saw in this video is a man with some actual unpopular views and when not having to play to the crowd he said what he meant. I liked what he had to say. Anyone who thinks Romney will suddenly leave everyone on benefits hanging is simply wrong - of course he won't- but he will try and make people less dependant on the state. Self sufficieny is a Mormon ideal but Mormons still have welfare square, they just make sure you keep your dignity by giving you a job to do rather than simply asking you to stand in a line like a powerless failure. For a long time I was thinking Romney was just a weak willed opportunist but here I see a principled man having to play a stupid game of charades demanded by a republican institution. I want to see more of this man. I still like Obama but I'm gutted that he hasn't been bold enough to stop the US economic disaster nor brave enough to stand up for the unique and incredible wonder that is the US. I want my US proudly forging ahead not meekly apologising and then throwing bombs from afar at hopeless causes.

    P.s. put the frakkin bust of Churchill back into the Oval office. Our children are dying with yours.

  • FlyingHighNow

    They think the voters aren't paying attention to anything but Fox news.

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