Hyprocrisy is the order of the day it seems. I do not know any evangelical atheists. None. And I know a lot of atheists. Are there a few? Of course, and we occasionally read news articles about one of them attempting to counter religious traditions via law, protest, etc., but there are likely very very few of them. Most atheists were born and raised in theism and left it after years of study, research, etc. I do not know of any atheists who left theism because they were angry at god (Kinda not possible is it) or based on a tragedy, etc. As a result, most atheists, having been believers, ARE tolerant. This is a site to discuss religion and the absence of such. Calling out irrational thought processes and un-intellectual comments and responses is going to occur. Get used to it. Grow a pair or develop a better argument.
The very few atheists who are 'evangelical' always result in tons of Xtians whining about mean ole atheists who try to force their agendas down everyone's (Xtians) throats. What utter bullshit. I live in the U.S. and Xtianity has 'imposed' itself down everyone's throats for centuries, via law, culture and tradition. I'm an atheist and I date a Hindu; neither one of us give any thought to the Xtianity around us. The churches, holidays (we love them), traditions, etc. based on relgiion are essentially invisible to us. Xtians don't seem to consider this when they whine. (the Xtians do the exact same thing about gay/lesbian issues for the very few gays/lesbians who are activists. We see it on this board; the Xtians are tired of having the gay 'agenda' forced down everyone's (haters) throats. Hyprocitical bullshit. And stupidity.
Believing is irrational. Believing is the next lowest level of what constititues sentient beings, just barely ahead of feeling. We as humans will never fulfill the potential in our DNA, both genetically due to natural selection and epi-genetically as long as we rely on a carrot stick relgiious approach to force, make or direct us to do the right thing (credit to Spike Lee). Only by doing the right think for no other reason than it is the right thing will humans advance. Religion is in the way of that process. Einstein said as much.
As for this site: I have droned on and on to the whining theists that 90% of the posts are specifically theists or so JW specific that no self respecting atheist should ever participate. That leaves a scant 10 percent or so for all of us to engage. And yet so many theists whine on and on about the mean ole atheists dominating the site. What the eff am I missing here? I log on and typically see NOTHING on which to post. If it weren't for Cofty, Snare, Vivian, OTWO and others I would not participate. Viviane, let's you and I start developing spread sheets and statistics about the OP topics, number of views, posts, etc. so that we can bring some rational thought processes and facts to such inane comments. Not that it would change anything.