Thing is I want a geuine relationship a women with whom I can feel connected with.But maybe it is not meant to be because I get too scared and feel that they would laugh at me.
by d 82 Replies latest social relationships
Thing is I want a geuine relationship a women with whom I can feel connected with.But maybe it is not meant to be because I get too scared and feel that they would laugh at me.
What kind of interests do you have? What are you hobbies? What do you enjoy?
I think you want normalcy and a relationship like other people. Problem is, you need an agreeable woman to get that. Your first few forays in to this goal did not find an agreeable woman.
I think you need to work on other things (like your re-occurring rage) and leave normal alone for a while. It might just be as you are going about your day, you will bump in to a woman who has the same interests as you.
Don't go in to a relationship on that endless pursuit of normal. Discover a woman, a unique one, who is in to you. Like each other. If she is a good match, she won't be a burden. You will support each other in your dreams.
I agree myself I like history, and poltical sciences and a whole range of other range of interests.
Any Trivial Pursuit fanatics in your neighbourhood? How about followers of Jeopardy? Is there a Jeopardy fan club?
My son's geek interests I was convinced, would not reap him many dateable girls. Then I visited his first city-wide Magic Cards tournament. What did I find there? Magic Card groupies. You couldn't miss them; giggly and flirty.
No matter how estoteric your interest, there will be groupies about. They may not be marriagable material, but I bet they are eminently dateable.
It took me awhile to date. I'm not going to lie and say I was an angel when I left the organization and started dating. I wasn't......I went through a lot of was a repressed reaction to growing up in a cult and being married at 19. At 38, I went bonkers.
It's difficult to navigate. I wish I could say it would be easy to find a great relationship. It isn't. And it's made worse by our lack of experience. However, keep working at it. There are some fantastic people out there that are worth your time!
Thanks daringhart13. I will try to improve myself and thanks as well jgnat. If anybody else has anymore advice please let know.
I get asked out here and there. I usually turn the guys down. I've had bad experience with the guys thinking they are in love with me almost immediately. Infatuation is maybe fun, but also scary.
If you want to find women with similar interests as you, then go to places where you can find them. Do you like books? Libraries, book stores, book clubs, on line book discussion groups.
Here's what always worked for me. I have seen a guy around a few times so he is no longer scary. I could check him out at my leisure. Then he says, "I like your Kix concert t shirt. You like them?" And then I would say yes and we would talk a little more. Then he would say, "You know they are playing at the arena next week? I'm going to see them, yup already got tickets. Wanna come along?"
He was already going, or so he said, so it took the pressure off so it didn't seem like such a big deal as a formal date. Girls get freaked out about the whole formal date thing, too. Keep it casual.