“Marvin...if you had peoples respect before this AAWA crap you risk losing it BECAUSE of continued defense of them after what they have done..and continue to do.
“Defending their actions...could have repercussions on how individuals are now perceived. Individuals that have built up sound reputations based on great work. It takes a lot to build up a reputation...and very little to pull it down.
“I wouldn't be putting my reputation on the line for this lying organisation...defend liars...risk getting tarred with the same brush.
“I haven't been familiar with your work before this...and am certainly not inspired to look at it since this. You are coming accross like their PR representative...who admits they don't even know half the facts and can't be bothered looking. Seems like you'd fit right into AWAA if you aren't already a member.”
still thinking,
I appreciate the good you intend with that advice. But it’s misplaced.
The work I do neither needs nor solicits respect from JWN or its participants. None of my work is premised on my authority or reputation.
Honestly, it still eludes me why people think my search into this matter is a defense of anyone or anything. Do folks around here even know what a defense looks like? Why is my asking questions and asking for evidence perceived as defending someone or something? What’s happening that folks think like this?
My work is not performed for the benefit of persons who need to be inspired to read it.
My work is performed for the benefit of persons who need that work.
Marvin Shilmer