Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • botchtowersociety
    And so it begins............................
    Bye, bye, T-Paw.

    Indeed. Why would the Too Big Too Fail banks choose Romney's co-chair as their chief lobbyist in DC if Obama is going to win? Hmmmm.

  • botchtowersociety
    What you "believe" President Obama thinks/feels is irrelevant. When we are debating, we need to have evidence. What he actually said was taken out of context by YOU and Faux News and the entire Right Wing sphere.
    I am just asking you to admit you took what he actually SAID out of context for your own purposes. Leave out what you believe.

    Actually, my interpretation of the statement is as valid as yours, and every bit as relevant. You never leave out what you believe yourself, as the rest of your post demonstrates.

    Furthermore, the context makes it worse, not better.

  • NewChapter

    It has been brought out that while Romney was talking to his people and dismissing the 47%, they were being waited on by the 47% who were filling their water, opening their champagne bottles, clearing their plates. Perhaps this was recorded by one of those moochers who don't take responsibility for their lives and take tax credits for being among low earning workers.

    Martin Bashir pointed out some other things about that 47%. This is context for Q. 37% of Americans don't use all of their vacation days. He said he's lived in S. Africa, Great Britain and Europe, and this is not a moocher's country. This was not contempt against those who are on the government dole (do they even file taxes?) but contempt for low earners and those that benefit from tax credits because they make so little (because they DO file taxes) that they don't have to pay income tax.

    I'm sure that the millionares that can hire people and shelter their money so they don't have to pay income tax (about 4000 millionaires in the US don't pay income tax) are far above his contempt. For all we know (because he won't show us) Romney may be one of those.

  • designs

    The Tea Party Run Congress told the US what they think when they blocked the Jobs Act. Mitch McConnell is now trying to 'hammer' the President on the economy when we know of his pact and pledge on Jan.20th, 2009 to block and obstruct everything the President needed to do for the economy.

    Have these GOP politicians forgotten what Bush.Paulsen.Cheney did to the economy. 30 of these Republican Senators went on a rant today hoping the country has amnesia.

  • designs

    Remember the coal miners in that one Ad Team Romney had a few weeks back. Those coal miners showed up later to explain- The coal company owner, a Romney supporter, 'Mandated' his workers show up and without pay.

  • NewChapter

    Well they blocked that bill that was supposed to help Veterans get jobs after coming home. It was a bipartisan bill, but they just couldn't allow for it. Rand Paul was a real treat---I guess he would have voted for it if we immediately removed finanacial aid to a couple of countries---but he couldn't get his way, so he took it out on the Veterans.

    Say---aren't those in combat part of the 47%?

    Anyway, they weren't important enough to mention during Romney's speech, and now they are not important enough to get a little extra effort when they come home.

    I wish with all in me that this is the swan song of the Republican party. They have no soul anymore. Seriously, I can't even stand to see their smug faces anymore as they crow about hurting our veterans AND Obama at the same time. It was a good day for them.

  • Berengaria

    Come on now NC Romney has soul. He must, look how dark he is. Well at least for his Univision appearance.

  • designs

    Spray on Tan?

  • 144001

    A kook with magic panties and a spray on tan recently moved into a home in La Jolla, Caliifornia, and complained that his neighbors are getting high on the beach!

    Welcome to California, Bishop Romney! NOW GO HOME!!!!!!!!

  • NewChapter

    LOL---the White House tweeted a pic of Obama talking to a pirate in the White House for Talk Like a Pirate Day. Fox and Conservative sources everywhere were just all over him for that. He has time to talk to a pirate, but doesn't have time for Israel. Anyway, they went to town, as that is their purpose. But it was a pic taken in 2009 and doctored, and simply tweeted out to acknowledge a fun tradition.

    Morons. Of course, nobody is going to listen to the retraction. I bet, right now, in the rurals, there are people outraged that Obama was talking to a pirate instead of the PM of Israel yesterday.

    Let's see if James Woods jumps on with his snippy little wibble comments about Romney eating babies, and let's compare it to the very real false narratives constantly running on the right. See, none of us here ever actually said that Romney ate babies---that's Wood's way of trying to reduce this discussion to the ridiculous. But the right? You don't have to make up stories for them. They really are making them up.

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