How do believers defend a god who is going to murder billions and pin it on them?

by tootired2care 327 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Who is god?

  • adamah

    xyz said-

    Aren't billions dying of decay, old age, sickness anyway?

    Yes....only because God (supposedly) chose to curse Billions of humans rather than punish the two who were (supposedly) at fault.

    BTW, thanks for adding the "supposedly"s: it's awkward, yes, but it IS important to remember that this is only the Christian hypothesis, based on wishful interpretation of the Genesis account.

    Few Christians understand that the Jews (remember: the very religion who's Holy Book was stolen, and used to write the sequel, AKA Christianity's NT?) didn't believe in Adam's 'original sin' doctrine: per Jewish sacrificial rituals, the sin of the sinner must be repented and atoned for by them while they're still alive, personally offering a suitable sacrifice to God (eg sin/guilt offering). If they fail to do so before their death, their slate is wiped clean, since the ultimate atonement for sin is death. There is none of this 'atoning for another person's sins' stuff in Judaism, since the repentence must be experienced BY the sinner, and cannot be delegated to another: if there's no repentence by the sinner, there's no forgiveness of the sin EVEN IF they offered the required sacrifice.

    So if you ask a Jew about Jesus offering himself as the "perfect" human sacrifice to atone for the sin of "perfect" Adam, they'll look at you as if you just landed from the Planet Mars: it's a foreign concept to Judaism, which is kinda the point, since Christianity represents a syncretism (blending) of Judaism with Hellenized pagan mystic religions (which is why eg Jesus suggesting cannabalism/drinking blood at the Last Supper was so abhorrent to the apostles: it was a symbolic violation of Jehovah's divine command from Genesis 9:5-6 not to eat human flesh and eat blood). It's a foreign concept to Early Judaism.

    xyz said-

    If I maimed one of my Son's in some way so that his children would be born with painful defects, I'd be considered a sick-o. Even (supposedly) wicked human beings can see the wrong and injustice in that.

    The first example that comes to mind is the drug Thalidomide, which was prescribed for morning sickness in pregnant women in the 50-60's throughout the World. Unfortunately, the drug caused children to be born with a host of birth defects, including malformed limbs:

    Of course, the drug was yanked off the market Worldwide after the problem was discovered, and it's not like doctors INTENTIONALLY prescribed a medicine which resulted in birth defects: only a MALEVOLENT PURELY-EVIL doctor would continue to intentionally cause birth defects.

    But that's exactly what Jehovah is depicted as doing in Genesis and Romans, making ALL subsequent generations pay the price of death for the sin of Adam and Eve, relying on the immoral "Might makes Right" as a defense.

    xyz said-

    None of it makes sense to me and I'm taking a wait and see attitude regarding God, the Bible and religion from now on. None of it is proveable and I'm not about to go around acting as if I know what it's all about, ever again.

    As far as the "none of it is provable" claim, I'd disagree: it IS proveable (and even beyond a reasonable doubt), but only IF someone is willing to do the hard work of looking into the evidence for yourself, examining the development of the Bible via historical examination (archaeological studies and textual-literary critical analysis of the Bible), and learning about the real World about you (Natural/Physical Sciences), etc. Take Paul up on his challenge, and examine the "evidence which is all about you in the World" and see if it points to resulting from God's creation, or to evolution/Natural Selection.

    It's going to take a few decades, at least, but it sure beats going door-to-door and telling others "truths" which you didn't know enough about the World to verify if it WAS the "TRUTH", but only professed to KNOW: that's the JW's arrogance of ignorance.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Answer that one, Cofty: it's a loaded question.

  • caliber

    He is:
    A sad man’s joy
    A troubled man’s peace
    A foolish man’s wisdom
    A defeated man’s victory
    An insane man’s sanity
    A lost man’s salvation

  • FlyingHighNow
    If I maimed one of my Son's in some way so that his children would be born with painful defects, I'd be considered a sick-o. Even (supposedly) wicked human beings can see the wrong and injustice in that.

    Supposedly is the important word here. Find and read Jehovah Unmasked. It's an interesting, different point of view of who Jehovah was/is. Not sure about the truth of any of it, but it has to do with the gnostic view of Jehovah and the old and new testaments. It was written by an ex jw.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    I must say before I was exposed to the WBTS, I was agnostic and thought the Bible was benign but having seen My Bible Stories and realized that stuff come sform the Bible - albeit selectively used - it made me question whether the Bible itself is a document that uses fear to manipulate believers. I certainly now have a much better understanding of the expression 'God Fearing' - who wouldn't be when reading the passages quoted.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Fear is the oldest control tool in the book.

  • Vidiot
    tootired2care - "How do believers defend a god who is going to murder billions and pin it on them?"

    The nice ones - with considerable difficulty.

    The nasty ones - with considerable enthusiasm.

  • FlyingHighNow
    The nasty ones - with considerable enthusiasm.

    Their anscestors are the ones who started the nasty rumor in the first place.

  • latinthunder
    Who is god?

    Cofty, FHN was speaking about God with a capital g, why did you change it to a lower case in your question? God is the source of all life and all existence and deserves a capital letter. Does it feel powerful to strip God of his title with grammar?

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