AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Yes...I read your defense about what a great guy cedars is and how he helped you with your business.

    “That had nothing to do with what was being discussed. It was pure defense on Cedars behalf by you. And was irrelevant. You came accross like his PR guy.”

    Still thinking,

    Please pardon my speaking of Cedars as I did. Participants here were saying some quite nasty things about the man as though he were an evil-minded arrogant sob. That struck me as very odd compared to what I know firsthand of him. So like many before me, I shared my experience.

    PR is not my thing. If anything, I tend to annoy folks with my candid style and persistence to understand things I want to learn more about.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “People who state they are counselors have a moral responsibility to protect those they are working with.

    “This group, AAWA, due to incompetence, has betrayed the trust of those they want to help. The warning here is to be cautious. We have already 'gotten to the bottom' of the issue.”


    Counselors have an ethical and professional duty toward those whom they counsel in relation to that relationship. Perhaps one’s sense of morality extends it further, but that strays into sticky territory for a counselor. In the case of AAWA, it certainly has a duty. It’s not quite the same as a counselor-patient relationship, but a duty nevertheless.

    So far as I can see, there was some incompetency at work in the birthing stage of AAWA. That’s not terribly surprising. But for anyone who suffered as a result that’s no consolation and it’s not intended to be.

    “This is why I say you are 'victim blaming' ..... once again.”

    It’s paradoxical to see how someone I know is all for victims can be understood as victim blaming. That sort of misunderstanding is what makes human relationships a tedious thing. How to “read” a person is hard enough when face-to-face. In read-only forums like this, it’s nearly impossible. Yet it seems so easy for you to accuse me as you do.

    “You could have taken a couple of hours to read the history on here, as provided by Simon, instead of berating victims and those who were trying to explain things to you. Instead, you chose to act like a prima donna, demanding special treatment. You bragged about all the money and time you have put into the cause. A little humility would be appropriate. We are all supposed to be equal here.”

    People are not equal. I’m not equal with you and you’re not equal with me. Every person is unique and presents assets accordingly. Each person has something to give that others do not have to give. We are not equal. Otherwise we’d be little more than ants working on a hill.

    It could well be the case that I’ve spent more time on this subject than you. Believe it or not, JWN is not the center of the known universe. What people say and do here is not and never has been the epicenter of things “Watchtower,” “Jehovah’s Witness” or “ex-JW”. JWN is one place among many.

    When you speak of berating victims, honestly I have no idea what you’re talking about. Insofar as I can tell I’ve done no more than ask honest questions in an effort learn. There is no need for special treatment, and this certainly is not the place to find it were that the case. My expressions of resources expended was not to brag. It was to help convey why my interest in AAWA. What is there to brag for? I don’t tell anyone who I am in order to gain any glory.

    Humility has a place, but not in serious discussions of learning. When you want to know something you have to be willing to step forward and ask hard questions and insist on sound answers, and then keep pressing until you find what you’re looking for. This is how I work. It’s how any person works who want to learn, and who wants to sort out sound information from unsound information.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “And I must say, you are dismissive and ASS-UM-E a lot about others, too. You seem to feel you have higher qualifications than anyone else on this thread, and that means you have the authority to put others down.

    “What are YOUR qualifications, aside from your personal website? Have you ever been paid to do this work?”


    I don’t know whether my academic and professional credential are more or less than other participants here. My best guess is that some have more and some have less.

    For me this discussion is not about credentials but, rather, what can be soundly determined based on reliable information. How to obtain information and measure its veracity is not rocket science. Mostly it’s hard word and willingness to listen to and explore multiple perspectives, and of course whatever hard evidence might be available. Afterward it’s a matter of forming objective conclusions within known and well-accepted conventions of logical construction.

    Finally, because I do not assert my training and experience as premise for conclusions presented here then what is your point of asking what you do? Neither matters because I don’t leverage one or the other. My work stands are falls on what it stands on, and it does not stand on my credentials. It’s done that way because it’s a better way.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “…If you do not "get" fb you really need to back out of this conversation - just saying.”


    Facebook just happens to be the scene in this instance, but what has or hasn’t happened there presents ramifications beyond.

    In my experience there nothing quite as good as asking questions to learn about things others know more about. Around here there seems to be Facebook experts aplenty, and I’m glad some have shared their knowledge to help.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Speaking of Mr J M____ E____, I accepted a friend request from him a few years back, then…”


    Once I tried to help this person. Let me just say there is veracity to the adage “No good deed goes unpunished”.

    Take great care with that one.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “My opinion, former Witnesses are good listeners, but as professional councilors they are wanna bes and should leave that to people who can help.”


    Everyone has their talent, and in the world of counselors there’s as much of a mixed bag as there is everywhere else.

    I believe former Witnesses have something to offer as counselors, if that’s what they’re interested in doing. Regardless of an individual’s personal history—including emotional traumas—each has something they can help others with so long as they take time to learn appropriate advisory boundaries and their own personal boundaries.

    What you say above is something I’ve heard bantered around in informal round-table discussions among peers regarding a wide cross section of “exs”. So there is a reason people see for pause.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • WingCommander

    There's a real simple solution to this entire problem: Stop using your REAL facebook identity to be looking around apostate or ex-JW sites, joining them, etc. Use alternative FB profile like "John Smith", that's what I use. Problem solved. No one knows my real name, so no harm done. This entire problem is because people are too trusting with social media sites and actually use their real names, profiles, etc. My real facebook profile and name is as clean as a whistle, with absolutely NO political, religious, or similar affiliations listed. Neutral, just the way I like it. No shit to dig up, period. No JW's "friended" either, and if I did, they'd be put into a friend's list grouping with the highest security settings which wouldn't allow them to see ANYTHING, period.

    Know your programs and apps. Know your security settings inside and out. Never post shit that could come back to haunt you. Your own ignorance is your downfall, not someone else using it against you.

    End of Story.

    - Wing Commander

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    Regarding your well-intended thoughts above, Ray’s work stands alone and no one else can repeat it or further it.

    I am not a theologist and don’t want to be. That work is far too subjective for my taste.

    My worship is how I live my life. My life is lived around learning to love and loving others. There’s no more powerful tool for love-building and expressing that love than relentless pursuit of whatever is true—or that can be soundly reasoned—in order to share what you find for sake of others. This is how I live my life. It is my worship.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    That doesn't cover it wing. Why do people have to set up a fake name to prevent the damage fro others adding you to their page?

    In regards to Marvin, he's a great distraction, and since he doesn't speak for AAWA STD SUV, he can say anything he wants. He can get as snarky as he wants. But when it comes down to it, he doesn't represent AAWA. So they can stay off in the distance, watching him engage everyone.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My worship is how I live my life. My life is lived around learning to love and loving others.

    He's just fucking with people now.

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