Romney the policy wonk needs to watch who he insults. The Tax Center says 4000 who make over a million per year pay no Federal tax and 14,000 who make 500,000 to 1,000,000 pay no Federal tax, welcome to the 47%.
Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics
Regarding magic underwear: This is on par, for me, with praying for guidance, wearing a cross, or seeking any god's blessing.
The underwear aren't what concern me. The fact that he is in a cult ups the stakes of his superstitions, making him unfit in my eyes. But we just have to accept that only candidates with some sort of superstition will be elected to office at this time.
Joe Scarborough talked about Romney's video this morning. He was just appalled. He said a true conservative would not only have said such a thing, but would not have thought such a thing. He was very convincing. His take on how to handle the poorer half of our country is contrary to how I believe it should be done, but he really did seem to care, and simply looks like a guy whose disagrees with liberals on how to do this.
Where are conservatives like this? This is not the kind of conservative I know. Maybe this is how they used to be. The conservatives that I know think that the weak, poor, and ill are parasites. They hold them in contempt. They believe government, and especially their money, should never be used to help out their fellow citizens because if they need help they are simply leeches regardless of circumstances or details. Maybe Joe is wrong. Maybe Mitt is exactly what a true conservative is these days. Maybe Joe is something different now. He's not a liberal, but he is not in line with conservatives who always seem to be angry, seem to hate our country and fellow Americans, and who thing they serve only other conservatives and dismiss liberals.
Joe Scarborough doesn't set off the red flags for me. Is this what conservatives USED to be like? Because reading what has happened on this board since Mitt's video, he does not seem in line with them at all.
And so it begins............................
Bye, bye, T-Paw.
This story makes me think of the Romney campaign: The woman is the American voting public and the cleric is Romney.
King Solomon
Yeah, Scarborough strikes me as the reasonable conservative (using the original definition, NOT neo-) that SHOULD be a GOP candidate, as is Kevin McCarthy, another young gun of the GOP who actually makes SENSE. They are drowned out by the clown element, like Palin/Bachmann/Mitt. If the GOP hopes to win an election, they're going to have to swing away from the fringe nut-jobs with whom they seemingly are smitten.
It's not even the clowns that are drowning out conservatives like him out. Look at this board. It's the regular conservatives. Maybe Joe is an old school conservative. Maybe he's one of those compassionate conservatives---which I always considered an oxymoron, and my time on this board just confirmed that for me. Maybe this is how the GOP got to be called grand at one time. I don't know. But the current batch has a contemptuous and even cruel element to them.
rather be in hades
I said goodnight, Beks. I am only hanging around a little longer to see if RBIH can show me the retraction he claims exists.
i'm starting to wonder if you even read your own sources.
the author claimed that the camera never moved and used that as proof. that's what the gif was all about. it was to demonstrate that the camera never moved.
towards the bottom of the article, he had to update the article by stating that the camera DID IN FACT MOVE, but then tried to brush that off by saying it didn't move much so in his view it was still all a cut job which is rather bs and i would imagine violates some sort of journalistic ethics, but we're not talking about a journalist obviously bc he couldn't even get the main premise of his argument right.
hell, his own READERS beat him over the head with the fact that the image DOES move and that's why he had to print the edit.
what's pathetic is that he obviously didn't bother checking to be 100% certain that the camera didn't move.
i question whether it's wise to put any sort of faith in such a biased source. one that would rely on dishonesty to try and make a nonexistent point.
as usual
OK -I wish I could put this childish magic underwear crap to bed.
Many religious people wear tokens of their faith be it the xians with their crosses and rosaries through to Sikhs and their turbans. Many religious people wear clothing that signfies or tokenises their faith, Catholic Priests wear such blessed clothing as the Alb and Jewish men may wear skull caps, Anglican's may use a dog collar and Muslim women wear hijabs. This relationship between clothing and symbolism is further reflected in undergarments for certain faiths, the Tallit Katan for Jews, the Hindu Yajnopavitam, the Sikh Kachh, the Catholic Cillice or the Mormon Temple Garments. For each member of those faiths the clothing can be linked to a specific commandment or a symbolic scripture and is given deep meaning to the individual and normally extra special care is taken to look after those clothing items. For any believer to mock another's clothing is an example of the hypocrisy that adorns the religious mindset; 'my faith is better than yours because I can poke fun at yours.' The xian of course omits to mention that Jesus himself wore a specific type of clothing that was special enough to be mentioned in scripture, Adam and Eve were given god made clothing supposedly in Eden and God himself gave explicit instructions about clothing throughout the old testament. These believers may take no thought of their own idiosyncracies while condemining others as they sit with napkins or veils over their women's heads while praying or as they dress smartly in 'Sunday' attire as a mark of respect. To say that people can't be taken seriously because of their religious devotions and clothing is to reveal no more than immature thinking and weak logic. Many great thinkers and leaders have been able to perform excellently in the public field while also wearing and honouring their religious convictions by what they wore.
NC is quite right to focus on the politics rather than the sensational. Romney has been wearing the sacred clothing of his religion and was able to organise a winter Olympics, run a successful business and govern a state. Perhaps some of our more lurid members would like to explain exactly how honouring one's private devotions would interfere with a job. That some people cannot clearly see what is important in an election and what things are irrelevant fluff is the truly scary thing.
designs - LDS have no agenda for world domination. As a former member the only discussion regarding this was in the general xian theme of the millenium when Christ would rule. Nowhere in CURRENT LDS theology or thinking is any agenda for domination discussed as a teaching or as a topic for general discussion. That an individual member may speculate upon such matters is on a par with JWs picking out post armageddon houses.
That some people cannot clearly see what is important in an election and what things are irrelevant fluff is the truly scary thing.
Quite a lot of assuming going on there, Q.
Mitt Romney's devotion to his particular faith is not irrelevant fluff. What someone believes and lives is very pertinent to deciding whether he should be in a position of great power over our lives.
Knowing what JWs believe, I would not want one of them to have power such as the POTUS. Ever hear of the Mountain Meadows Massacre? The White Horse Prophecy? Google is your friend.