“If what Marvin says is correct (he seems to have an insight as to how AAWA 'leading lights' are thinking) it suggests a sort of 'corporate arrogance' on the part of AAWA.”
Joe Grundy,
Thanks for sharing your perspective, and for the most part I could not agree more.
It’s not that organizers of AAWA didn’t care about or want the wealth of knowledge and experience available at JWN. My remark you allude to is more like ‘corporate exhaustion’ rather than ‘corporate arrogance’.
Because ground is constantly moving underneath corporate feet, at some point a decision must be made to move forward as best you can. This is the work of a Board of Directors, and my comment was to suggest AAWA’s board may be reaching that point. I’ll add that I doubt AAWA’s board membership thinks its success or failure is tied to sentiment at JWN. It’s unwise to construct a “business” tied to one basket. If they’re trying to build a robust structure they’d have to avoid creating such a dependency in the first place.
Honestly, were I a sole proprietor running an AAWA business, the last thing I’d do is use or consult JWN’s public forum to find staff. Instead I’d use my personal contacts among folks I know and trust to find the best available people and then work within whatever is the skill-set of that group, and build it from there. In my case, because some of my contacts have been made through the JWN outlet then to that extent JWN would play a role.
Marvin Shilmer