AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • talesin

    Let's not cherry-pick my comments, OKAY? I said this:

    I merely object to your expectation that we should trust sources who have proven they are not credible. I object to your browbeating the victims of their incompetence. And I dislike your arrogance and stubborn refusal to acknowledge that other people may have more experience/knowledge of both facebook and organizing non-profit groups.

    So, where were you vilified? What name did I call you except arrogant? You have called other people foolish and said I was causing drama - that is arrogant, as far as I am concerned. The only other things I objected to were your actions.

    Would you like me to cut and paste YOUR little rant from a few pages back, where you said quite a few nasty things about people who disagree with you?

    Get a grip!


  • HintOfLime

    If the AAWA is a victim of anything it is poor management.

    Why would anybody with the resources to orchastrate a DDoS risk federal prosecution attacking the AAWA's website when the AAWA management has already demonstrated it has no problem pointing a loaded gun at it's foot and pulling the trigger?

    I've watched the AAWA's website regularly, and at no point did I notice significant slowdowns or time-outs suggestive of an effective DDoS against them. The site consistantly responded at about the rate I expect for a Wordpress site.

    Complete and utter bullshit.

    - Lime

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I Will Fart After Blow Job.

    Damn this post now looks really odd all the way down here.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “@Marvin Shillmore - Given your hotline to AAWA please simply ask …”


    I asked for evidence for a claim that Julia added 260 odd people without their consent.

    Suggesting I gather supporting or contrary information in relation to that assertion is a specific form of argumentum ad ignorantiam known as shifting the burden of proof.

    If you have evidence to back up your claim I’m all ears. Otherwise it’ll be no more and no less than an unproven assertion.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • betterdaze

    Isn't there an even more likely explanation? I.e they just made it up to deflect from everything else!

    Well, now that you've mentioned it… This is not the first time they've played hide-and-seek with a website.

    While Cedars was beaming and creaming that the Watchtower shut down JWSurvey, JuanViejo explained it was a simple Terms of Service violation, and that he had been previously warned by the service provider. They sent another warning that "got lost", then shut down all of his sites until some trademarked/copyrighted material was removed.

    And guess what, prior to that, Cedars had made a topic where he pretended not to know what copyright was or how the WT should be entitled to it. How conveeeeenient.

    I was grateful at the time that JuanViejo told the truth. Meanwhile Cedars ran around like a chicken with its head cut off screaming Watchtower persecution. I was confident at least a few non-sheeple here saw that it looked like a premeditated hoax on Cedars part.
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think the final chapter will be when Simon finally tires of the lies and doublespeak and shuts it down and kicks people off. Then the persecution banner will be waiving in all it's glory.

  • besty
    My guess: I was force added by Julia?


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I think that is what happened to me too. I had already unfriended J Mason Emerson because of the experience stated in the OP. She is now unfriended too.


  • slimboyfat

    I would not be surprised betterdaze.

  • talesin

    From page 11 .... Marvin

    My efforts to learn from JWN participants in this discussion have been met by a fairly large amount of hostility, sarcasm, anger, nonsense and stupidity, along with helpful information. Sorting through this stuff is frustrating and time-consuming. If my experience is any barometer it could well be the case that level heads inside AAWA have decided to regroup and try doing a better job without wasting time here.

    I guess it's okay for you to call others stupid and nonsensical.... but you are exempt from having your arrogance pointed out.

    [bold is mine]


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