Viviane, it is well known that homophobic people tends to hide their same-sex desires behind hatefull anti-gay biases. Leader of UK nazis movement was gay and died of AIDS and have Jewish bf in the closet. Leader of East German neonazi was also gay and died in from AIDS complications in 1990's. I am not sure how many people get preoccupied with thinking what two adults do in their privacy and generally nobody want to know...
Christian Pastors ORDERED to Marry Gays or Face JAIL TIME & FINES $$$
by oneyeopen 118 Replies latest social current
"As far as I know. Do you have any evidence of a church being forced to marry a gay couple? If not, then that point is irrelevant to a public business having to follow the law."
Nope. I do not have any evidence of a church being forced to marry a gay couple. The original discussion was about if churches will soon be forced to marry gay couples.
Since the discussion has now deteriorated into name calling, I have said all I'm going to. Good luck! As Dennis Miller would say, I am outta here!
The answer to that question is probably yes, given how things have went in the past few years. The very fact that Pastors were being forced to turn their sermons over to the government is shocking. 20 years ago, nobody would have thought.
The original discussion was about if churches will soon be forced to marry gay couples.
Absolutely it was not. The OP sais Christian pastors were being forced to perform gay marriages or face jail time. That is blatantly untrue. A for-profit business was simply not allowed to skirt the law.
The answer to that question is probably yes, given how things have went in the past few years.
Why would that be a bad thing? Remember, if you want to make a coherent argument, it can't also be equally applied to black people or women.
The very fact that Pastors were being forced to turn their sermons over to the government is shocking. 20 years ago, nobody would have thought.
Pastors didn't actually have to do that. I can see why you're conservative. You and reality have a tenuous relationship at best.
Viviane, it is well known that homophobic people tends to hide their same-sex desires behind hatefull anti-gay biases.
I know. All the people who hated Brokeback Mountain whilst wearing cowboy hats and talking all the time about gay people is amazing.
Good lord you are worse than the watchtower for comparing apples and oranges. But I am used to it, that seems to be the liberal way to do things, when all else fails you bring up women or blacks to score your brownie points.
You know, discussion on this board would be a lot easier to conduct if people bothered to find out what they're talking about (or what Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow or whoever they're quoting was actually talking about).
The Hitching Post is not a church, it is a business.
The Knapps aren't pastors, they're business owners. They may be ordained, that has nothing to do with their business.
In the Texas case, the city didn't decide to just pry some information from the Pastors. It is requesting documents as part of discovery in a lawsuit filed by the people they want the documents from. If the churches don't want to produce documents required by the court, they can drop the lawsuit.
Good lord you are worse than the watchtower for comparing apples and oranges.
Name a specific example of a comparison you think is wrong and why.
But I am used to it, that seems to be the liberal way to do things, when all else fails you bring up women or blacks to score your brownie points.
Be specific as to why you think gay people should have less rights that black people or women.
I don't believe they should less rights than anyone else, I believe everyone should have rights.