Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • NewChapter

    More proof Santorum was right about smart people not voting GOP

    That sound bite was reminiscent of the Keep Your Government Hands Off My Medicare! signs. *sigh* The problem they have is that the cognitive dissonance runs so deep they cannot even reconize many of them are or have been part of the parasitic 47%

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Qembr says:

    Many religious people wear tokens of their faith be it the xians with their crosses and rosaries through to Sikhs and their turbans. Many religious people wear clothing that signfies or tokenises their faith"

    EXCEPT the Mormon underwear is NOT worn as a symbol of anything: it's underwear, and not to be seen by outsiders. Who knows why they wear it? It's a secret.

    Thats the element that bothers me: the secrecy of a cult, where there's not disclosure, since it's deemed as not important for us to know. Fine.

    Unlike even JWs, non-believers cannot attend Mormon worship services: it's secret. Cults breed secrets.

    Just like the tax returns (or BOs birth certificate), the reluctance to disclose may indicate there may be "dirty laundry" to hide, and while Mitt has the full right to tell voters it's none of their business, voters certainly have the right to decide if they trust someone who has a history of shrouding themselves in secrecy.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Beatles music is always good with me, but I've been more in an Iris Dement and Tears for Fears Pale Shelter mood lately.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have a Mormon friend who calls it Magic Mormon Underwear.

  • NewChapter

    Perhaps your friend calls it magic mormon underwear, but I'm going to guess that it is not with quite the same contempt that you do so. It's all good, but just amusing coming from someone who acts like a board mother insisting everyone play nice (except her) and jumping onto atheist/believer threads to lament that there are always atheist/believer threads, and that too little respect is shown (from the nonbelievers that is---the believers are always very respectful).

    Just fun to watch. Carry on. Any other Mormon jokes? Try and choose something a bit less cheap. Magic underwear is just lazy---there is SO MUCH MORE to contemplate, why fall back on a tired stand by?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Now now, you two kiss and make up and start playing nice together, or we're going to make you two board hotties don swimsuits, charge admission, and you can mud-wrestle it out....

    (making a hasty exit, stage-left!)

  • NewChapter

    Well I'm just trying to figure out why it is okay to be disrespectful to Mormons and not to others. I think I need a list. Can I get a list of the approved religions I can disrespect without a Beatles medley?

  • Berengaria

    It's also ok to be disrespectful of athiests.

  • NewChapter

    It's ALWAYS okay to be disrespectful of atheists! LOL And if atheists are too sure of themselves or debate too strongly, it is acceptable to call them militant.

    So Romney is lightening up on immigration too! His base may not even bother to get out of bed on election day. LOL

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    NC said:

    It's ALWAYS okay to be disrespectful of atheists! LOL And if atheists are too sure of themselves or debate too strongly, it is acceptable to call them militant.

    Believe me, I've been called worse, LOL! Water off a duck's back (which is, ironically enough, the same water some thirsty horsies refuse to drink).

    I did correct them, though to "militant rationalist", which is broader; atheism is but one element of my rationalism (and can't speak for others).

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