Does God's foreknowledge take away from free will?

by Christ Alone 317 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    To a being, sitting outside of time on his couch, w a timeless beer in hand, everything in our universe, from the beginning big bang, to the end, the big sqwish, is all a done deal. He can rewind, fast forward, zoom in, zoom out. It also seems reasonable for him to be able to reach in there and make changes as long as he wants, until it's perfectly what he wants it to be. For all the inhabitants of that piece, they still react totally by their desires and decisions, from their points of view, although needing to bide by the rules of that construct. This is asuming that there is indeed a being outside of the construct, and that it is indeed a time free environment where it is, and that he has a couch and a timeless beer in hand.


  • Jeffro
    True, but all actions have consequence... even if that does not show up for some time.

    Except, apparently, for your magical sky friend, who supposedly remains guiltless for all the 'bad' things that have happened ever, as a result of 'his' actions.

  • tec

    Except, apparently, for your magical sky friend, who supposedly remains guiltless for all the 'bad' things that have happened ever, as a result of 'his' actions.

    What actions? Creating life and allowing us to do with that what we will?

    Actions of which have not ended, and so we have not seen the end result yet. Though, those who have faith in Him, have faith also in his promises... even though we have not yet seen those things yet.



  • Jeffro
    Actions of which have not ended, and so we have not seen the end result yet.

    Your argument makes about as much sense as torturing and killing puppies to make blankets for orphans.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Your argument makes about as much sense as torturing and killing puppies to make blankets for orphans.

    I LOLed.

  • prologos

    Entirely Possible: "God has never predicted anything"?

    is it because there IS no God ?

    is all prediction VERBAL ?

    can a doG predict where and when a thrown frisbee will be when she runs, jumps to catch it? ditto a baseball player a fast ball ?

    can we predict when and where on earth ecclipses will occur? for the next millenia?

    How can you be so sure that God, (doG spelled backward) is not capable of- and working with- non-verbal predictions ?

    did the predictable universe perhaps make it self? unpredictably? enjoy life!


    Oh dear! When I saw this thread I thought to myself - this is going to take 7 pages to sort out.

    I have raised my estimate to 10 pages - God willing.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Your argument makes about as much sense as torturing and killing puppies to make blankets for orphans.

    Oh my, it's never been said better.

  • suavojr

    I would argue that the main question for us to answer is,

    Does the future exist now? And can God see or be present in such future?

    If future does not exist NOW, then how can God teleport/move to non-existing future to know what will happen in the future?
    It is impossible to move from the present to a non-existing future, unless the non-existing future already exists. But if future already exists, then all the scenario of future must exist, the infinite future of all scenarios, and this can only be possible ONLY if multi-verses exists - infinite parallel universes of the past, present and future.

    When such a scenario exists, where all the past, present and future are at the same time existing at the same time, then it could be possible for a being to move from one state to another . . . . past, present, future. However, the existence of parallel universes, means, to an outside independent "observer" means able to see infinite number of us, in infinite parallel universes, and it can be true that all of us also exist in past, present, future and we are all gods.

  • designs

    String Theory.

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