TEC said- Truth is truth... regardless of if you and others want to label some as a 'wisdom saying'... or some about His coming Kingdom.
Holy Hades, TEC: are you still struggling with the Law of Identity (which most people learned as children), since you seemingly feel the need to constantly confirm it?
In logic, the law of identity is the first of the three classical laws of thought. It states that: “each thing is the same with itself and different from another”: “A is A and not ~A”. By this it is meant that each thing (be it a universal or a particular) is composed of its own unique set of characteristic qualities or features, which the ancient Greeks called its essence.
Worse, you seem to think it actually somehow constitutes a valid argument, when anyone can clearly see it's patently obvious, a law of identity, which arguably only constitutes an attempt at circular logic.
So please promise me that next time you feel the urge to repeat silly meaningless phrases like, "the truth is the truth", you'll catch yourself and refrain, rather than simply repeating an utterly unnecessary statement that only fills dead air, since YES, we all KNOW that things ARE in fact what they ARE: a dog is a dog, a car is a car, a house is a house, etc. That's by way of agreement, which is accepted.
However, I asked for an example of a TRUTH offered by Jesus.
Darlin', you are not HEARING what I said, or at least you are reading "truth is truth"... and NOT reading the rest of what I wrote, and so are missing the point.
Truth is truth... regardless of what category you place it under: wisdom truth, about the Kingdom truth, about God truth, about science truth, etc. Different categories, but all truth.
Same as... a dog is a dog, regardless of the breed.
Same as... a car is a car, regardless of the make.
Do you understand my meaning a little better now?
I asked for a TRUTH, NOT a knowledge claim that must be taken on FAITH. Belief in the resurrection is actually an article of FAITH in Xianity, which is a big HINT that it's not a verifiable FACT (a truth). As Hebrews 11 describes, the idea is that Xian faith is based on the HOPE that Jesus has the power to offer salvation and admittance into Heaven.
I will actually refer to my first response to you on this. Since my response will be the same, and hopefully you will understand it better now that I have clarified my meaning above, regarding the 'truth is truth'... regardless of the category.
(Christian faith is based upon Christ, btw... who GIVES hope... of life, forgiveness, salvation.)
I suspect you're unable to discriminate between beliefs which are based on convictions (perceivable evidence), and beliefs that are based on faith (no evidence). You and I know you weren't there to witness Jesus' resurrection, and how it's dreadfully easy to write fantabulous claims in writings (there's an entire category of literature called 'fiction', where the imagination of the author is used to write stories, sometimes relying on the plot-line of the works of other prior authors).
I suspect that you are still unable to understand that faith IS based upon evidence. Faith is based upon what is heard.
The very definition that you still misunderstand uses the word, conviction, when describing faith.
As for the rest, my post was directed to Band. You and I have had those converstations before. Regarding the handwashing thing, the definition of faith, etc. The handwashing was ceremonial (at least it was only ceremonial by this time), and the priests were trying to find fault with Christ's disciples for not ceremonially washing their hands... allowing Christ to teach the truth about those who make a show about being clean on the outside... but inside prove to be unclean. (spiritually clean/unclean, Adamah... not physically, as ceremonial handwashing did nothing to clean hands of germs; just water/no soap/and more than one person using the same water)
Peace to you,