AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Telling anonymous people on the Internet you love them is crass.”


    If that’s my crime I’m happy to be convicted of it.

    I’ve learned from childhood to love people. It’s a good way to live, and there are far worse things.

    I don’t let a day go by without telling folks I have regard for that I love them. We’re all connected. We’re all in the human race together. We might as well make the best of it when we can. Loving people is a good way to live. One day I won’t be able to do it. So I do it today.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Tylinbrando

    I asked for evidence for a claim that Julia added 260 odd people without their consent.

    Suggesting I gather supporting or contrary information in relation to that assertion is a specific form of argumentum ad ignorantiam known as shifting the burden of proof.

    If you have evidence to back up your claim I’m all ears. Otherwise it’ll be no more and no less than an unproven assertion.

    Marvin, this statement is correct by Besty. If you were a member of AAWA you would see under these member's names that they were "added" by JBD. This does not require consent as per Facebook protocol. Julia has even stated on this board that it was easier to "add" her friends than it was to send them personal invitation to accept or decline. Further, dozens of people have stated right here that Julia "added" them without their consent including me.

    This is why the entire membership needs to be rebooted and members only are included that are invited and accept or those who request to join. Setting up security protocols after this initial deluge of "adding" people is useless.

  • betterdaze

    sbf, I don't have to make anything up or embroider it, it's all here preserved in black and white.

    If I'm wrong in putting these observations together, surely someone can correct me and I would welcome it.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Tylin, I guess you aren't privy to the gang of 6 on this. Any and all admissions previously made are now null and void. The new policy is deny deny deny. Call everyone liars, praise the AAWA as if it were the only institution capable of taking down the WT, (as if any are capable), and wear everyone down with the same repetative slogans and straw man arguments. I guess you missed the memo

  • besty
    Suggesting I gather supporting or contrary information in relation to that assertion is a specific form of argumentum ad ignorantiam known as shifting the burden of proof.
    If you have evidence to back up your claim I’m all ears. Otherwise it’ll be no more and no less than an unproven assertion.


    Firstly, I dispute your claim I made the 'without consent' statement. Now please provide evidence to your assertion that I used the words 'without consent' - the 2 words that your argument now hang on apparently.

    Secondly, you won't win any friends in the peanut gallery by avoiding a reasonable request with complicated appeals to Latin logic. (feel free not to respond - just informing you)

    Thirdly, I have provided evidence:

    1) numerous individuals, including me and my wife, have said they were added without permission

    2) the process to add without consent is much easier than seeking consent <800 people consensually added by 3 people in a matter days - really?>

    3) Julia Barrick Douglas has made no effort to contact me to contradict my claim or apologise. Nor did she use her FaceBook platform to dispute my claim, merely to advocate my shunning.

    Lastly, I note your obfuscation - let me know when you are ready to ask AAWA for a simple answer to a simple question.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "I don't know whether AAWA has or has not deleted any Facebook page. I haven't asked the question.

    My understanding is that issues of privacy have been resolved. Last I checked AAWA's web page it was down. "

    OMG..What's wrong with you? This is just insane...it's the AAWA-facebbok page that has caused problems with privacy.

    I don't believe that you are that stupid Marvin! Then don't play stupid. You are fooling noone but yourself.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Thanks for the information! I was one of Julia's friends, so that is probably why I was one of the force adds. I am unfriending all members that are affiliated with AAWA tonight.


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Wow. The WT trying to take down an upstart organisation that is trying to do good for the world by means of cyber attacks? This sounds like the context for a forgettable Tom Cruise movie. I can see Tom now, running through the streets with a nifty iPad in his backpack going from wi-fi hotspot to hotspot.

    No wait, wrong accent.

    Jude Law?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I guess it's okay for you to call others stupid and nonsensical....”


    My comments you cite are said in general and not characterization of a specific individual. If the shoe fits let whoever wear it.

    When we take it upon ourselves to depict something of a person or a person’s response we owe a debt to answer for it. In my case I’ll happily answer for anything I’ve said of a person here. Mostly I attempt to do this as I go. Because my preference is conventions of logic I tend to label responses on that basis. So when, for instance, Besty leveraged argumentum ad ignorantiam I called it just that. Besty’s response is, in logical terms, nonsensical. Coming from me that’s not said to suggest Besty is mentally imbalanced but, rather, that the response is, from a logical perspective, nonsensical. This is not an attack of character; it’s an attack on logical grounds. There’s a big difference.

    You should know all this, by the way.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • slimboyfat

    betterdaze I missed that whole episode.

    But from what I recall Cedars has absolutely zero ability to accept any constructive criticism from anyone. Which is a pretty major character flaw in itself, but as the "president" of a new organisation it's turned out pretty fatal.

    So I'm not suprised about other sorts of machinations and drama you allude to.

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