Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • botchtowersociety

    I said goodnight, Beks. I am only hanging around a little longer to see if RBIH can show me the retraction he claims exists.

  • NewChapter

    QCMBR, I have no doubt that the transatlantic relationship will survive Obama. The ties that bind our two nations are too strong and dear to be so easily sundered, bungling charismatic idiots notwithstanding. From an American to a Briton, I apologize for the stupidity that brought this charlatan to power and continues to sustain him. This too shall pass.

    BTS! Did you just apologize to a Brit (no offense to Brits, it could have been anyone) for the results of our American electoral process? I am stunned, a little bit outraged, and very much irritated. Obama was elected by our American electoral process, a process we hold dear, and I find it distasteful to apologize for something that defines us as Americans. You may not be happy with the outcome, but really, apologizing?

  • mrsjones5

    More like kissing ass.

  • NewChapter

    It's just odd. Conservatives have been freaking out over non-apologies and calling them apologies, which is actually diplomacy. It is one thing to disagree, but a very different thing to apologize for an American right.

    Obama has never apologized, and even with this embassy thing, no apology was offered----simply a statement rejecting a message.

    Now we have a conservative apologizing for the outcome of an election---and in the process calling the majority of American voters stupid AND calling our president a charlatin! WHAT?

    It's all topsy turvy, and makes me dizzy!

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Well, in BTS' defense, he DID say "bungling charismatic idiots" (note the plural), so that could be referencing Romneys faux paus during his Olympics visit.

    Wait a minute, cancel that: I just realized BTS said "CHARISMATIC", so that couldn't be Mitt.

    As you were.....

  • BizzyBee

    >> Which is great, but maybe you haven't been paying attention. As I have said before, this shores up his base. It was unasked for, but in some respects fortuitous. The cocooned beltway media gang of 500

    >>thinks this hurts.They are out of the loop. With the grassroots, it helps. The response from the R base has been overwhelmingly positive. These are the people that turn out.

    OMG! This is like a Gore Vidal/Christopher Buckley/Terry Southern spoof of modern politics! Spin-spin-spin! "Shore up his base"? Are you kidding?

  • Qcmbr

    To be fair the US electoral system is sometimes bemusing when observed from over here. While you are right that it doesn't need apologising for it does seem full of political sophistry that is mind boggling , goes on for a very long time and seems to require godlike sums of money. It seems that there are so many registration rules in the nomination process and such a huge organisation required that it pretty much excludes people whose primary skill isn't fundraising.

    The way politicians are vetted is also strange to us (me?) and has the feel of a gladiatorial ring with a crowd going wild over utterly insignificant historical details of a candidate's life that have nothing to do with how well someone would do the job. If I went to an IT interview and found myself answering questions on such topics as how long I grilled my fish fingers or what colour trousers I wore on my first date I would be equally surprised as I am at the furore over things like Romney's holiday trip with his dog in the distant past.

    Having had our own UK based problems with voter fraud ( ballot stuffing in Birmingham ) it also seems that there have been some odd results in the US as well. I won't go into them but it does seem that things like the electric voting machines are ripe for tampering. With so much money invested on the results of only a very few swing voters I can certainly see a strong incentive to 'influence' votes ( even in such simple ways as bussing in supporters not from an area to affect straw polls etc.) I really really hope that votes aren't rigged in any way.

    ...and super PACs. If ever there was a way to allow moneyed interests to blatantly and unscrupulously influence people in a fairly unaccountable way they are it.

    Hey ho. I'll just get out the popcorn and watch in fascinated amusement at the razzle dazzle of it all.

  • NewChapter

    >>Which is great, but maybe you haven't been paying attention. As I have said before, this shores up his base. It was unasked for, but in some respects fortuitous. The cocooned beltway media gang of 500

    >>thinks this hurts.They are out of the loop. With the grassroots, it helps. The response from the R base has been overwhelmingly positive. These are the people that turn out.

    OMG! This is like a Gore Vidal/Christopher Buckley/Terry Southern spoof of modern politics! Spin-spin-spin! "Shore up his base"? Are you kidding?

    The problem with this is that the R base is so extreme, so far to the right, so unreasonable, that if Romney wants to continue stroking them and going for the cheap and easy cheers, the independents will not be attracted. Not that this damage can be controlled, but really, getting excited over the base is just silly----anything extreme will get them giddy and they aren't the issue.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Any man who wears magic underwear can't be taken seriously. That anyone takes the man seriously as a candidate makes me worry for humankind. I mean think about it, imagine if you found out your head boss was wearing magic underwear everyday, wouldn't you question his judgment at least a little? Wouldn't you laugh a little everytime he walked by? We are going to go from Obama's articulate, stylish, graceful intelligence to a bigoted Mormon donning magic underwear? Mormonism by its self is pretty creepy. That grown up people fall for the secret handshakes, secret names, magic underwear, etc is scary.

  • designs

    Mitt needs to walk a delicate line when discussing Islam with its agenda for world domination when his own LDS have the same agenda.

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