AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “If you bothered to read the other threads, you would have learned that the group was "OPEN" for a time, and people were able to just add their friends. Perhaps you should gain a basic knowledge of Facebook groups BEFORE you start demanding that others explain it to you.”


    You speak of “the group”.

    Which of the three known Facebook groups are you talking about? The one set up by an unauthorized hack who’s never had ties to AAWA and used their name and logo without permission? One of the two set up by authorized AAWA volunteers? Some other group?

    What is the “the group” you’re talking about. Please be specific. Without this it’s impossible to measure what you write.

    “Really, it may be wise to stop the victim-blaming!”

    To the best of my knowledge I’ve not blamed any victim for their victimization. If you feel otherwise then feel free to quote me. I’d like to see it myself.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Simon

    Marvin: Cards on the table time ...

    Have you been told that the AAWA people did NOT add people to the facebook group? Because I have been told directly by the AAWA that they DID.

    And to be clear, stop with the "other groups / 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll" theories, we're only talking and concerned with the official AAWA group.

  • Tylinbrando

    Fizzy said,

    You are a member of the secret group in good standing, and have in fact defended them on many points, correct? So gee, now are they going to accuse you of lying, too, now that you have said that you can see Fearon/Haszard were not involved in this fiasco?

    I am stating the facts as to how they are manifested as evidence in my personal Facebook Activity log. I can be accused of lying but there is the proof. AAWA always was a "secret" group, never was it "open" for a time. Rick and Danny did not "add" anybody to the group.

    Yes, I suppose I may get disfellowshipped.

  • fizzywiglet

    Something or things had to precede Julia “hitting a button”. This is what my question is seeking.

    No, nothing preceded it. I did not request to be added to the group. She did not PM me and invite me to join the group. The force-adding is a feature that Facebook allows now, and has for two years. It got a lot of press when someone gave Mark Zuckerberg a taste of his own medicine by adding him to the NAMBLA Facebook group. Google the "add to groups" feature, you'll see lots of outrage about it.

    Once you realize you were added (Facebook does not email you and tell you; you get a notification which is buried in your notifications tab), you can choose to leave the group, and you can click a box requesting that members not be able to re-add you to the group, but there is no way to tell Facebook you don't want people to add you to ALL groups. You have to do this same thing every single time somebody force-adds you.

    On the contrary, group administrators do have the ability to set their settings not to allow force-adding to their group.

    And yes, lest you ask AGAIN, we are ALL referring to the "secret", "official" AAWA Facebook page moderated by Julia and Bo, with 1300+ members. No bogus page, etc.

    When I and others attempted to address this by posting this and other relevant information in the comments section of their official website, questioning Cedars' "open letter" PR puff piece, AAWA removed/spammed our comments, which pointed out major discrepancies in their official statements. So yay, censorship, too!

    And TylinBrando, thanks for your honesty re: the Fearon/Haszard thing.

  • *lost*


    That doesn't make sense. If you want facts, you gather evidence. Not hearsay from your buddies who could tell you anything and put spin on what they want.

    So you are not even qualified to have this discussion in defence of AAWA reallly. You do not have the facts. You have not looked at the evidence. rather your going around here in cirlces. And to be honest, it sounds like your just chatting sh*t.

    You don't have to read through a 5,000 page novel to get the facts. If your too lazy or don't care, whatever, fair enough.

    Why are you even here wasting your time on this.

    Tylinbrando - who we now know is a volunteer and mouthpiece for AAWA ( things make sense now ) picks and chooses what he will answer.

    Conflict of interest going on here.



    volunteers are stating they are victims/survivors of abuse which leads people to assume they are talking to people with the relevent qualifications.

    making statements what the ''unexpected reaction over on JWN has not helped

    it by a long shot''

    saying she is ex-jw


    POSTERS ARE SAYING good people tackling a monumental project while facing adverse reaction in the JWN community with grace.

    Honest thoughts and opinions are not 'bringing conflict'

    AAWA is not about cencsoring peoples posts.

    Having posts seem ''approved'' before they show up felt a little bit 'borgish'.

  • brinjen

    Marvin, people here are referring to the official AAWA group, no one is blaming AAWA for the bogus page.

    As to your response to Zed... " I don’t think it’s that simple. I can’t hit a button and add you to anything. If I can, please let me know where is this button. I’d like to know where it’s at."

    It's here. I started a FB group years ago which is now empty after they migrated it... bah... haven't bothered much about it. Here's what I see when I go to the settings of that group.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “By your own admission you haven't read everything so I suggest you do as they have already done this trick with someone else…”



    I’m trying to have a productive and civil discussion about information before me.

    In the end my aim is to make life easier for people compelled to educate and help folks victimized by Watchtower. If trying to get to the bottom of this AAWA thing ends up costing too much of my time then I’m done with it. It wouldn’t matter if AAWA is right or wrong, good or bad. I’d ignore it because of inefficiency alone!

    I se no reason to wade through countless pages of mind-numbing drama to find morsels of useful information when I have outstanding questions in this very discussion.

    It is frightening to see some of the thinking in this very discussion. For sharing information and asking questions I’m accused to victim blaming. That’s absurd! I asked Besty for evidence of a claim, and he boldly tells me because he says it then it’s true. That’s a ludicrous thing to propose in response to request for evidence!

    This kind of nonsense is why I frequent JWN discussion less than in yesteryears and, instead, am content to let folks know current status of research I’m working on if they want it.

    I’m hoping to share a meal soon with you and yours. I’ll be in touch.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin


    I don’t think it’s that simple. I can’t hit a button and add you to anything. If I can, please let me know where is this button. I’d like to know where it’s at.

    You obviously don't have a CLUE about Facebook groups. As a group administrator, I do. Yes, you can add all your friends to a group by hitting ONE BUTTON.

    Your ignorance is showing. No, it's glaring!

    Oh, and if you had any experience in working with victims / survivors of abuse (which I have), you would know that demanding that a victim re-tell their story, and second-guessing or denying what was done to them, is called 'victim-blaming'.


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I hope you don't get Bestyed!


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    "I logged onto Facebook one day and started noticing posts from AAWA..."


    Thanks so much for sharing what you did in response to my question. It’s very helpful in my effort to determine what happened, why it happened, what’s been done, what’s being done and where responsibility lay, and ultimately whether AAWA is a horse I want ride or not.

    Thanks again,

    Marvin Shilmer

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