AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • wannabefree

    i too was added by the alluded to name in the thread title, however, the facebook account i used with this group of friends is a fictitious identity as i am not yet "outed" as far as the local congregation is concerned.

    if a fading witness was friends with this person with their real identity, that would have outed them right there imo, i agree it was wrong for this to be done, but at the same time the fader made a bad decision to identify themself with KNOWN anti-jw's on facebook

    AAWA ... change your name to something that doesn't sound so in your face confrontational which in this present day makes you seem extremist which repels people ... and close that facebook page

    Thank you.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    By the way,

    I am working on my response to Cedars PM that he sent me here on JWN yesterday.


  • Hummingbird001
    After researching the veracity of claims, I have no doubt whatsoever that people were added without consent. But this does not confirm the extent.

    I don't understand why it matters to you what the exact number of people added without permission is? It's been proven that many were added without consent. Whether that number is 5 or 50 or 500, it was wrong and no responsibility has been acknowledged nor any apology given.

    This could have caused major problems for me and I feel sorry for anyone that wasn't able to "cover their a$$" like I was.

  • tornapart

    The fact is that hundreds were added en mass in a short space of time. It's easy to do in a FB group. If invites had been sent out instead by email, the resulting flow would have been more of a steady tickle rather than the flood that happened overnight. This makes it obvious that most of those hundreds were added without their knowledge. Maybe most of them are happy about it and haven't said anything. However there are going to be some that aren't happy, some that still don't know and most surely some that will have a lot of damage control to do.

    The fact is that people were added without their consent to a group that could cause serious damage to their lives should they be 'outed'. It should never have been allowed to happen and the resulting problems have not been taken seriously enough.

  • slimboyfat

    I don't understand why it matters to you what the exact number of people added without permission is?

    I can't see what material difference it makes either. Apart from it is a trivial point that can be fruitlessly disputed, and "evidence" be demanded, which seems to be Marvin's speciality, unfortunately. Meanwhile many were put in harm's way and nothing done about it.

  • slimboyfat

    Zed mind telling us what Cedars is up to now? Not asking you to actually post the PM as that is against forum rules.

  • tornapart

    I was just reading Simons thread about forum integrity from a month ago... and look what I found posted at the bottom of this page..... Headspinning post and Cedars reply to it.

    Headspinning is this 'Julia'? that added loads of people because she couldn't be bothered or didn't have the time to invite individually.

    So they obviously already knew about the dangers involved!! I just can't get my head round any of this. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all!


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I don't understand why it matters to you what the exact number of people added without permission is?”


    Part of analyzing a problem is having an idea of its extent.

    Accordingly, when I engaged this discussion and was met with a poster who asserted a particular extent I asked where they got that information from in order to examine that piece of evidence. It ended up that particular assertion was unfounded. That is to say, the attributed source later clarified the particular assertion was not what they actually said, which is fine.

    - This does not mean something bad didn’t happen.

    - This does not mean corrective action is unnecessary.

    - It only means that single assertion is unproven.

    The reason extent of a problem is important to know is because extent usually plays a role in how to resolve whatever has happened, and in some cases it speaks to competency and/or intent.

    In the world of medicine, patients usually don't want to die and death from disease is always a bad thing best avoided. But how medical professionals react to a few deaths due to a particular disease is much different than how they react to hundreds of deaths due to the same disease. In the end there is finite resources attempting to resolve things as best they can, hence extent of the problem is a critical assessment. None of this is to minimize the pain and suffering of even a single death. It's only a means to better understand what's happening and why in order to achieve a level of efficacy.

    In this case a primary goal of mine was to determine my reaction to the question of collaborate or not with AAWA leadership. How I resolve this question in my case is something only I can decided and I want to make that decision deliberatively.

    Knowing an “exact number” is unimportant to me. Having an idea of “extent” is important to my deliberation.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Zed, I'm sure others have recieved PM's as well. We should all compare notes

  • Tylinbrando

    "Adding" members to a Facebook group does not require that Facebook user's consent.

    If reviewing the list of members displays that 1000 members were "added" in less than 12 hours by only 3 AAWA members, to what extent can it logically be concluded that those "added" members were not each individually contacted via email before they were "added" to the group?

    When suggestions were made to verify the consent of these "added" members, we were offered the refutation that it would be an overwhelming amount of work to contact these "added" members individually.

    This further indicates that there would have been the same amount of overwhelming work involved contacting perspective members for their consent before they were "added"

    The extent is clearly discernable.

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