Just because Jehovah had to prove His Right To Rule? I don't think so!

by liam 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TonusOH

    God's own definition of himself does not seem to change the problem, because his actions don't align with someone who is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, loving, faithful, and so on. Indeed, those descriptions are followed by the claim that he will unjustly burden children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren for the sins of their forebears. Sins which wouldn't exist in a world created by a loving and compassionate being.

    The only change is that we can now affirm that scripture is at odds with itself, which reinforces the point I made.

  • Halcon
    God's own definition of himself does not seem to change the problem, because his actions don't align with someone who is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, loving, faithful, and so on.

    On the contrary, God's very explicit self definition solves the problem of what exactly he is capable of doing minus the confusion caused by man.

    You can either choose everlasting reward, or everlasting punishment. The choice is ours.

  • Duran
    The choice is ours.


    Adam and Eve did not choose to be created.

    I or my wife did not choose to be born.

    God choose to created Adam and Eve (Assuming if story is true.)

    My parents (mother) choose to have the baby that they conceived together (me).

    Likewise, my wife's parents (her mother) choose to have the baby they conceived together (her).

    My wife and I choose to have NO children. Why? I suppose we could say out of LOVE for the non-existent child/life.

    If the Bible is true, we are told that this world is in the power of the evil one, Satan, and that suffering is unavoidable in this world under his rule. We are told to pray for a ruler to come that will end Satan's rule and along with that, will end all suffering.

    Well for my wife and I it is a no brainer; we didn't have a choice in our being brought into this world of suffering under Satan's rule, but we sure as hell had/have a choice NOT to bring a child into this suffering world. We chose not to subject any child/life to suffering.

    If the Bible is not true, the above remains the same when it pertains to me and my wife. The world is still shit and full of suffering and by choice we chose not to subject any child/life to it.

    Anybody who chooses to have children knowing that they are brought into a world where they WILL suffer... well I guess you could say they are no better or worse than God in that regard.

  • TonusOH

    Halcon: On the contrary, God's very explicit self definition solves the problem of what exactly he is capable of doing minus the confusion caused by man.

    But it does not resolve the contradiction of how he defines himself versus the way his actions define him. The confusion comes from trying to square that circle. God's actions are not the actions of someone who is loving, compassionate, merciful, and so on. In short, he defines himself out of possible existence.

  • Halcon
    The confusion comes from trying to square that circle. God's actions are not the actions of someone who is loving, compassionate, merciful, and so on.

    Yet the scriptures state Jesus healed a man's useless hand, healed a crippled's legs so he could walk again... restored the eyesight of another....raised a little girl from the dead who's father had become inconsolable...

  • Halcon
    Duran-Anybody who chooses to have children knowing that they are brought into a world where they WILL suffer... well I guess you could say they are no better or worse than God in that regard.

    The common mistake of confusing God with man, as you did above. You are correct tho, you were powerless in coming into existence, whereas God was powerful for bringing you into it.

  • liam
    .Halcon; raised a little girl from the dead who's father had become inconsolable...

    That account is found in two Gospels; Luke 8 and Mark 5. Here's my question. In Both accounts all the people at the house are crying and wailing loudly saying the girl is dead.

    Jesus tells them the girl is NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPING.

    Luke 8:52 Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.”

    Mark 5:39 He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” 40 But they laughed at him.

    Jesus is the TRUTH....He has no Sin......He cannot LIE.

    The People are sinners....they are prone to lie..........they were not doctors.

    So who do we believe? Jesus to tell the truth, or the People who said she had died?

    If we believe Jesus tells the truth, then The Girl was not dead because Jesus said so.

    The people who said she had died were all lying because of ignorance.


    TWO; a widows son during a funeral.

    Ever heard of the Lazarus Effect?
    Earlier this week, family members of 76-year-old Bella Montoya gathered to mourn her at a funeral parlor in Ecuador. About five hours into the funeral, they heard a strange sound coming from the coffin.
    When family members opened the coffin, they found Montoya gasping for air. Paramedics returned her to the hospital where, only hours earlier, she had been declared “dead” by doctors due to complications with a stroke. Montoya remains in the hospital in intensive care.
    While we only hope that incidents like these remain few and far between, Montoya is hardly the first person to “come to life” in a coffin at a funeral home. According to CNN, earlier this year, an 82-year-old woman was pronounced dead at a nursing home on Long Island, NY, only to be discovered breathing at the funeral parlor a few hours later. Luckily, in these cases, the two were found alive before premature burials.

    That leaves only one more, Lazarus. Why was he only resurrected among friends that knew the family? If God wanted everyone to know He was sent by God or was God, why not resurrected Several people from the graveyard who had been dead for years and their bodies already decomposed. No greater testimony could be given as a witness that Jesus had the power to resurrected those dead for years and restore their body and mind intact.

    If that would have been done publicly for all to see, even the Romans would have bend their knees to Jesus and worship him right then and there. People would be coming from all over the world to see such a man perform such miracles.

    God's Kingdom could start right then and there and all the suffering, death, child sex abuse, could have been avoided for the past 2000 years.

    It would be a paradise baby!

  • Halcon
    Liam-So who do we believe? Jesus to tell the truth, or the People who said she had died?
    If we believe Jesus tells the truth, then The Girl was not dead because Jesus said so.
    The people who said she had died were all lying because of ignorance.

    Jesus also said that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart.

    Did it matter if that man actually had physical sex with the woman?

  • Duran
    The common mistake of confusing God with man, as you did above. You are correct tho, you were powerless in coming into existence, whereas God was powerful for bringing you into it.

    There is no confusing the two on my part and he didn't bring me into it.

  • Halcon
    Duran- There is no confusing the two on my part

    Yet you compared a man that brings a child into this world of suffering...with God.

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