Insight Book LIES - then tells the TRUTH!

by BoogerMan 147 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidqun

    Above chronology agrees with secular and Bible chronology. Rolf Furuli also tried his best to push Watchtower Chronology, but he failed miserably. Carl Olof Johnson demolished his arguments. Perhaps you should take a look at his "The Gentile Times Reconsidered." Broaden your horizons. If you find a discrepency in his writings, let me know and we'll discuss it. This is the key. I see the NW1984 error was incorporated into "The Silver Sword" (2013 edition).

    For this is what Jehovah has said, In accord with the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon [for Babylon, CSB, ESV, CSBO, NABO] I shall turn my attention to YOU people, and I will establish toward YOU my good word in bringing YOU back to this place. (Jer. 29:10 NW)

  • Jeffro
    1. Was Jerusalem destroyed in 586 or 587 BCE?

    You’re still banging that drum? 🥱 It was 587 BCE.
    2. Why have you and Ptolemy omitted any reference to the missing 7 years of Neb's regnal vacancy?

    There are no missing 7 years. The contemporary records confirm a known continuous reign. But since you’re so intent on wanting to know specific years, specify the actual range of 7 years you’re referring to.

    Says who? You are no expert or authority on ancient Babylonian astronomy.

    🤣 Just because you don’t understand solstices, it doesn’t mean other people don’t. ‘scholar’ is wilfully ignorant, but for honest readers: VAT 4956 (line 16 on the front) indicates the summer solstice on the 9th day of the 3rd month. During the Neo-Babylonian period, the Julian date of the summer solstice must fall within the range of 27–30 June. For 568 BCE, the 9th day of the 3rd month corresponds to 29 June, exactly as expected. However, because the Watch Tower Society claims that Nisanu of 588 BCE began on 3 May, this would require that the summer solstice occurred on 9 July, which is impossible.

    Now, since ‘scholar’ is so concerned about credentials and expertise, what are the identities of the “researchers” who the Watch Tower Society says analysed the lunar eclipse observations in VAT 4956?

  • scholar


    You’re still banging that drum? 🥱 It was 587 BCE.


    Many scholars including prominent chronologists and archaeologists prefer 586 BCE


    There are no missing 7 years. The contemporary records confirm a known continuous reign. But since you’re so intent on wanting to know specific years, specify the actual range of 7 years you’re referring to.


    Not according to the prophet Daniel.


    Just because you don’t understand solstices, it doesn’t mean other people don’t. ‘scholar’ is wilfully ignorant, but for honest readers: VAT 4956 (line 16 on the front) indicates the summer solstice on the 9th day of the 3rd month. During the Neo-Babylonian period, the Julian date of the summer solstice must fall within the range of 27–30 June. For 568 BCE, the 9th day of the 3rd month corresponds to 29 June, exactly as expected. However, because the Watch Tower Society claims that Nisanu of 588 BCE began on 3 May, this would require that the summer solstice occurred on 9 July, which is impossible.


    Not according to the scholarship of Dr. Rolf Furuli who argues otherwise.


    Now, since ‘scholar’ is so concerned about credentials and expertise, what are the identities of the “researchers” who the Watch Tower Society says analysed the lunar eclipse observations in VAT 495

    Well Furuli does mention the astro programs that he used and the WT researchers used the following astro programs:

    The Sky6

    Cartes du Ciel'Sky Charts

    Data Converter-US.N aval Observatory

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Above chronology agrees with secular and Bible chronology. Rolf Furuli also tried his best to push Watchtower Chronology, but he failed miserably. Carl Olof Johnson demolished his arguments. Perhaps you should take a look at his "The Gentile Times Reconsidered." Broaden your horizons. If you find a discrepency in his writings, let me know and we'll discuss it. This is the key. I see the NW1984 error was incorporated into "The Silver Sword" (2013 edition).


    No, it does not. Bible Chronology proves a gap of 20 years between the Bible and secular chronology plus the missing 7 years of Neb's reign.

    COJ failed to disprove 607 BCE despite his 17 lines of evidence. I have all of COJ's editions of his GTR even having an autographed copy of his Third Edition.

    The major flaw in COJ's thesis is that he failed to recognize the historical reality of the Jewish Exile which makes his historicism null and void.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    There are three major flaws in COJ's thesis in his GTR:

    1. No discussion of the Jewish Exile

    2. That the 70 years solely was a period of Babylonish domination

    3. Interpretation of the 70 years based on the principal texts.

    Further, I have discussed this subject over many decades with the following:

    Carl Jonsson

    Alan Fuerbacher

    Doug Mason - a friend

    Jeffro who remains anonymous as with the WT researchers

    Other contributors

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro

    🤣🤣😂🤣 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣

  • Jeffro

    Note that ‘scholar’ did not address these requests for specific information:

    • the actual range of 7 years you’re referring to.
    • the identities of the “researchers” who the Watch Tower Society says analysed the lunar eclipse observations in VAT 4956.

    He also did not respond to the actual facts that confirm Jerusalem’s destruction in 587 BCE or the details of the solstice referenced in VAT 4956.

    Instead he made vague trite appeals to tradition, religious dogma, and fallacious appeals to authority.


    I used Cartes du Ciel to check all the observations of VAT 4956. 588 BCE is not a valid candidate.

    See page 17 of Divided Kingdom Timeline and page 20 of JW Timeline.

  • Duran
    Duran everything you say...

  • scholar


    Note that ‘scholar’ did not address these requests for specific information.


    The seven years of Neb are presented as the seven times or seen years in Dan 4.

    The identity of the WT researchers is not disclosed but sincere inquirers could write to WT for further information.


    There are no facts that clearly establish 587 as opposed to 586 BCE for if this was the case then 587 nBCE would be universally endorsed by current scholarship.


    used Cartes du Ciel to check all the observations of VAT 4956. 588 BCE is not a valid candidate


    You are then in good company with the WT researchers.

    scholar JW

    'overturning strongly entrenched things' - 2 Cor. 10:4


  • Jeffro


    Notice how the tedious apologist continues to ignore the actual facts provided that demonstrate his claims to be false.

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