Christian Pastors ORDERED to Marry Gays or Face JAIL TIME & FINES $$$

by oneyeopen 118 Replies latest social current

  • Viviane

    There is a small segment of the homosexual community that is decidedly militant in their politics.


    Their purpose in targeting specific churches is to bring them down and put them out of business.

    Churches aren't in business, if they are, then they aren't a church.

    By yelling DISCRIMINATION and asking them to do something that they know very well is against their beliefs, they want to drive them out of business.

    It is discrimination.

  • Viviane

    I will tell you one thing, debating with those of the liberal agenda is very similiar to the Watchtower.

    No pastor is being forced to perform gay marriages in a church.

    They can twist the bible just like the JW's and almost give them a run for their money.

    The Bible doesn't need twisting. It's pretty horrible on it's own.

    It seems that in my debates with them, my experience with the Watchtower has helped me to see their tactics beforehand and know what kind of response they will give.

    Stereotype much? You might as well claim anyone in a cowboy hat is a secretly gay racist.

    I believe no one should be forced to perform in any marriage ceremony that involves a strong moral component that they find repugnant.

    All beliefs are not equal. Yours is found wanting.

  • oneyeopen

    DJS: Maybe all this would not have become such an "issue" had the gay communities kept their bedroom practices EXACTLY where they belong in the bedroom. & not forcing their "Lifestyle" on Society at large. They have a tendancy to "really" put it in your face running around telling everyone and making a show of themselves. They always seem to have this tendancy to let "everyone" know what their sexual orientation is. In comparison to straights, there's no need for us to run around telling everyone in Society that we are heterosexual.

  • Viviane

    DJS: Maybe all this would not have become such an "issue" had the gay communities kept their bedroom practices EXACTLY where they belong in the bedroom. & not forcing their "Lifestyle" on Society at large.

    The LGBT community is not running around having sex in public nor forcing anyone to be gay.

    They have a tendancy to "really" put it in your face running around telling everyone and making a show of themselves.

    So do heterosexual people. So what?

    They always seem to have this tendancy to let "everyone" know what their sexual orientation is.

    Actually, they don't, not any more that heterosexual people do. Are you also in favor of heterosexual people hiding their sexual orientation?

    In comparison to straights, there's no need for us to run around telling everyone in Society that we are heterosexual.

    There was no actual comparison there and, even had you attempted one, heterosexual people let their sexuality be known at a very high rate. I assume you also want that practice to stop? How would you suggest either set of people hide it? What do you consider "running around telling everyone"? Please be specific.

  • apostrate


    You make some valid points. Please remember that I am just relaying what I heard on the radio. It's no big secret, it was Rush Limbaughs show. I heard that a couple of months ago, and as I do not have a photographic memory, I wasn't quoting verbatim. Those may not have been the exact words Limbaugh used but the meaning was the same. I should note that I am NOT a ditto-head, I do not listen to him very often and I do not agree with everything the man says.

    Again, I am neutral in this battle, but please let me ask you this, you are right, churches are not (supposedly) a business. So, not being a business, don't they have a right to decide whom they choose to wed? If a couple of Catholics ask a Jehovahs Witness to perform their wedding ceremony in the Kingdom Hall, I'd be willing to bet that the elder would graciously decline (not before offering them some literature and a free Bible Study, of course!)

    Is that actually discrimination? Don't most religions cater to those of their own faith? (I know JW's are not really a religion, they are a book publishing business) but c'mon, play along here for the sake of the discusion!

  • Viviane

    So, not being a business, don't they have a right to decide whom they choose to wed?

    As far as I know. Do you have any evidence of a church being forced to marry a gay couple? If not, then that point is irrelevant to a public business having to follow the law.

  • Perry

    People like MASH will seek to mash anyone in their way unless confonted. They have little sense of fairness and seek destruction. People can no longer take Western notions of fairness for granted.


    In Europe churches are starting to being forced to perform same sex unions in a Christian Church.

  • Viviane

    People like MASH will seek to mash anyone in their way unless confonted. They have little sense of fairness and seek destruction. People can no longer take Western notions of fairness for granted.

    Says the person who threatens your death by God when confronted with reality.

    Shoo, fly.

  • Junction-Guy

    There are ways he could get around this ruling. He could change his business to a church, make people getting married sign some kind of declaration that they have joined the church (if only temporary), and that they abide by the church's doctrine. Once they are married, they are free to disassociate if they like. I can think of plenty of ways he could legally get around this. The point is he shouldn't have to--this is America. 20 years ago if someone predicted this would happen, they would have been laughed at. It just goes to show you how the slippery slope argument is real.

  • Perry

    Western fainess demands that God does his job after we are done here. In fact ANY sense of JUSTICE demands this. Otherwise, there is no justice and there is no God.

    While we are here, Christians are mandated to love others not like themselves , and as far as humanely possible, get along with people and love them as we love ourselves.

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