Howdy Cowboy!
Thanks for the joke - love this thread. Have you noticed that we all get along in here - and I don't get along with everyone. Even if your joke happens to be a repeat - no big deal. We just like to chuckle anyway.
Liked your comments on cow/pig AI (not the movie).
The next joke is for Hawkaw (he has the research thread on Joseph Priestley going on). Priestley was a scientist "slightly" misquoted by the WTBTS to back up their stance on non-blood. He was also the founder of the Unitarian Church. Hopefully, it's the same church as my subject joke?
You might be a Unitarian Universalist if . . .
. . . you thought Rush Limbaugh was a big fat idiot even before the book came out.
. . . you address prayers "To Whom it May Concern":
. . . you gave more money to the Sierra Club last year than you spent on your mother at Christmas.
. . . you think of the "Ten Commandments" as the "ten suggestions."
. . . you are uncertain about the gender of God.
. . . you might be related to Richard Nixon but your family is paying to have it hushed up.
. . . you get dressed for a formal evening out and you wear a little black dress, pearls, and Birkenstocks.
. . . you've actually been in a discussion about whether or not breast milk is vegan.
. . . you have big dental bills from grinding your teeth while arguing that the ACLU was correct for defending the KKK's right to march.
. . . you gave up pot in the 70s because nobody could guarantee it was organic.
. . . the most religious thing you do is face the sunrise and drink coffee.
. . . the vanity plate on your pickup reads "Thoreau."
. . . you think the real trinity is "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle."
. . . you would rather talk about heaven than go to heaven.
. . . on Sunday morning you'd really rather stay home with a cup of coffee and the New York Times but you go to church for fear you'll miss something interesting.
Till next chuckle.......