AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Good point Dagney! Marvin should give us proof!


  • Dagney

    Ty, I just want to tell you I appreciate your discussion here.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Marvin...if you had peoples respect before this AAWA crap you risk losing it BECAUSE of continued defense of them after what they have done..and continue to do.

    Defending their actions...could have repercussions on how individuals are now perceived. Individuals that have built up sound reputations based on great work. It takes a lot to build up a reputation...and very little to pull it down.

    I wouldn't be putting my reputation on the line for this lying organisation...defend liars...risk getting tarred with the same brush.

    I haven't been familiar with your work before this...and am certainly not inspired to look at it since this. You are coming accross like their PR representative...who admits they don't even know half the facts and can't be bothered looking. Seems like you'd fit right into AWAA if you aren't already a member.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Now, if you don't mind, this has already been posted previously, many times. Who exactly are you that I should "prove" to you what happened to me and several others?”


    What you’ve offered me is your alleged firsthand account. I don’t say “alleged” because I doubt what you’ve said. I say it because until I can verify your presentation as true or probably true I don’t have an opinion one way or another of its veracity.

    As I’ve done here, I’ve also done with AAWA leadership. I ask questions in order to make up my mind.

    You don’t owe me any proof of anything, except the common burden we all have to prove true what we assert to the extent we assert it.

    I’m someone who’s actively worked to research things “Watchtower” and share that research for sake of helping whomever it can help. I’m not trying to destroy Watchtower. I’m not against the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I just see so much hurt and pain, and I want to help relieve some of it if I can. I do this primarily by research and publication of that research.

    My work is time consuming and expensive. When AAWA was coming along it was my hope it would construct a mechanism to share this load with others who to greater or lesser degree could contribute. I’m not talking here about money, though ultimately there are expenses. Primarily I’m talking about trained researchers who have resources, and in particular those with access to the massive amounts of peer-reviewed documents found on databases like Academic Search Premier and the like. Though I have ready access to this and many other world-class resources, I’m only one person. There are other men and women like me who only want to help. But there is so much to do. My hope was/is that AAWA could help expedite this work.

    In the end this whole AAWA thing got my attention as a potential means of bettering what has always been going on, but on a much more efficient level. I have not filed one of AAWA’s volunteer forms and so far I’ve not donated a penny to the organization, at least not directly. I have donated finances to at least one of the workers behind AAWA to help support work similar to my own.

    If you want to know more about me I suggest reading my blog. My work is who I am. Like so many others, I too do the work described above under a pseudonym. The work on my blog is a very small part of my overall work on things “Watchtower”. But it should be enough to let you know about me.

    If you have other questions please do not hesitate to ask. Again, thanks for your earlier response. It is helpful.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    “…you show a careless disregard for the victims of this fiasco by bullying them and demanding they repeat their stories to you on this thread, when all it would take is reviewing what's already been written.”


    I’ve asked for sufficient bibliographic data to locate that which folks deem important to questions I’ve asked here. In response I get silly retorts like ‘Google AAWA’ or ‘Read it all’. That’s like recommending I read the entire library of Harvard to find my neighbor's telephone number!

    If it’s asking too much to have folks evidence claims and/or point me to specific information then I guess I’m behind the times.

    If that’s not enough, the silly heckling and illogical nonsense I see in this discussion is appalling.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I find it interesting that Marvin never really addressed my OP.”


    Never "never really addressed"?

    Which of your comments need more of a response?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “No one is asking you to read 'everything' published on the forum. Just the relevant threads.”

    Las Malvinas son Argentinas,

    So far no one’s pointed me to a library of “the relevant threads”. What’s your list of “the relevant threads”?

    More important to me, where in these “relevant threads” is answer to the specific questions I’ve asked here?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Finally-Free

    Get a clue, people. Marvin is bored and he's playing with you.


  • free2beme

    Everytime an organization starts for former Witnesses, it gets bad and causes problem. I remember years ago this one call silentlambs... it went horrible, had bad leadership and became a mess. So this pattern is kind of normal.

  • talesin

    the silly heckling and illogical nonsense I see in this discussion is appalling.

    Yes, so why don't you cease and desist? Your silly heckling and illogical nonsense has become tiresome.


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