AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • talesin

    I se no reason to wade through countless pages of mind-numbing drama to find morsels of useful information when I have outstanding questions in this very discussion .

    So, rather than type "AAWA" into the search engine, you want us to look it up for you?

    Who the hell are you, anyways? Okay, you did a lot of good work. That doesn't make you Mister High and Mighty who demands that I have to dig up information for you. Who's the drama queen here? Or should I say, the Diva ....

    FYI - click "Search" button at the top of the page ... type in "AAWA" .... there you will find the answers to your questions.

    I refuse to be your 'secretary'....


  • UnConfused

    I've seen Marvin do this before. Jump into something and eventually admitting he's not even read the backstory. Then he puffs and pontificates and bores everyone with circular logic. It's his schtick.

    Just ignore his posts is my advice.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I apologize for what I originally said here, but inane people make me CRAZY!!!

  • Angharad

    Please keep it civil everyone

  • talesin


    I hope you don't get Bestyed!

    lol! This should be like a "Cofty" .... maybe we should keep this as a catch-phrase to honour Besty.


  • Tylinbrando

    Talesin said,

    and if you had any experience in working with victims / survivors of abuse (which I have), you would know that demanding that a victim re-tell their story, and second-guessing or denying what was done to them, is called 'victim-blaming'.

    My now 15 year old daughter disclosed sexual abuse upon her over a period of many years when she was just 11. She was asked to retell her story over and over to law enforcement, forensic psychologists, rape therapists, district attorneys, victim advocates, defense attorneys, civil investigators, civil attorneys....it goes on and on. What is that called?

    Granted not all of these deny her story.

    Nevermind I see your point.

  • *lost*

    Those of us who know spin and how the 'old boys clubs' really work know what is going on here. the further this goes on, the more our suspicions are being confirmed.

    There are spin doctors spinng lies, misconceptions, half-truths, untruths and are disengenious at best. At worst they are frauds.

    We have been insulted, we have been called liars, we have been called trouble makers. Because we want the truth.

    FAKE FACE BOOK PAGES/GROUPS - where's the evidence, has anyone actually seen them, because until i see proof I believe it to be lies also.

    AAWA grandstanded here and wanted support. We were wiling and happy to support the group. then turned on us llike vipers and blamed us for their mistakes on other forums and on facebook.

    There is more truth to come out here. There is plenty going on behind closed doors in secret, I bet ya.

    And all you guys are to respected for keeping at it and having the backbone to stand up for everyone else to get to the truth.

    edited to add; Zed I feel you, Happened to me too.

    Tylin - that's awful. Feel for you too.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I think that Marvin needs you to remind him of the "First Rule of Holes."


  • talesin

    Tylin, I am having a brain fart, but it is close to "re-offending" because it makes the person re-live the events over and over. Much love to your daughter and family. I hope she is on a healing path... and glad she has your loving support. Been there myself, only it was my family involved in the abuse, so I know how it feels.



  • Dagney

    FAKE FACE BOOK PAGES/GROUPS - where's the evidence, has anyone actually seen them, because until i see proof I believe it to be lies also.

    LOL, touche *lost*. Good point. I've never seen the fake page! Does anyone have evidence that there was a bogus page? Must be speculation and drama.

    Edited to add: Actually, I do believe that may have happened per AAWA...although at this point, they have given me no reason to believe anything they say.

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