AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • 3dogs1husband

    OK this is hilarity - If you do not "get" fb you really need to back out of this conversation - just saying.

  • brinjen

    Speaking of Mr J M____ E____, I accepted a friend request from him a few years back, then unfriended him after he began to spam my FB page, and quite frequently too. Can't re-call exactly what they said except they were basically his religious views. He gave me the impression then he saw FB as an advertising medium... as opposed to sharing views and interests.

  • free2beme

    No one forces anyone to read anything they do not want to read. My opinion, former Witnesses are good listeners, but as professional councilors they are wanna bes and should leave that to people who can help.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Hi Marvin,

    I feel like Paul before King Agrippa, when he was thrilled to know the man he was to lay his defense before, was the Jew who knew all the controversies and traditions of the Jews. There is a massive amount of Christians with their Watchtower background who are very confused and deeply disturbed about all the changes the Organization has been making on annual basis. I wish you could use your knowledge you have amassed and address the needs and topics we are battling against with our JW Family while the Watchtower turns them into little Chucky Dolls (Child's Play).

    Somebody needs to take the place of brother Ray Franz and his wonderful writing style along with that gift of speaking with great authority by quoting the Holy Scriptures. I looked at Amazon's last two books dealing with the horrible upbringing of kids in some Bizarr-O family the author claimed at a-typical of a regular Jehovah's Witness upbringing. You have the gift to carry the torch Ray Franz has decided to leave behind, I know you feed on facts and shun the rampant speculation and blatant lies associated with various dishonest ex-JWs who are after blood. Have you considered taking up this angle of the work and helping fill the void the shy brothers and sisters are looking for? Ray's book "ISOCF" talks about the effects of having someone who is reliable and trustworthy to tell the truth about all the Watchtower's insane doctrine changes and modern day scandals. .

    We really need someone who can help the potential Ten Million Witnesses who are eventually going to figure out "We have been tricked" but will refuse to read some of the more radical and slanted books written by angry people who were abused. I think you have a gift and your skills would be better served working books explaining how all the New Doctrines are killing off all the original teachings we kids born in the 1950s were raised on. Please don't waste your time on a Facebook group that has the potential to implode quickly, 1300 or 1800 members can go up in smoke quick, I think there is greater potential for your scholar works and helping the new ones review their old teachings. Just my humble opinion, sorry if it does not come out as clean as it should!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Is Cedars the Cartoon requesting donations of time or money? Is he going to allow Pay-Pal or Credit Cards to further the Organization like the Watchtower was using? Really, is he asking for money?

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Simon, will you allow the AAWA to use your site to troll for new members after all is said and done? I have been on many Message Boards for years, and people who promoted their Message Boards were immediantly warned and told "I did not design this board for your benefit to "Pump or Promote" your site, go out and do you own "Cold Calling" and "Stop Spamming My Websites With Invites to your Message Board!

    Cedar's alluded to the point you might be getting jealous or "he struck a nerve because of his new found fame with all those whooping 300 Facebook Accounts after you back out the "Forced Adds", with Facebook's average time and main users dropping off their time spent in half (Latest 10K 2012) according to their SEC Filings. So, will you start to consider warning JWN Members of the potential threat to their security by stating you have nothing to do with those new sites popping up looking to fleece your friends here?

    Simon if you are not going to say anything in the future to the coming "Message Board and Face Book" groups using your hard work to lauch their site from, you are kinda giving them a form of credibility by not telling them to "Get The Hell Off My Lawn Kids!". You built this site with Thirteen years of hard work, Cedars words gave me the vibes he was now in the Big League and no longer needed your site, re-read his words and you will get the drift he got what he wanted and no longer has any use for JWN because his new site the AAAAWWWAAAARG is going to absorb us. I think it's cool to create your own site and build your membership base but I don't think it's fair to sneak your members away for their gains. i think of "Poaching, Pilfering, Fleecing, Snaking, Bleeding, Ticks, and I might be very wrong,I got the impression he was done with using you and now he's is Peter Gaberiel making it "BIG TIME!" Peace Simon!

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    " I’ll add that AAWA is probably by now not overly concerned about discussions at JWN." (Marvin)

    My view as an 'outsider' - I never was a JW:

    I don't know, but I'd guess, that JWN is one of the largest and longest-running JW-related 'groups' or forums. Certainly in my time here it has weathered the storms, had its share of crazies and nutjobs, but continues to be a source of information, research, opinion, etc.

    If I was involved in starting-up AAWA or something similar (I wasn't, and I'm not) I would be extremely concerned about discussions on JWN (or similar sites). No organisation in the real world would want to (or could afford to) ignore such a source of feedback and comment. Organisations pay handsomely for market research to provide just those things.

    If what Marvin says is correct (he seems to have an insight as to how AAWA 'leading lights' are thinking) it suggests a sort of 'corporate arrogance' on the part of AAWA. 'Goodwill' is an essential part of any start-up. It is difficult to buid up, but easy to lose. IMHO, there is generally an awful lot of 'goodwill' here on JWN. It would have been an asset - but lost now, I feel.

  • still thinking
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    If this AAWA was a business, it would end up broke real fast.

    I run a small business, my customers are always right even if they are not. Without their loyalty i will go broke. If i make a stuff up, and i do from time to time, my customers will be sure to tell me. And the survival of my business depends wholy and solely on what i do next.

    1. ''Look buddy, you obviously just have no clue how to use my product.....Go away...stop wasting my time"...


    2. "I am so sorry that has happened, tell me exactly what YOU need me to do to fix this"...

    I always go option 2, unlike my competion who chooses option 1 and wonders why he is losing clients.



    AWWA has made a stuff up and keeps on choosing option one, the result will be glaringly obvious in my opinion.


  • *lost*

    MARVIN - HERE IS SOME FOR YOU - ( and now I will probably get bashed, for 'bashing' )

    You want to read the facts. Here are some facts.


    outlaw - 25527

    cedars - 5894, 5896

    Mind Blown - 1236 - gives link you can click on re FB page

    JUAN - 846

    CEDARS 5897, 5899

    MIND BLOWN - 1231, 1230 - shows the spike.

    FIZZY - 18

    JUAN -- 847

    FIZZY - 22

    CEDARS - 5900

    JGNAT - 20549

    MIND B - 1243

    FIZZY - 29

    CEDARS - 5905, 5904, 5903, 5916, 5913, 5911, 5926, 5923, 5922.

    LOS MARVIN - 375

    CEDARS - 5919, 5931, 5929, 5927, 5932, 59935.

    FIZZY 30

    MICKEY 4595

    NONI - 2035

    FIZZY - 33

    DAGNEY - 4155

    ZED - 531, 528

    Do you want more or will this suffice.

    much love peeps

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