What is wrong with this statement?
I have to assume you mean the statement: "I can see maybe enforcing a public wedding chapel business to treat everyone equal, but to force individuals to go against their bible beliefs is just wrong in this country."
What is wrong with it is it would allow this:
I am allowed to keep slaves because of a sincerely held Biblical belief.
I am allowed to sell my children because of a sincerely held Biblical belief.
I am allowed to have multiple wives because of a sincerely held Biblical belief.
I am allowed to stone people to death for what I percieve as offenses against God due to a sincerely held Biblical belief.
As I wrote, we restrict people from practicing sincerely held Biblical beliefs all the time and for good reason. Since no pastor, acting in the capacity of a pastor, is being forced to perform gay marriages, it is a moot point, it's the argumentative equivalent of arguing that you don't believe puppies should be allowed to have driver's license.