Dear "d" you have a pm all the way from Australia.
by d 82 Replies latest social relationships
Band on the Run
I could not believe the difference between undergrad men and grad/prof'l students. Some of it may be due to your age. Men went from worshipping the single state to desperately wanting to be married and have children within a few short years. Hooking up was the style at my college. We graduated to traditional dates. B'way show and a dinner. I hope some sociology student studied it.
I knew hardly anyone during college. After I was practicing, I kept meeting men who had majored in prelaw subjects. We wondered why we weren't close friends in colllege. I readily recall wailing my heart out. Evidently, they were present. I did not have to travel five blocks to meet them. My undergrad campus had a reputation for being cold. I chose my next school on smiling faces and utter transformations from college. People wrote essays concerning it so it wasn't only me.
I wanted to date but not have a serious boyfriend in college. Maybe it does distract you from school. I could have studied better without all the crying. My biggest fear was a break up while I was working as a professional. I don't believe in the Law of Attraction. You worry about the rare instance where someone hurts you. It does happen. Statistics show that most people stay in committed relationships. Even the divorced people I know tend to see the ex-spouse as the closest person to them.
Band on the Run
Note: Saw Sean Connery off-camera (he thought) at the Academy Awards. I wondered what grave illness struck him. He shleped lifelessly. His tummy way sticking out. Not 007 material at all. The camera changed to a front pose, the curtains opened, and Sean Connery, the superstar emerged. He seemed trim and exuded charisma.
I've seen the same with Misha Barishnikov and a host of other actors. I paid a fortunte to see Barishnikov perform as artistic director on Saturday night. Since I was a novice, I had front orchestra seats. The acclaim from European men was unbelievable. People were following him around the world.
I overheard a mildly attractive blonde in a clunky fur being verbally "knifed" by some producer type. To signal my sympathy, I smiled at her. She smiled at back. The barrage of nastiness was relentess. My attention focus on the blonde's male escort. He could have easily wisked her away with a comment about the weather, getting a cocktail, had to meet relatives, etc. The conversation made it clear the blonde was Jessica Lange. After about five minutes to staring at this low-light boyfriend, I remembered People magazine. The creep was Barishnikov. He was 2" from me. His posture was horrid, no charisma. What a boyfriend-not! I read that he was short and a whole bunch of petite ballerinas were now getting roles. He was miniscule.
It is confidence and charisma. The problem is they take hundreds, if not thousands, of acting lessons. We don't. I've had classmates perform. Unless I have something to do, I attend. It isn't the person I know on stage.
I do too I love and respect women but I feel that many would look at me and scream and run the other. I recently asked a girl out and she just walked away.
yeah--i see what you mean---i think you need to change your avatar---it really sux
by the way--youre going about it all wrong with women--let them chase you--and reject the first 100 or so--just to be on the safe side.
I can not change it I tried.
I need more advice more views please post.
d- have a look at this site: I was just lookin through old threads and it was recommended by another poster here. Don't stress too much- life is a sort of game of snakes & ladders- everything changes, and what seems difficult one year can be very easy the next; or in a couple of years time.
Band on the Run
While this thread is active, let me reveal some items to men here. My gfs from college would settle for any boyfriend and continue to hunt for better pickings. We used to do social things as a group so I was ablel to form friendships with the boyfriend waiting to be dumped. Many times I truly admired the boyfriend. I thought he could do much better than my gf. My gfs assumed that I would liie for them. Rather than make a clean break, they had two or three "exclusive but not exclusive" boyfriends going. They needed a cover. I was the cover. The situation made me angry. People please me broke the news that perhaps they could do better for husbands. I saw no need to cut out the heart of the present boyfriend. No more covering. I would never volunteer that they were on a hot date with boyfriend 3. I would not actively lie. They were my gf. We had a history. I felt responsiility not to play the boyfriend for a chump.
I could never juggle multiple boyfriends with lies. It was a huge character flaw to me. Every relationship they had was posoined. What was so hard about two months on your own. What was sad was that there boyfriends found out in due time. They stayed the same way battered wives stay.
When I was a Witness, men were the enemy. The Witnesses were horrid role models. Dating was wrong. Sexuality was bad. It is a challenge for most of us in the beginning. Perhaps the solution is to date casually at first. I've explained to more men that asking a woman to dance at a mixer has nothing to do with planning a wedding. Men with better social graces dance with many women. The Witnesses made everything too intense. Of course, marriage and children were were losers. Pioneers were needed. No one becomes a sophisticated worldly person over night.
Perhaps you should ask someone more your age? Do you have a friend who lives where you do and could tell you what you might change to help you meet more people? You need a wing man.
I know their is this female who is around my age I like that I am afraid to confront.