AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Simon

    Marvin. Please answer my question, it requires no research and addresses a simple fact based on what you've been suggesting.

    Also, please use the word 'alleged' with any claim by the AAWA so things are fair.

    Also, we've been through this endless circular questions-but-no-answers rigmarole before with Cedars which is why people are impatient when you seen to be doing exactly the same and then coming up with lame reasons not to answer.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I feel like repeating my deleted post about Marvin again. And I do recomend that he does the exact same thing I told him to do to himself.


  • Simon
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Marvin: While I appreciate your intent is probably to help, you really are not helping and the constant re-hashing of questions is just aggrevating those of us who have been keeping up with what has gone on and what has been said.”


    And, I have not been keeping up. Right?

    Respectfully, if me asking legitimate questions and doing so within guidelines you’ve provided bothers you then my recommendation is that you stop reading my questions.

    I’m not here to annoy anyone. I’m here to get to the bottom of something that may or may not be worthwhile. Before I invest more of my time and resources there is a present need for answers.

    From my vantage point, I’ve probably put at least as much elbow grease into this ugly episode as anyone else, and maybe more! Certainly it’s presumptive to compare my work with yours when it comes to knowledge of this subject. From what I can tell there are things I know that you don’t and things that you know that I don’t. Does this mean you are not keeping up?

    If you don’t mind, I’m trying to have a civil and thoughtful discussion.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin


    Making it clickable, in case it's too much work to cut and paste it into your browser.


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    He may not be that computer literate.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “By 'gather' can I assume you mean "have been told by Cedars or Richard"?

    “Because if this is now the story they are going with, then they are contradicting what they have previously told us. This fake page is a complete non-issue and distraction. No one cares about it.”


    I’m talking about and asking questions of three different Facebook accounts. Two were set up under auspice of AAWA. One was not.

    Which of these are you calling the “fake page” that no one cares about?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    You are so clueless, you can't even catch a bus back to a clue!


  • Simon
    And, I have not been keeping up. Right?
    Respectfully, if me asking legitimate questions and doing so within guidelines you’ve provided bothers you then my recommendation is that you stop reading my questions.
    I’m not here to annoy anyone. I’m here to get to the bottom of something that may or may not be worthwhile. Before I invest more of my time and resources there is a present need for answers.
    If you don’t mind, I’m trying to have a civil and thoughtful discussion.

    Same here. I've given you a question that is a simple YES or NO, requires no background reading or research and is based on the "firsthand" responses you have suggested. I'll repost it again for you:

    Marvin: Cards on the table time ...

    Have you been told that the AAWA people did NOT add people to the facebook group? Because I have been told directly by the AAWA that they DID.

    So, yes or no?

    Also, consider that everything we have discussed on JWN is here for all to read but they have wiped all mention of everything from their site and from they comments in their blog. Why do you think that would be? What do you think that would indicate to you?

  • Simon
    I’m talking about and asking questions of three different Facebook accounts. Two were set up under auspice of AAWA. One was not.
    Which of these are you calling the “fake page” that no one cares about?

    Why keep going on about fake pages? No one has ever seen these or gives a rats ass about anything other than the things setup by the AAWA.

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