LOL---the White House tweeted a pic of Obama talking to a pirate in the White House for Talk Like a Pirate Day. Fox and Conservative sources everywhere were just all over him for that. He has time to talk to a pirate, but doesn't have time for Israel. Anyway, they went to town, as that is their purpose. But it was a pic taken in 2009 and doctored, and simply tweeted out to acknowledge a fun tradition.
Morons. Of course, nobody is going to listen to the retraction. I bet, right now, in the rurals, there are people outraged that Obama was talking to a pirate instead of the PM of Israel yesterday.
Let's see if James Woods jumps on with his snippy little wibble comments about Romney eating babies, and let's compare it to the very real false narratives constantly running on the right. See, none of us here ever actually said that Romney ate babies---that's Wood's way of trying to reduce this discussion to the ridiculous. But the right? You don't have to make up stories for them. They really are making them up.