drongoes? Steve2
Christian Pastors ORDERED to Marry Gays or Face JAIL TIME & FINES $$$
by oneyeopen 118 Replies latest social current
MASH.....now you are pissing me off because you are an idiot. You just don't get it do you? Taking the side of freedom of religion is not homophobic and/or racist.
"Gay people have gained a lot of acceptance, but they lose support when they try to ramrod their beliefs down people's throats who simply believe differently." by AlphaMan
"Here you suggest that 'gay people' (generalising is a sure fire sign of homophobia) wanting to get married is not a desire for them to express love for one another, but an effort to "ramrod their beliefs down people's throats". "Also, being gay is not a belief. What exactly do you think "their beliefs" are? by MASH
So now simply refering to "gay people" is a sure sign of homophobia? LOL If gay people believe they can legally marry, then I would assume that is a belief. To FORCE someone to marry them that has a conscience religious matter against it is RAMRODING their belief down their throat. You are beyond stupid now. Do not refer to me as a homophobic racist again.
"However, according to city officials and the lawsuit itself, the Hitching Post filed papers with the Idaho Secretary of State identifying itself as a religious corporation on Oct. 6, the day before the 9th Circuit struck down Idaho’s ban. The city’s ordinance explicitly states that religious corporations are exempt from the law.
The lawsuit came as a surprise to city officials, who described conversations with the Knapps up until last week as “cordial.”
“We have never threatened them. We have never sent them a letter warning them. There was no ‘we’re going to throw you in jail’ kind of stuff. So we were mildly surprised, well, totally surprised by the lawsuit,” City Attorney Mike Gridley told The Huffington Post.
This is Plan B. It was all trumped up by the religious right organizations who can no longer prevent (Plan A) Gay Marriage........In short there's nothing to this.
I really "couldn't care less" about you being pissed off. No one has called you racist and yet again you claim it, do you have a persecution complex?
You must have a very simple grasp of language to assume that I was suggesting "simply refering to "gay people" is a sure sign of homophobia". Do you need everything explained to you? You generalised when you lumped gay people together when you said "but theylose support when theytry to ramrod theirbeliefs down people's throats who simply believe differently."
"Taking the side of freedom of religion is not homophobic."
Freedom of religion is complex and is about more than allowing the practice of religion, however allowing churches to discriminate against Gay people is homophobic. How can you say otherwise?
Are there any other minority groups that you support discrimination against under the guise of religious freedom? Is so, who are they? If not, why make a special case for gay people?
Okay, in repsonse to the question "Why would two homosexuals want to be married in a church that does not approve of homosexuality"?, I would lke to pass on a theory that I heard on a popular radio program. And let me also say up front that I am neither homosexual nor christian, so I don't have a dog in this fight!
If a church does not want to perform a marriage ceremony for a homosexual couple, there are plenty of churches that will gladly do so. So, why doesn't the couple in question merely go to one of the churches that will?
There is a small segment of the homosexual community that is decidedly militant in their politics. Their purpose in targeting specific churches is to bring them down and put them out of business. By yelling DISCRIMINATION and asking them to do something that they know very well is against their beliefs, they want to drive them out of business.
Now, before anybody goes insulting me or calling me names, again, I just want to let you know that I am passing along what I heard. I don't know if it is true or not. It is a very popular radio show, someone else reading this may have heard it also!
Drongoes = Australian slang for dimwits.
apostrate - I completely agree with you.
If a church does not want to perform a marriage ceremony for a homosexual couple, there are plenty of churches that will gladly do so. So, why doesn't the couple in question merely go to one of the churches that will?
There is a small segment of the homosexual community that is decidedly militant in their politics. Their purpose in targeting specific churches is to bring them down and put them out of business. By yelling DISCRIMINATION and asking them to do something that they know very well is against their beliefs, they want to drive them out of business.
I don't know about militant gay politics being involved in this or not In my opinion the more churches that go out of business the better, but while still in business I will support their right to not be bullied against their sincere beliefs. If a Pastor didn't want to marry me and my BF, I would simply move onto finding one that would. There is nothing good accomplished by bullying someone into doing something that their conscience does not permit them to do. You get more respect from people when you don't try to force your beliefs or opinion on them. You also get more respect for sticking to your beliefs.
I will tell you one thing, debating with those of the liberal agenda is very similiar to the Watchtower. They can twist the bible just like the JW's and almost give them a run for their money. It seems that in my debates with them, my experience with the Watchtower has helped me to see their tactics beforehand and know what kind of response they will give. I believe no one should be forced to perform in any marriage ceremony that involves a strong moral component that they find repugnant.
I've been to at least two weddings at The Hitching Post. I have in-laws in Coeur d'Alene and I'm very familiar with the place.
The Hitching Post is a for profit business. The only things you need to get married there are a valid marriage license and the fee. They do not ask any questions about your religious beliefs. You do not have to be a member of any church. There is no membership at The Hitching Post, any more than you have to a member of something to get married by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas. I believe they claim to have married 35,000 couples there. I had no idea the owners of the place had any religious affliation until this story broke. If they want to be pastors, they should start a church. If they want to act as officers of the state by signing marriage licenses (a legal document) they have to follow the law.