Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • Berengaria

    Wow, Burn just defended Breitbart. How low can you go?

  • botchtowersociety
    No it doesn't, and Romney himself has essentially vetted them with his double down.

    He requested the full tape, did he not?

    LOL, you mean the full uncut version O'keefe provided?

    Hahahahahaha! What are we laughing about again? Maybe you can put up some cartoons about it.

    Wow, Burn just defended Breitbart. How low can you go?

    Breitbart released full videos along with his editorial cuts. That is a fact.

  • BizzyBee

    Romney is not denying what he where does he go with this?

    F r e e - f a l l

  • designs

    He has a P.O. Box in the Caymen's.

  • botchtowersociety
    Romney is not denying what he where does he go with this?

    Which is great, but maybe you haven't been paying attention. As I have said before, this shores up his base. It was unasked for, but in some respects fortuitous. The cocooned beltway media gang of 500 thinks this hurts. They are out of the loop. With the grassroots, it helps. The response from the R base has been overwhelmingly positive. These are the people that turn out.

  • mrsjones5

    " And you just keep on telling yourself that, mrsjones, as no one probably could talk you out of it, anyway....

    *giggles*. That's a maybe to you sir. I did vote for a Republican during the last presidential election and wouldn't ya know his first name started with Mit.

  • Berengaria
    Romney is not denying what he where does he go with this?
    Which is great, but maybe you haven't been paying attention. As I have said before, this shores up his base. It was unasked for, but in some respects fortuitous.

    Maybe you haven't been paying attention. You can't have it both ways. Does the gap negate what came before or is what came before a good thing? Make up your mind.

  • botchtowersociety

    We don't know what it contains. We won't know unless it is released. We do know that the preceding was used as part of a political attack.

    Looks like you've loaded up on pasta and wine again, Beks. Good night.

  • botchtowersociety
    okay then. never mind that the author already had to print a retraction/edit about the recorder moving...

    A retraction? Show me.

  • Berengaria
    We don't know what it contains. We won't know unless it is released. We do know that the preceding was used as aprt of a political attack.

    Mmmmmmm no, you and yours are all over this gap, as though it surely must be a complete reversal of the 47% comments. But then you say the 47% comments are spot on, good stuff, as does the candidate. So which is it?

    Political attack? Just letting the candidate speak for himself is all.

    Looks like you've loaded up on pasta and wine again, Beks. Good night.

    What's your interest in my dinner lately Burn? Do you have a problem with pasta? Are you a member of the rice lobby?

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