Marvin: If you were a fader who had been added, without your knowledge or permission, to a facebook group where your personal identity would be revealed to known WTS apologists, general nutters and anyone who could be a WTS representative, how would you feel if the people who had done this:
1. denied they'd done it.
2. claimed other people had done it instead of them.
3. after finally admitting they'd done it, claimed you weren't really harmed and there was no risk
4. after having the potential dangers explained, said they weren't going to do anything 'cause it sounded like too much effort
5. after being told of people who had been outed, told everyone that they were just liars
6. used a lame excuse to stop communicating and went silent other than to call people names
THAT is where we are with the AAWA and why there is so much bad feeling.
Bad behavior is indefensible, and I won’t defend it.
From my seat the paradox is this: I see good people I have no reason to doubt saying “X” and good people I have no reason to doubt saying “X is not quite the way it is”. And I see lots of hurt each way. Lots of it!
When you see people you love hurting and at loggerheads, and there is something to gain by disentangling whatever happened, then you try and figure it out. That’s what I’m trying to do.
In answer to what you ask above, assuming everything you assert, I’d be very, very upset. I already know folks are very, very upset. I also know there’s lots of bad things being said; venomous things. If AAWA is the proverbial anti-Christ then I’ll have no part of it. If AAWA is really an attempt by honest and sincere people to do something good and they’re willing to grow despite mistakes, then maybe I’ll work with it collaboratively.
In this discussion much has been said of my apparent inexperience with things Facebook, and those folks are correct that I’m not very experience with Facebook. But if I’m so ignorant and technologically crippled, then I wonder why someone like me has been spared all this tragedy? How in the world could I have been spared this catastrophe when of all these people I’m the apparent techno-cripple? It is just sheer luck that in all my wanderings in and around things AAWA that I managed to avoid all this?
My guess is that I take my privacy seriously and did the simple thing of taking great care what I did and when, even predating AAWA. Perhaps the mistake made by AAWA was thinking others would do and had done as I did and not as others did. I’m not saying this to shift blame. I’m sharing what may have been the ultimate fulcrum of mistake. Getting to the bottom of whatever caused this to transpire is the only way to really “fix it”.
I do not think insincerity or utter disregard are where mistakes were made. More than likely, I think it’ll boil down to something far less sinister and far simpler.
Marvin Shilmer