Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • NewChapter

    9 - Full public discussion on what laws should be enacted to constrain religious extremism within the US( the Westbro situation went on far too long and was tolerated far too much - what they did was not freedom of speech but they set out intentionally to attend places of grieving and ferment hatred. - The video made about Mohammed however, was not enforceably played during Ramadan or in any way that decided whether it was consumed or not.) I would like to see Freedom of Speech but also a Freedom from Coercion to hear - i.e. you can print, produce in media, speak in given agreed speach making places, broadcast or apply for a permit to hold a demonstration but you cannot say whatever you want anywhere you want since that infringes upon others rights to not have to hear your opinions.

    Q---I get where you are coming from, but I have to tell you, to follow number nine would be the most Unamerican course ever. We just don't do this. We cannot do this. Westboro was well withing their rights, as we were within ours to counter protest and to call them assholes. We don't have a right not to hear others' opinions---only a right to express our opinions. There are private places, and there are public places. To avoid other people's opinions, one needs to avoid public places----not tell everyone ELSE what they can and cannot say.

  • Berengaria
    Mitt tells the story that his Grandfather and dad, as a 5 year old, came back to the US and were helped with Government aid. I don't think he told the Juntos con Romeny audience about the jobs he crushed in the US to set up a cheap labor shop across the Border hmmm....

    Not to mention, isn't it pretty flipping rude and condescending to champion government aid to a specifically Latino crowd while smirking at it with his high end donors??? He's such a pompous out of touch prick.

  • NewChapter

    Yes I know that the Westbrook Baptist church fulfills current law - this law is failing the public badly and so needs to change

    Not current law---but the First Amendmant of our Constitution. This is not a law that is simply overturned, but one of the core principals our country was founded on. People just have a right to be morons and juveniles. It's a price, but that is the price of Freedom of Speech and Religion. What you suggest would change not only the nature of our country---but it would usher in a completely new government. And that is the kind of government we rejected 2 centuries ago.

  • Berengaria
    i'm still rather curious if anyone thinks the tapes are conspiratorial

    No. It's a video, of an event. Romney given the rope to hang himself. Period.

    Not like the completely orchestrated and horribly edited for effect crap on Breitbart with that punk O'keefe.

  • designs

    Berengaria- the timing of the Video and the Juntos rally are to funny.

  • botchtowersociety
    the tapes were cut up?

    It sure looks that way. It can easily happen. Don't you remember Rathergate during the election season in 2004?

  • botchtowersociety
    Not like the completely orchestrated and horribly edited for effect crap on Breitbart with that punk O'keefe.

    Andrew Breitbart always released full uncut videos along with his cuts used for stories. No gaps.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    okay then. never mind that the author already had to print a retraction/edit about the recorder moving...

  • Berengaria
    the tapes were cut up?
    It sure looks that way. It can easily happen. Don't you remember Rathergate during the election season in 2004?

    No it doesn't, and Romney himself has essentially vetted them with his double down.

  • Berengaria
    Not like the completely orchestrated and horribly edited for effect crap on Breitbart with that punk O'keefe.
    Andrew Breitbart always released full uncut videos along with his cuts used for stories. No gaps.

    LOL, you mean the full uncut version O'keefe provided? Hahahaha!

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