He just strikes me as a fixer, throw a problem at him and he'll sort it out. Pragmatic approaches. Deal with each new problem as it turns up. He's suddenly been given a problem that doesn't fit well with a methodical, facts and figures approach (appealing personally to the fickle public) and he's all at sea. All Presidents say one thing on the stump and when they get in office tear up their promises and re-evaluate what actually they feel needs to get done. The skillful politicians are the ones who manage the transition like a magician so that few people notice the trick. If Mitt said something like:
The financial situation is worldwide and certainly not fixable by one man however, there are several policies I want to try out to see if together we can make a difference. I cannot give you x million jobs but I can try and remove some obstacles to your ability to create them. I have to tax you now so I don't have to tax our children. I may change policy midway if things aren't working...etc
He would be publically crucified and yet deep down that is hopefully what all politicians who really care are actually doing. I don't think the Republican party (especially) wants to hear the truth - they had a dose with Ron Paul and he didn't get far - what they want is a battle cry and a big prayer meeting because as they know , all problems need to be prayed out.