Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • Qcmbr

    He just strikes me as a fixer, throw a problem at him and he'll sort it out. Pragmatic approaches. Deal with each new problem as it turns up. He's suddenly been given a problem that doesn't fit well with a methodical, facts and figures approach (appealing personally to the fickle public) and he's all at sea. All Presidents say one thing on the stump and when they get in office tear up their promises and re-evaluate what actually they feel needs to get done. The skillful politicians are the ones who manage the transition like a magician so that few people notice the trick. If Mitt said something like:

    The financial situation is worldwide and certainly not fixable by one man however, there are several policies I want to try out to see if together we can make a difference. I cannot give you x million jobs but I can try and remove some obstacles to your ability to create them. I have to tax you now so I don't have to tax our children. I may change policy midway if things aren't working...etc

    He would be publically crucified and yet deep down that is hopefully what all politicians who really care are actually doing. I don't think the Republican party (especially) wants to hear the truth - they had a dose with Ron Paul and he didn't get far - what they want is a battle cry and a big prayer meeting because as they know , all problems need to be prayed out.

  • designs

    Qcmbr- I was referencing a 'prophecy' that Joseph Smith made and Washington DC as the seat of their government. Maybe LDS are like Jws who don't put a lot of creedence in what Russell says. LDS seem like the Evangelicals who believe 'America' is some god-ordained special place. I am saddened when I hear the President using 'American exceptionalism'..what humans here evolved differently. People are people.

  • Qcmbr

    American LDS members definately see the US as the new Jerusalem. Most LDS in the know about the White Horse prophecy don't put any credence on it since it is not cannonised. The LDS are far more into the idea that their God will generate the conditions for events of significance to occur rather than it is the members job to take up arms and march on Washington (though in the past the opposite was true!) Radical Islam really does want to militarily overthrow the rest of the world.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    NC said:

    Maybe Joe is an old school conservative. Maybe he's one of those compassionate conservatives---which I always considered an oxymoron, and my time on this board just confirmed that for me.

    What we've witnessed over the past 30 years is a co-option of the term 'conservative' by the GOP, who've redefined it from it's traditional meaning (eg as associated with conservatives like William Safire) to what everyone in the GOP feels entitled to labels themselves with it decides it means, regardless of their ideology. So Reagan, Romney, Palin, Bachmann, etc call themselves "conservatives", thus making the term just another meaningless marketing "buzz word".

    As a registered independent voter, I voted for Kevin McCarthy (R) last election, as he was the guy with the most common sense. He's currently house majority whip, and no doubt we'll be hearing more of him in the future.

  • BizzyBee

    No sane middle of the road candidate could have been nominated this year because the party seems to have been swung too far right by a vocal mix of tea party members and (normally religious) extreme right wingers.

    Agree. However, Romney is proving to be unable to make the necessary transition to the center. He seems devoid of any ideology to which he remains loyal for more than 24 hours. One suspects this guy simply wants very, very much to be president but no one can figure out exactly WHY.

  • designs

    'Common sense' approaches would be welcome. If the financial burden of WWII were on us we would have a deficit of 20Trillion, through taxes the debt of WWII was paid. Our parents made it through that post war period, we can deal with the problems of our recent 2 wars and the housing crash.

  • bluesaph


    What you "believe" President Obama thinks/feels is irrelevant. When we are debating, we need to have evidence. What he actually said was taken out of context by YOU and Faux News and the entire Right Wing sphere.

    I am just asking you to admit you took what he actually SAID out of context for your own purposes. Leave out what you believe.

    As far as Mother Jones. Whatever. They said they would. They changed their minds. They have every right to change their minds. And they put out entire paragraphs which gives the listeners ample evidence as to what Mitt Romney really believes. No one is interjecting what they THINK he believes. He TELLS US POINT BLANK.

    He tells me that my kids are mooching losers.

    He tells me that my parents are mooching losers.

    He tells me that my nephews in the military are mooching losers.

    He tells me that as a Latina I am not intelligent enough to vote for him because he is not brown.


  • BizzyBee

    Our parents made it through that post war period, we can deal with the problems of our recent 2 wars and the housing crash.

    Yes, but, during the Bush 2 administration, for the first time in history we went to war without raising taxes and in fact, lowered them.

    But in the run-up to WWII,

    the number of Americans required to pay federal taxes rose from 4 million in 1939 to 43 million in 1945. With such a large pool of taxpayers, the American government took in $45 billion in 1945, an enormous increase over the $8.7 billion collected in 1941 but still far short of the $83 billion spent on the war in 1945. Over that same period, federal tax revenue grew from about 8 percent of GDP to more than 20 percent. Americans who earned as little as $500 per year paid income tax at a 23 percent rate, while those who earned more than $1 million per year paid a 94 percent rate. The average income tax rate peaked in 1944 at 20.9 percent ("Fact Sheet: Taxes").

  • designs

    Bush is in hiding unlike Clinton who will speak on behalf of the President.

    Cheney, Rice, Bush, Rumsfeld, what a team.

  • designs

    At Juntos con Romney Mitt says the President would like to help but can't while he on the otherhand has a 'plan' which will be revealed on Golden Tablets after he is elected....

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