Fallacies about Faith

by tec 340 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrhhome

    Hmmm, it sounds to me like someone's using their "horribly flawed mortal (fallible) moral compass" to reach moral decisions anyway? Isn't that a sin? - adamah

    No, ultimately everyone has to follow their own moral compass. What else are we going to follow? If we sincerely seek the will of God in prayerful consideration, I believe that the we will be led by the Holy Spirit.

    Do we run the risk of being misled by our own selfish desires? Of course, that is always a risk. At the same time, I believe that blindly following scripture or church doctrine without applying reason and prayerful consideration is equally dangerous.

    As for the role of reason in all this, the church has advocated the application of reason for almost two millennia. The Church father Augustine of Hippo advocated the use of reason. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodists, advocated reason. This is not a new concept. Unfortunately, some of this rich tradition has been abandoned by more modern movements such as JW.

    Adamah, I think that you are having an imaginary argument with a fundamentalist or possibly a JW.

    I'd say that it's more likely for there to be 7 billion concepts of God out there, which should tell you something: could it be that all these various images of God(s) are actually stemming from the images created in the minds of men? Ya' think? - mrhhome

    Not necessarily. I know that 7 billion seems like a really big number, but it is infinitesimally small compared to the infinite. If we are all pulling on different strings of the infinite trapesty of God and his universe, we are all going to have slightly different perspectives.

    [For all you mathematicians out there. Spare me the discussion about infinity and limits. I know.]

    I've read many books on the subject already, but sure, what did you have in mind? - adamah

    I am currently reading the "The Big Book of Christian Mysticism" in parallel to several house projects. Give me a chance to work through that book, and I will get back to you on Deuteronomy.

  • tec

    Waves up (or back a page, lol) to LV.

    TEC, you sure use a loose definition of "truth"? But regardless, can you give ONE example of a "truth" spoken of by Jesus? I don't mean a WISDOM saying, or a reference to the promise of the Kingdom of God, etc, but a useful CONCRETE truth that was a proven fact, a breakthrough for the knowledge of mankind.

    Truth is truth... regardless of if you and others want to label some as a 'wisdom saying'... or some about His coming Kingdom.

    Christ is the Truth, Word, Image of God.

    He said He would be resurrected and return to His Father... that would fall under scientific truths (which i think you are asking about). Can science prove or replicate this? Not yet. We are, after all, still babes in science (maybe elementary school kids)... but Christ is not.

    One could also argue about what truth means. I feel Jesus was limited by the knowledge available in the first century. He was a prophet. It is unclear whether he himseself saw himself as the Messiah.

    Christ was not limited by the knowledge available in the first century... but the people who followed Him were limited... as in: limited in what they could understand and accept. But Christ said, "I have much more to tell you, that you cannot yet bear..."

    He also knew that He was the Christ. Other apostles knew that He was the Christ... and when Peter also said this, Christ said to Him,

    "Blessed are you Peter, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven."

    So He knew that He was the Messiah.

    Tammy has a right to believe whatever she wants as long as breaks no laws or harms no one. Others have a right to disagree with her. It is beyond my comprehension why certain believers, such as Tammy, come to an ex Jw forum and believe they can post without replies from others.

    Perhaps it is beyond your comprehension... because it is simply not true? I, and "certain other believers", do not believe that we can post without replies from others. Never have believed that.

    She has her own forum where the traffic can be restricted to fellow believers.

    It can be restricted thus, but it is not.

    I can't recall when Tammy had anything to offer on the forum besides the belief that Christ speaks to her personallly. This thread was an exercise in proving there is not much to her belief beyond hearing voices.

    Then you are not reading, as you prove every time you post as you just did... that I and 'certain other believers' think we can post without replies.

    Certain beliefs turn people inwards. Others, such as the social gospel proponents, turn outward to community. I fail to see what hearing voices adds to the Jehovah's Witnesses discussions. The great mystics turned inwards. Of course, they left behind beautiful writings concerning their struggles with contemplation.

    Some faith is both inward and outward. Christ is with(in) us... and our faith in Him propels us to do outward acts. On this board, you will obviously see mostly discussion. Though bearing witness... is something outward.

    I don't see what engaging Tammy brings me. It would be nice if she could explain her belief. The mere assertion of voices and Witness beliefs dressed up as something new is not convincing to me. Perhaps some things cannot be expressed. Others here give it a good try, though. What does it mean to say Christ is true? True about what?

    Some things cannot be expressed. I agree with that. Some things must be known/experienced. Words can be limiting with regard to some things.

    But there is no assertion of 'voices'.

    The assertion from me and others who bear witness to Christ... is simply that Christ lives, and as a living being, as the Spirit, Christ also speaks.

    Perhaps you should consider whether you reject something just because it seems to resemble a witness belief? Because that is not a reason to reject something. Reject something that is agianst Christ, yes, of course. Reject something just because another group of people believe/teach something that seems similar... well, how is that logical? Every religion has some truth in it... else it would not draw anyone in who is searching FOR truth. Unfortunately, that little bit of truth also makes it hard for some to leave... but Christ is THE Truth; NO lie is in Him. Unlike religion. Definitely unlike the wts.

    There are certain sayings of Jesus, usually the ones in Mark, that trouble me. I don't have a clue what he means. The apocalyptic sayings, the remarks about breaking up families

    Well, the breaking up families is simply a matter of what WILL happen. The truth does divide... because some will cling to their lies and hate the truth and anyone IN the Truth (as Cain hated Abel... not because Abel did anything wrong, but because Abel did what was right while Cain did not do what was right... so he hated his brother).

    Christ can help you see and hear the truth to the things that you do not understand... but you have to turn to Him and ask Him for eyes to see and ears to hear... the TRUTH... and that often means disregarding all the things that others have taught you about Him and God... and simply relying upon Him.

    The Christ proclaimed by the Church is easier to deal with. As I said before, Jesus leaves me with questions and respect.

    Something to keep in mind is this: Christ taught and said a lot of things that were hard for many to hear and accept; rather than easy to deal with. His words were always from love, yes, but also always truth (which comes from love) But the truth is not always 'easy' to deal with.

    May you be granted ears to hear if you wish them... that you may also hear as the Spirit and the Bride say to you, "Come!... take the water of life... free!"

    Peace to you,


  • cofty

    Jesus was a family-dividing, cult-leading, false prophet.

    This is self-evident to anybody who has actually read the gospels.

  • adamah

    TEC, you sure use a loose definition of "truth"? But regardless, can you give ONE example of a "truth" spoken of by Jesus? I don't mean a WISDOM saying, or a reference to the promise of the Kingdom of God, etc, but a useful CONCRETE truth that was a proven fact, a breakthrough for the knowledge of mankind.

    TEC said- Truth is truth... regardless of if you and others want to label some as a 'wisdom saying'... or some about His coming Kingdom.

    Holy Hades, TEC: are you still struggling with the Law of Identity (which most people learned as children), since you seemingly feel the need to constantly confirm it?

    In logic, the law of identity is the first of the three classical laws of thought. It states that: “each thing is the same with itself and different from another”: “A is A and not ~A”. By this it is meant that each thing (be it a universal or a particular) is composed of its own unique set of characteristic qualities or features, which the ancient Greeks called its essence.

    Worse, you seem to think it actually somehow constitutes a valid argument, when anyone can clearly see it's patently obvious, a law of identity, which arguably only constitutes an attempt at circular logic.

    So please promise me that next time you feel the urge to repeat silly meaningless phrases like, "the truth is the truth", you'll catch yourself and refrain, rather than simply repeating an utterly unnecessary statement that only fills dead air, since YES, we all KNOW that things ARE in fact what they ARE: a dog is a dog, a car is a car, a house is a house, etc. That's by way of agreement, which is accepted.

    However, I asked for an example of a TRUTH offered by Jesus.

    TEC SAID- He said He would be resurrected and return to His Father... that would fall under scientific truths (which i think you are asking about). Can science prove or replicate this? Not yet. We are, after all, still babes in science (maybe elementary school kids)... but Christ is not.

    I asked for a TRUTH, NOT a knowledge claim that must be taken on FAITH. Belief in the resurrection is actually an article of FAITH in Xianity, which is a big HINT that it's not a verifiable FACT (a truth). As Hebrews 11 describes, the idea is that Xian faith is based on the HOPE that Jesus has the power to offer salvation and admittance into Heaven.

    I suspect you're unable to discriminate between beliefs which are based on convictions (perceivable evidence), and beliefs that are based on faith (no evidence). You and I know you weren't there to witness Jesus' resurrection, and how it's dreadfully easy to write fantabulous claims in writings (there's an entire category of literature called 'fiction', where the imagination of the author is used to write stories, sometimes relying on the plot-line of the works of other prior authors).

    One could also argue about what truth means. I feel Jesus was limited by the knowledge available in the first century. He was a prophet. It is unclear whether he himseself saw himself as the Messiah.

    TEC SAID- Christ was not limited by the knowledge available in the first century... but the people who followed Him were limited... as in: limited in what they could understand and accept. But Christ said, "I have much more to tell you, that you cannot yet bear..."

    Yes, here's more chance to blame the humans for being unable to keep up with the 'smoke and mirrors' guy, who spoke obtusely (eg in parables, AKA analogies) to create the impression of knowing stuff which he didn't know in order to give away snake oil cures.

    So I repeat the question: give me ONE example of a FACT that was unknown at the time of Jesus, but that is common knowledge today, and accepted as a FACT; perhaps something Jesus revealed which was something ONLY the Son of God could know, since you believe he was present at the time of creation. Perhaps a TRUTH about how the World operates?
    BTW, Jesus WAS demonstrably wrong on commonly-known facts of biology (eg men don't think with hearts, but with their brains: that was an easy one to clarify; he was wrong on bacteriology and germ theory of disease, since he poo-poohed handwashing and hygenic practices of eating with clean plates, pots, utensils, etc), and cosmology (there is no firmament, the Earth is NOT flat but spherical), etc.

    TEC SAID- Well, the breaking up families is simply a matter of what WILL happen. The truth does divide... because some will cling to their lies and hate the truth and anyone IN the Truth (as Cain hated Abel... not because Abel did anything wrong, but because Abel did what was right while Cain did not do what was right... so he hated his brother).

    Hebrews 11 offers Abel as a hero of faith, so if you actually understood that faith REQUIRES acting without confirmation, you'd realize that your comment above is incorrect: Cain didn't do what was right since he wasn't TOLD what was correct, and Abel ended up acting confidently as if he knew what he didn't know.

    In that regard, you are in fact demonstrating faith quite well, since you are acting like you know stuff which you really don't actually know... As such, you're falling into a long line of bluffers and BSers who decieve others in the name of Jesus.

    TEC said- Christ can help you see and hear the truth to the things that you do not understand... but you have to turn to Him and ask Him for eyes to see and ears to hear... the TRUTH... and that often means disregarding all the things that others have taught you about Him and God... and simply relying upon Him.

    As usual, TECs offering simply a whole lotta hot air and meaningless slogans (deepity) which is devoid of any actual content or logic, AKA jaw-flapping.

    Here's an appropriate video series posted by YouTube user Thunderf00t (who earned a PhD in science) called, "Why people laugh at creationists"


    Another user spliced the many videos together, into a single 4 hour long video:



  • myelaine

    dear Adamah...

    You said: "Ahhh, so you are aware of the brutality of YHWH, but I suppose Xians realized they cannot win many converts to Xianity by telling people, "Look, there's this powerful being who you REALLY don't want to piss off, so you'd better just play along and do as he says, or we're ALL going to be toast..." Instead, you've got to sell the message of the love of Jesus and joy of knowing that YOU are going to be saved, and thus are on the willing team. Screw the rest of humanity, since it's "survival of the fittest" (which ironically is NOT part of evolution: that's a common myth, often perpetuated by those who don't know jack about evolution)."...

    I don't think or speak like that...God condemned man in the garden. It's not a question of "pissing Him off". It's about human nature that has a propensity towards sin whether in thought or deed. God is holy we can not live in the presence of God because we are unholy. The love of God is displayed, not in Him lowering or removing holyness from His person but, giving humans a measure of holyness...He lifts us up. That is love...not beating us when we're down. The gospel message conveys this truth... mankind was condemned by God before we left the garden.

    love michelle

  • adamah

    Myelaine said-

    God is holy we can not live in the presence of God because we are unholy.

    Sorry, elaine, but that's gibberish unless you're willing to define the terms you use, eg what do YOU think 'Holy' means? Try to offer a non-circular definition (eg avoid saying that it's a property of God, which is only rephrasing what you claimed when you said "God is Holy").

    Act like I don't know what the word "holy" refers to.

    Oh, and feel free to take a stab at the question addressed to TEC, as well:

    Give ONE example of a "truth" spoken of by Jesus? I don't mean a generic WISDOM saying, or a reference to the promise of the Kingdom of God, etc, but a useful CONCRETE truth that was later proven to be a fact, i.e. something spoken by Jesus which advanced the knowledge of mankind.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    You make many assumptions what Christians believe. People believe many forms of Christianity. I find it a useful way to question existence. Christ is the norm for my culture. I am certain that other religions have their own paths to God. As I said, I have many questions. Christianity provides me a community where I can ask questions. All Christians are witnesses for Christ. It is not an exceptional statement.

    No, I did not see Jesus resurrected. I accept the stories on one level. Not everything must be viewed literally. People can pick and choose what to believe. You are not the truth police, enforcing "atheism" on all. No one elected you.

    I have read and studied the gospels many times. Do I know the Koine Greek? No. They are a way to grapple with faith questions. Faith is important to many people. B/c you have none does not mean that everyone else is a blithering idot. I respect the views of atheists. People find me competent and educated. It is my choice. I will not engage in whose faith or whose atheism is a purer form. It is obvious that you now believe in atheism. I am on a journey.

    The world does not have to be conquered by atheism. Other people have religious and associational rights. It is a personal decision. I am not stupid. Indeed, I have plenty of company. Respect is nice. Otherwise, I fail to see the difference between an atheist and a JW. Domination of someone else's belief appears to the same. It seems that we were so regimented as Witnesses and not allowed a personal thought that we overcompensate. A zealot is a zealot.

    I truly see no difference between AGuest's orders to obey her voices and attempts to pummel every Christian or any person of faith. Live and let live. It is one thing to argue for your position and another to accuse people of stupidity. I assure you that I am not stupid. It is my choice for myself.

  • adamah

    BOTR said-

    You make many assumptions what Christians believe. People believe many forms of Christianity.

    You didn't read many prior posts in this thread, for on this very page above, I responded to the claim of pigeonholing mrhhome:

    Adam said- This may be a news-flash for you, but with 35,000 flavors of Xianity alone, there are plenty of pigeon holes to go around. In fact, given that many individuals in the same denomination may proclaim quite a divergence of beliefs, I'd say that it's more likely for there to be 7 billion concepts of God out there, which should tell you something: could it be that all these various images of God(s) are actually stemming from the images created in the minds of men? Ya' think?

    So here's a tip: before accusing someone of pigeon-holing, you might want to read their carefully-word explanation of how the onus is on indivduals to explain what their beliefs are BEFORE proceeding, since it's impossible for me to assume anything about what a particular Xian believes, since it's such a hodge-podge of possibile beliefs that fly under the banner.

    The believer has to TELL others what they believe, and just as above with myelaine, we need to carefully define words that are thrown around glibly without giving it a second-thought before proceeding much further. Eg, just last night, I was talking to someone who claimed to believe in the Trinity, but then he described beliefs that were more consistent with NOT believing in the Trinity. He actually held contradictory beliefs, since many believers don't even actually KNOW what they believe, since many have never given all that much thought about the implications until they're asked by someone who knows what the typical doctrinal belief actually is.

    BOTR said- I find it a useful way to question existence. Christ is the norm for my culture. I am certain that other religions have their own paths to God. As I said, I have many questions. Christianity provides me a community where I can ask questions. All Christians are witnesses for Christ. It is not an exceptional statement.

    Thanks for sharing those random observations, but I'm a bit confused: you list the benefits of claiming to believe, but you don't actually say if you believe in Gods and supernatural beings (simply asking questions is not a statement of belief)?

    BOTR said- No, I did not see Jesus resurrected. I accept the stories on one level. Not everything must be viewed literally. People can pick and choose what to believe.

    See, you prove the point I was making above, as how am I supposed to know what every Xianchooses to believe unless they say?

    I choose to live an evidence-based life, where my beliefs FOLLOW the evidence, and as such, I cannot cherry-pick my evidence based on if it supports my pre-accepted beliefs: that's exactly what the WTBTS does by cherry-picking quotes.

    That said, how do you deal with thinking that if Jesus wasn't resurrected LITERALLY (and then ascending after resurrection), it means you're resting hopes on Jesus serving as a personal savior when Jesus couldn't even get himself to Heaven? Then how could Jesus serve as a mediator for anyone else?

    If you mean Jesus' resurrection is 'symbolic', I'd love to hear your explanation for the MEANING of the symbolism of the resurrection.

    BOTR said- You are not the truth police, enforcing "atheism" on all. No one elected you.

    It seems you're dealing with authoritarian issues, as if you feel the need to make such statements (you DO realize that's no different than a petulant child who sticks out their tongue and says, "you're not the boss over me!"). Why would you even feel the need to say that?

    Does asking these types of questions make you uncomfortable?

    Anyway, this site is read by lurking JWs (and ex-JWs) who ARE commonly prone to engaging in magical and superstitious thinking, believing they're entitled to dogmatically believe only what they personally want to believe, and let the facts be damned: that's a personality trait that makes them vulnerable to join into groups of like-minded thinkers. Now if you think their minds can be broken free by persisting in the same illogical thought patterns that led them to conclude that joining a cult was a good idea in the first place, then you and I fundamentally disagree. Breaking the cycle of the cult requires modification of dysfunctional thought patterns, which are part of the multi-factorial problem; part of the "cure" is to abandon magical wishful thinking to gain a new way of looking at reality.

    YES, it's their right to "return to their own vomit", but it's often only a different flavor of the same nonsense they left behind with the JWs (eg we've seen the Brahma Kumaris cult recruiter recently on JWN).

    BOTR said- The world does not have to be conquered by atheism. Other people have religious and associational rights. It is a personal decision. I am not stupid. Indeed, I have plenty of company. Respect is nice. Otherwise, I fail to see the difference between an atheist and a JW. Domination of someone else's belief appears to the same. It seems that we were so regimented as Witnesses and not allowed a personal thought that we overcompensate. A zealot is a zealot.

    I'm guessing you're not a big fan of the saying, "better to ask questions that cannot be answered, than to have questions that cannot be asked"?

    Anyway, I can't make anyone believe anything except by powers of reasoning: note that the JWs and Xians sell their schtick via powers of 'appeals to emotion'. Some people actually enjoy allowing their amygdala to run free and unfettered, allowing their emotional reactions to control their lives. So fine, cest la vie, but it carries the risk of handing over the reins of control to others, who can take advantage of it to play them like a fiddle: that point should be self-evident on an ex-JW board, I'd think?

    BOTR said- I truly see no difference between AGuest's orders to obey her voices and attempts to pummel every Christian or any person of faith. Live and let live. It is one thing to argue for your position and another to accuse people of stupidity. I assure you that I am not stupid. It is my choice for myself.

    And where does rationalism fit into that? So no respect for reality, i.e. what actually IS, vs what you'd LIKE to be true, BOTR? Somewhat surprising for a lawyer not to understand the concept of allowing the evidence to lead the conclusion?

    Fact is, the ones who should be most concerned about what they believe are the individuals themselves; I'm pretty comfortable in my own head, and don't have an irrational fear of death, etc. I lost that when I committed to believing in "stuff" AFTER sufficient evidence was presented, and NOT BEFORE (frees up much space by not falling for conspiracy theories, UFOs, Bildenberg/9/11 plots, fairies, gods, demons, etc).

    You may not realize that I wasn't in the JWs: unlike my sibs, I made a break from the group (father was an UBM) as a teen and got an education, instead of just knocking on doors as an unpaid volunteer of WTBTS. My siblings weren't so fortunate: they gave their lives to serving the JWs, in the name of chasing a New System pipe dream. Talk about wasted potential of lives, all based on believing in Jesus and Jehovah. THAT'S the cost of belief, and don't forget about the ever-mounting death toll caused by JWs who refuse blood transfusion.

    NEVER forget that, as you're starting to come off as just another Xian apologetist who wants to believe what you want to believe, and damn the evidence, since it provides YOU with a serotonin high that makes you feel all warm and loved inside. Such beliefs come at an unknown and incalculable cost to society, so just remember: it's not all about YOU.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I never suggested it was about me. Society runs without either one of us. No one deserves vomit. It is such an ugly statement.

    How do you think I left the Witnesses? I told my mom when I was a teenager to call the police so it sounds like we awakened around the same age. It doesn't make me smarter or brighter than someone who stayed in. I do note that I always questioned authority. Even as a young child, I questioned the wisdom of Armageddon. We lived in a Roman Catholic neighborhood and school prayer was still permitted. A lot of religious things were done in school that would be impermissiblel today.

    My JW family stayed in to the their deaths. I assume my cousins are still Witnesses. Maybe I should see if they have FB accounts. I found it difficult to interact with them b/c they assumed there was only way to view the world. It was easy to respect them as individuals.

    Agressively shoving atheism down people's throats is not going to stop one person from joining the Witnesses. Calling people names is not instructive. Educating people with critical thinking skills is more likely to achieve results. You are waging a military campaign here. We live in a diverse society. WOW- I thought I hated the Witnesses. If individual Witnesses were exposed to better public schools, I believe we would have fewer Witnesses. The WTBTS is very different, IMO. It deliberately misconstrues and lies.

    Of course, you are so much smarter and swift-footed than anyone else on this forum. It is hard for me to take you seriously. Pound. Pound. Pound. Autocrats dont't travel well, whether they are fundamentalists or atheists. We are human. I imagine I have done for my community, large and small, than you. Civility is good. I can tell you one human trait. People are more likely to listen to a civil person than a fist pounding zealot, imposing their will.

    Perhaps something extraordinary happened to you with the Witnesses. This is a discussion forum. It would be boring if we all agreed.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Awww, now Adam, are you trying to mislead by only posting part of what Merriam-Webster has to say about justice?

    Here is the entire posting. The first definition has to do with a court of law. But read on for the full definition. Italics NOT mine.


    noun \ ˈ jəs-təs\

    : the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals

    : a judge in a court of law

    Justice —used as a title for a judge (such as a judge of the U.S. Supreme Court)

    CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago EasyBib

    Full Definition of JUSTICE

    1 a : the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments b : judge c : the administration of law; especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity 2 a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness c : the quality of conforming to law 3 : conformity to truth, fact, or reason : correctness It's fascinating that judges can show mercy when meteing out justice. Your own post here:

    Definition of Mercy (Merriam-Webster):

    a : compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power; also :lenient or compassionate treatment <begged for mercy> b : imprisonment rather than death imposed as penalty for first-degree murder 2 b : a fortunate circumstance <it was a mercy they found her before she froze> 3 : compassionate treatment of those in distress <works of mercy among the poor

    So justice can be merciful.

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