AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
still thinking
There's a real simple solution to this entire problem: Stop using your REAL facebook identity to be looking around apostate or ex-JW sites, joining them, etc. Use alternative FB profile like "John Smith", that's what I use. Problem solved. No one knows my real name, so no harm done. This entire problem is because people are too trusting with social media sites and actually use their real names, profiles, etc.
No...this entire problem is because of AAWA....these people had no problem until AAWA invented itself and pushed itself into their lives without their consent. And then after the problem being pointed out to them refused to accept responsibility and did nothing to correct it.
I'm only on page 12...I don't know if in the next 10 pages they have finally apologized and deleted the offending FB page. But my guess is they haven't. Just more of the same, denial and blame the victims.
If you have....my apologies for misjudging you based on recent behaviour.
still thinking
Marvin...for someone who is not their PR guy.....you sure say a lot on their behalf, and come accross like their PR guy.
Comments like this....
" It’s not that organizers of AAWA didn’t care about or want the wealth of knowledge and experience available at JWN."...Marvin
How do you know what they cared about or didn't care about? Are you speaking for them now? Or not?
And what you have stated here goes directly against the evidence on here available to us. We have not seen any signs of them caring enough to remedy the situation for those who still may be affected. Just lots of excuses. People who have been force added to their FB page are still vulnerable because of their actions. Some people may not be aware that they have been added yet and are still there.
from...one of the Peanut gallery...
Actually, with Zazzle I'd say they have a markup of around 15%. Zazzle themselves set a base price which isn't exactly cheap to begin with, markup is set by the user. Not sure how many they'd be selling... guessing "not a lot".
wha happened?
Careful of the "Like" button
Dismissing servant
MAybe you are right! :)
Witness My Fury
We have fumbled.
We have dropped the ball.
We are blaming others.
Oh lordy
Well, Besty? Was my evidence sufficient, or not? You didn’t say.
The assertion is in 2 parts.
1 - Did Julia Barrick Douglas add 263 to AAWA Facebook Group and
2 - was that adding done 'without consent'
My original claim only included the first part. Thats why you acknowledge:
When I checked the link cited by slimboyfat and you I found no instance of you claiming that Julia had added 263 “without their consent”.
I apologise for giving you the impression on pages 3 and 4 that I was making a new 'without consent' claim. Brought to my attention, I disputed this - you agree there is no evidence - case closed.
Now to answer my question perhaps:
@ Marvin Shillmore - Given your hotline to AAWA please simply ask Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson whether they sought consent from the 800 people they added.