“It was me who used the phrase "without consent". But honestly, who really doubts these people were added "without consent"? Unless you are being willfully dense, or Marvin Shilmer. For goodness sake, what a colossal waste of time.”
Yes. It was you.
When I made inquiry Besty jumped in exclaiming what you asserted was said by him. I couldn’t find where he said it. But according to Besty, he said what you attributed to him.
....fast forward...
Now after wasting a bunch of my time trying to find where Besty said what apparently he never said, Besty limps in telling me his initial response was said of a part of the whole I inquired about. Well thanks so much for settling this several thousands of keyboard strikes later. That's very kind of you, Besty, and you too, slimboyfat.
When I ask a precise question I take answers accordingly. It’s disgusting to me that people can so cavalierly waste other folks time.
I came into this discussion in an honest effort to figure out what was going on and whether I wanted to work with people inside AAWA. Look at the grief handed me. What is the point? I’m not here to make anyone happy. I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to help whoever I can along the way, but primarily I’m here to figure out whether people inside AAWA are people I want to work with, whether as part of AAWA or otherwise.
It’s apparent to me folks have been hurt. I can’t change that and am not here attempting to.
In your case, slimboyfat, though I know you’re a good guy, you have culpability in wasting some of my time. I’m here of my own volition, but my own sense of decency compels me to do whatever is in my power to avoid wasting any of the very precious and finite time of a fellow human being. I don’t know about you. But my clock is nearer the end than the beginning. I still have a lot of work to get done in my life, and wasting time really burns. This is why I bother to ask precisely questions, even if it does add to the sentence, Besty.
For now I’m staying in touch with folks inside AAWA to see what happens and where it goes. If I learn something of potential help I’ll surely share it. In the meantime I recommend folks take initiative to make firsthand inquiry. What you get from my conversations with people at AAWA is secondhand. Though secondhand information can be examined for veracity, there is nothing like firsthand information.
None of this changes a thing about how I feel of participants in this discussion. But what I say above underscores the difficulty of trying to sort out useful information in discussions in this forum, and why asking precise questions is important to the process.
Marvin Shilmerr