yea having a life is spending his day defending a fallacy.
AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Fizzywiglet said
Juan Viejo, who is on their board of directors, already stated that he saw Watchtower apologists/potential moles who had been force-added to the group before it was closed up. He already stated that he saw individuals force-added who had no history of or interest in ex-JW activism.
It was also stated by Dagney that JuanViejo told her that Rick Fearon and Danny Hazzard "added" hundreds of people to the official AAWA Group. However looking under each member's name anyone can see who added them and when.
Rick Fearon and Danny Hazzard have not added ANYONE.
Marvin Shilmer
“Marvin, since you have NOT read all the information, and have said that you are talking to an AAWA member behind the scenes, then you are not in possession of all the facts.”
The disconnect between what different sources assert is precisely why I’m sharing information and asking questions.
What I’ve commented about and asked questions about is only of what I’ve read or been told. If you have something in particular you think I should read then please point me to it. But please don’t waste my time with a JWN book recommendation. I’m looking for evidence; not narrative.
“Are you saying that Rebel8, Dagney, Zed and others are LYING?”
Not at all.
I’d ask questions like:
- Which of the three Facebook accounts they encountered, or some other forum if not one of the three.
- Do they have any idea how the event occurred?
- Once concern was raised, was it resolved?
“All the above have verified that they were force-added without their knowledge.”
Force added to what, precisely. From what I gather there was one Facebook account that is the culprit, and that account was set up by someone with no ties to AAWA yet audaciously used its name and logo.
Otherwise, I can tell you this for sure: because someone says something does not make it true.
- If AAWA authorities and volunteers are good people they have to prove it to me.
- If accusations of AAWA are valid those making the assertions will have to prove that to me as well.
Marvin Shilmer
Was this to the rogue AAWA Facebook account, or to either of the two “authorized” Facebook accounts, or to something else?
Do you have any idea how this thing happened? I mean, other than assuming the worst of AAWA (not that I presume otherwise).
Marvin: While I appreciate your intent is probably to help, you really are not helping and the constant re-hashing of questions is just aggrevating those of us who have been keeping up with what has gone on and what has been said.
It's very simple and very straightforward.
We know people were added BY the AAWA people TO the AAWA group which WAS OPEN and they REFUSE to undo what they did or to even explain it.
All we've had are denials and lies and more lies and I really think someone needs to stick a fork in the AAWA because I think they must officially be DONE by now.
Marvin Shilmer
Apparently you are totally ignorant and disingenuous with your comment to fizzy:
How did Julia force add you? Please explain.
I will respond for that, she hit a fucking button, you dumbass!
I don’t think it’s that simple. I can’t hit a button and add you to anything. If I can, please let me know where is this button. I’d like to know where it’s at.
Something or things had to precede Julia “hitting a button”. This is what my question is seeking.
Marvin Shilmer
LOST you asked me,
Julia Barret Douglas - the face of the AAWA social club
What if anything qualifies her as a suitable person to assist with victims/survivors of abuse.
Edited to add:
if you have volunteers/workers fronting this kind of group are they honest in their claims that they are also survivors/victims of abuse and ex-jws themselves.
how would I know I can trust these people are genuine if i joined one of the groups
I can not comment as to any professional qualifications as I have no knowledge of such. I can vouch for many volunteers that they are survivors/victims of abuse and ex-jws. Ive shared stories with them for years, cried with them on the phone, discussed family histories with them.
Trust should not be given it should be earned. Standing with backs towards eachother there will never be opportunity to earn trust.
From what I gather there was one Facebook account that is the culprit, and that account was set up by someone with no ties to AAWA yet audaciously used its name and logo.
By 'gather' can I assume you mean "have been told by Cedars or Richard"?
Because if this is now the story they are going with, then they are contradicting what they have previously told us. This fake page is a complete non-issue and distraction. No one cares about it.
wha happened?
If not them, then someone else will appear as AAWA. One thing that's clear though. Just because there is a common interist, you can't bootstrap someone into your organization, just because u follow other similar organizations. I'm glad to see the defense of this, and the defense of those hurt. The AAWA considers them collateral damage. We see them as people, who are hurt.
The next AAWA that graces our lives will likely have a much better plan, and a leader with testicles
Yes, Tylin. Exactly. Can you understand why at this point I think they are flat-out lying? They deliberately chose the two most "extreme" apostates (ones who many people consider kinda nutty) to blame this on. They realize just how nutty the truth makes them look, so they picked two people on the extreme end of the spectrum to blame, so that this would go away. Granted, it's not something I would put past Fearon/Haszard - I agree they can be pretty nutty. Except in this instance, it's simply not true. It never happened.
You are a member of the secret group in good standing, and have in fact defended them on many points, correct? So gee, now are they going to accuse you of lying, too, now that you have said that you can see Fearon/Haszard were not involved in this fiasco?
Juan Viejo was a friend of mine. I didn't want to believe he was capable of lying. I wanted to believe he was the one board member trying to be truthful. But now it appears this is absolutely not the case, and I am extremely disappointed.
wha happened?
Apparently you are totally ignorant and disingenuous with your comment to fizzy:
How did Julia force add you? Please explain.
I will respond for that, she hit a fucking button, you dumbass!I was waiting for this